Floaters, cobwebs & few flashes of light :-((( Need hugs!
(too old to reply)
2013-01-29 14:30:05 UTC

I have had floaters and cobwebs in my left eye since yesterday afternoon.
My ophthalmologist will not be in his office until Feb. 4th. I am going to
my GP in a little while to get a referral to another ophthalmologist so
he/she can look at my eye. I have had a few light flashes also this
morning. Just need some hugs again and some support. I will keep you
updated when I can. Tomorrow are my thyroid tests and I WILL NOT cancel if
it kills me to go. :-) These tests are very, very important to me. Thank
you everyone!


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2013-01-29 19:36:26 UTC
Post by Diane
I have had floaters and cobwebs in my left eye since yesterday afternoon.
My ophthalmologist will not be in his office until Feb. 4th. I am going
to my GP in a little while to get a referral to another ophthalmologist so
he/she can look at my eye. I have had a few light flashes also this
morning. Just need some hugs again and some support. I will keep you
updated when I can. Tomorrow are my thyroid tests and I WILL NOT cancel
if it kills me to go. :-) These tests are very, very important to me.
Thank you everyone!
I developed a floater and small cobweb thing in my left eye too about 7 or 8
years ago. I knew what it was as my sister in law had a floater in her eye a
couple of years before me. Some people get them and some never get them. My
mother even in her 90's never had any, but she had good health most of her
life, unlike me. Also a few light flashes once in a while may mean
something, or could mean nothing. But best to get it checked out for your
own peace of mind. See what your GP thinks. If he
thinks you should be see an opthalmologist immediately or if you can wait
till Feb. 4. If opthalmologists are as scarce in Windsor as they are in
Toronto, you will be lucky to get any at short notice. Yes, go to your
thyroid tests. Very important. I may have a thyroid problem according to
blood tests I had a year ago, but not that bad for now, but something to
keep a close watch on. So many women seem to have thyroid problems. Best

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2013-01-29 23:43:28 UTC

Hi Mary,
Post by Mary
I developed a floater and small cobweb thing in my left eye too about 7 or
8 years ago. I knew what it was as my sister in law had a floater in her
eye a couple of years before me. Some people get them and some never get
them. My mother even in her 90's never had any, but she had good health
most of her life, unlike me. Also a few light flashes once in a while may
mean something, or could mean nothing.
I am really so sorry you had those too, Mary. I take it you never had
anything wrong with your eye after that or you would have told me. Thank

But best to get it checked out for your
Post by Mary
own peace of mind. See what your GP thinks. If he
thinks you should be see an opthalmologist immediately or if you can wait
till Feb. 4. If opthalmologists are as scarce in Windsor as they are in
Toronto, you will be lucky to get any at short notice.
I am going to post in a few minutes what happened today. I don't have
enough patience or time to re-write it now. LOL

Yes, go to your
Post by Mary
thyroid tests. Very important. I may have a thyroid problem according to
blood tests I had a year ago, but not that bad for now, but something to
keep a close watch on. So many women seem to have thyroid problems. Best
Oh, I am soooo sorry, Mary, that you have something too with your thyroid,
but glad that you don't need anything done right at the moment! Yes, keep a
close watch on it. I WILL be going tomorrow for the tests. Thank you for
your support. I always appreciate it, Mary.
Post by Mary

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2013-01-31 00:05:55 UTC
Post by Diane
Hi Mary,
Post by Mary
I developed a floater and small cobweb thing in my left eye too about 7
or 8 years ago. I knew what it was as my sister in law had a floater in
her eye a couple of years before me. Some people get them and some never
get them. My mother even in her 90's never had any, but she had good
health most of her life, unlike me. Also a few light flashes once in a
while may mean something, or could mean nothing.
I am really so sorry you had those too, Mary.
The floaters I have don't bother me that much. you get used to them. I only
have two floaters and a small cobweb thing you might call it. I've had them
several years and they have not gone away and most don't from what I have
read but they a little and your brain adapts to seeing them in so you don't
notice them unless you make a point to notice them. You might want to do a
search on google and you can get a good idea of different points of view
about floaters. Here is one medical site about floaters which I sometimes
look up medical issues - http://www.medicinenet.com/eye_floaters/page5.htm -
I do a lot of medical searches on the internet. Its been an interest of mine
since my young days.

I take it you never had
Post by Diane
anything wrong with your eye after that or you would have told me. Thank
It will be a while before I know if my eye surgery was successful or not. It
is supposed to be surgery that is 95% successful, but in a few cases the
same surgery has to be done again, which is what I got done by a different
eye surgeon in November. I went to my regular eye doctor a few weeks ago and
he said it looked ok, but there are a few eyelashes which might bother you
and I said what does that mean and he said they might needt to be pulled out
but only if they bothered me. He also said the surgery is 95% successful,
but there are times it may come back. I guess he's covering himself as he
was the original eye surgeon who did the surgery which had to be done again.
I felt like saying how many times does it need to be done to be completely
successful. Its a very nasty and painful surgery. Until a few years go by
with no problems this time, I won't be completely satisfied that it was
Post by Diane
Yes, go to your
Post by Mary
thyroid tests. Very important. I may have a thyroid problem according to
blood tests I had a year ago, but not that bad for now, but something to
keep a close watch on. So many women seem to have thyroid problems. Best
Oh, I am soooo sorry, Mary, that you have something too with your thyroid,
but glad that you don't need anything done right at the moment! Yes, keep
a close watch on it. I WILL be going tomorrow for the tests. Thank you
for your support. I always appreciate it, Mary.
I haven't done anything so far about my thyroid. I will see when I next get
blood tests for it.

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2013-01-31 14:51:52 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
<snipped more>
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
I am really so sorry you had those too, Mary.
The floaters I have don't bother me that much. you get used to them. I
only have two floaters and a small cobweb thing you might call it. I've
had them several years and they have not gone away and most don't from
what I have read but they a little and your brain adapts to seeing them in
so you don't notice them unless you make a point to notice them. You might
want to do a search on google and you can get a good idea of different
points of view about floaters. Here is one medical site about floaters
which I sometimes look up medical issues -
http://www.medicinenet.com/eye_floaters/page5.htm - I do a lot of medical
searches on the internet. Its been an interest of mine since my young
Yes, I read that you can adapt to them and that they tend to *fall* down
into your lower lid eventually, not in your line of vision anymore. I hope
mine will do the same. Right now, I am getting used to seeing them just
floating there way around my eye. :-) Thank you so much for the link,
Mary. I will read it later on. I also have been doing searches online
since about April 2012. But, I used to search anyway in the past. It's
just that it really became necessary since April.
Post by Mary
I take it you never had
Post by Diane
anything wrong with your eye after that or you would have told me. Thank
It will be a while before I know if my eye surgery was successful or not.
It is supposed to be surgery that is 95% successful, but in a few cases
the same surgery has to be done again, which is what I got done by a
different eye surgeon in November. I went to my regular eye doctor a few
weeks ago and he said it looked ok, but there are a few eyelashes which
might bother you and I said what does that mean and he said they might
needt to be pulled out but only if they bothered me. He also said the
surgery is 95% successful, but there are times it may come back. I guess
he's covering himself as he was the original eye surgeon who did the
surgery which had to be done again. I felt like saying how many times does
it need to be done to be completely successful. Its a very nasty and
painful surgery. Until a few years go by with no problems this time, I
won't be completely satisfied that it was successful.
I really hope this is it for you now, Mary. I don't blame you. You've had
it done now twice. I would feel the same way.
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Yes, go to your
Post by Mary
thyroid tests. Very important. I may have a thyroid problem according to
blood tests I had a year ago, but not that bad for now, but something to
keep a close watch on. So many women seem to have thyroid problems. Best
Oh, I am soooo sorry, Mary, that you have something too with your
thyroid, but glad that you don't need anything done right at the moment!
Yes, keep a close watch on it. I WILL be going tomorrow for the tests.
Thank you for your support. I always appreciate it, Mary.
I haven't done anything so far about my thyroid. I will see when I next
get blood tests for it.
Okay Mary. Let me know if and when that happens, okay? Keep me updated
when you can. I am really interested. Stay well and stay warm!
Post by Mary

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2013-01-31 21:39:17 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
The floaters I have don't bother me that much. you get used to them. I
only have two floaters and a small cobweb thing you might call it. I've
had them several years and they have not gone away and most don't from
what I have read but they a little and your brain adapts to seeing them
in so you don't notice them unless you make a point to notice them. You
might want to do a search on google and you can get a good idea of
different points of view about floaters. Here is one medical site about
floaters which I sometimes look up medical issues -
http://www.medicinenet.com/eye_floaters/page5.htm - I do a lot of medical
searches on the internet. Its been an interest of mine since my young
Yes, I read that you can adapt to them and that they tend to *fall* down
into your lower lid eventually, not in your line of vision anymore. I
hope mine will do the same.
Mine are still in the same spots as they were several years ago when I first
got them. They have not fallen down to my lower lid, but maybe some peoplels
do. I only have two spots where I can see them and only if I try to notice
them. one is at the top left . its a kind of dark circle, and sometimes
moves over to the middle of my vision but usually goes back to the left side
of my eye, and a a " light cobweb one about midway on the left side between
my upper and lower eyelid. They are easier to see against a light
background. They do not move around much. They do not bother me much. They
are only in my left eye, and hope thats all I get. There are much worse
things than a couple of floaters to worry about, believe me :) The one thing
to watch for is if they suddenly increase to a lot more floaters. Then you
need to see an eye doctor.
Post by Diane
Right now, I am getting used to seeing them just floating there way around
my eye. :-)
Mine just float around a little. you will soon get used to them and won't
even notice them. the only time I notice them is against a light background
like looking out in bright weather, or a painted white wall. Otherwise, I
don't notice them at all, plus your brain adapts to them being there and you
forget all about them.

Thank you so much for the link,
Post by Diane
Mary. I will read it later on. I also have been doing searches online
since about April 2012. But, I used to search anyway in the past. It's
just that it really became necessary since April.
The Internet has a lot of very good medical sites. I've done searches since
I';ve been on the Internet which is about 15 years, so I am familiar with
the more reliable websites, especially medical websites. The Internet is so
and so full of information. some information is junk, especially about
medical issues, but you eventually get to know what are the valid websites
and where to find Medical articles taken from medical journals. Its good to
go to several sites to compare, not just one site. Before the Internet when
I had medical issues I wanted to look up, I would have to go to the library.
Now, its much easier with the Internet right in front of us - those of us
lucky enough to have computers. :<)
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
I take it you never had
Post by Diane
anything wrong with your eye after that or you would have told me.
Thank goodness!
It will be a while before I know if my eye surgery was successful or not.
It is supposed to be surgery that is 95% successful, but in a few cases
the same surgery has to be done again, which is what I got done by a
different eye surgeon in November. I went to my regular eye doctor a few
weeks ago and he said it looked ok, but there are a few eyelashes which
might bother you and I said what does that mean and he said they might
needt to be pulled out but only if they bothered me. He also said the
surgery is 95% successful, but there are times it may come back. I guess
he's covering himself as he was the original eye surgeon who did the
surgery which had to be done again. I felt like saying how many times
does it need to be done to be completely successful. Its a very nasty and
painful surgery. Until a few years go by with no problems this time, I
won't be completely satisfied that it was successful.
I really hope this is it for you now, Mary. I don't blame you. You've
had it done now twice. I would feel the same way.
Thanks Diane. I certainly hop so too. Twice was more than enough.
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Yes, go to your
Post by Mary
thyroid tests. Very important. I may have a thyroid problem according
to blood tests I had a year ago, but not that bad for now, but
something to keep a close watch on. So many women seem to have thyroid
problems. Best wishes.
Oh, I am soooo sorry, Mary, that you have something too with your
thyroid, but glad that you don't need anything done right at the moment!
Yes, keep a close watch on it. I WILL be going tomorrow for the tests.
Thank you for your support. I always appreciate it, Mary.
I haven't done anything so far about my thyroid. I will see when I next
get blood tests for it.
Okay Mary. Let me know if and when that happens, okay? Keep me updated
when you can. I am really interested. Stay well and stay warm!
I think I asked you but maybe not, what kind of tests did you have for your
thyroid when you were tested recently?
Will you be getting medication for your thyroid.

I was out yesterday. It was 52F but today stayed in.Its about 25 degrees
colder here today and snowy this morning,but downtown had no snow. It
sometimes depends on what area you live in, in Toronto. As you know,
Toronto is very spread out and can be rain or snow in one place and not
another a few miles away. North of Toronto gets a lot of snow. A lot of
accidents everywhere today. Cold weather doesn't bother me if I am dressed
for the weather and not too windy. Its the summers I don't like here -to hot
and humid. Windsor is usually a few degrees hotter than here when I see
weather forecasts in summer, so I would be worse off there. A cousin has
lived in Windsor for 25 years and likes Windsor. He lived in Toronto for 35
years and says Windsor is hotter than Toronto in summer but doesn't mind the
heat.I would like to live in Vancouver.Another cousin lives there and also
used to live in Toronto.Vancouver has a much more moderate climate than
Toronto, not as cold in winter, not as much snow and best of all, not as hot
in summer. Oh well, too late to move now.

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2013-02-01 00:06:48 UTC
<snipped - sorry>
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Yes, I read that you can adapt to them and that they tend to *fall* down
into your lower lid eventually, not in your line of vision anymore. I
hope mine will do the same.
Mine are still in the same spots as they were several years ago when I first
got them. They have not fallen down to my lower lid, but maybe some peoplels
do. I only have two spots where I can see them and only if I try to notice
them. one is at the top left . its a kind of dark circle, and sometimes
moves over to the middle of my vision but usually goes back to the left side
of my eye, and a a " light cobweb one about midway on the left side between
my upper and lower eyelid. They are easier to see against a light
background. They do not move around much. They do not bother me much. They
are only in my left eye, and hope thats all I get. There are much worse
things than a couple of floaters to worry about, believe me :) The one thing
to watch for is if they suddenly increase to a lot more floaters. Then you
need to see an eye doctor.
I'm so sorry you can still see them and that they haven't fallen down into
your lower lid, as some do. I am *sort of* getting used to them, but right
now they are bothering me a little bit because I am tired and have been on
the computer too much today. :-) Yes, a lot more to worry about, I agree,
Mary. I know exactly what you are saying about the increase in floaters and
flashing lights. I have been being careful now for two days and will
continue to be. I hope I don't have to get any surgery, but if so, I will
definitely ask for a little anesthesia. Nothing heavy, just a light one so
that I am not aware of the surgeon's instruments in my eye.
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Right now, I am getting used to seeing them just floating there way around
my eye. :-)
Mine just float around a little. you will soon get used to them and won't
even notice them. the only time I notice them is against a light background
like looking out in bright weather, or a painted white wall. Otherwise, I
don't notice them at all, plus your brain adapts to them being there and you
forget all about them.
Thank you Mary. I needed to hear that again. :-) I also see them when I'm
on the computer typing because of the white background, like now for
instance. :-) I hope to adapt to them soon.

Post by Mary
The Internet has a lot of very good medical sites. I've done searches since
I';ve been on the Internet which is about 15 years, so I am familiar with
the more reliable websites, especially medical websites. The Internet is
so handy
and so full of information. some information is junk, especially about
medical issues, but you eventually get to know what are the valid websites
and where to find Medical articles taken from medical journals. Its good to
go to several sites to compare, not just one site. Before the Internet when
I had medical issues I wanted to look up, I would have to go to the library.
Now, its much easier with the Internet right in front of us - those of us
lucky enough to have computers. :<)
Yes! I agree with you totally, Mary. The internet is a wealth of
knowledge. I also go to other medical sites given to me by friends, such as
you. So much easier to look up instead of going to the library, as you say.
I also Google a lot. LOL

Post by Mary
Post by Diane
I really hope this is it for you now, Mary. I don't blame you. You've
had it done now twice. I would feel the same way.
Thanks Diane. I certainly hop so too. Twice was more than enough.
Oh sure! That IS enough. Let's hope for the best.

Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Okay Mary. Let me know if and when that happens, okay? Keep me updated
when you can. I am really interested. Stay well and stay warm!
I think I asked you but maybe not, what kind of tests did you have for
your thyroid when you were tested recently?
Will you be getting medication for your thyroid.
Oh, sorry Mary. I did tell you what the tests were like. Look in the
thread where it says *I am proud of myself.* Then you will see that I
answered your questions. I won't get the results yet until Feb. 12th.
Hopefully, this will be the reason I have a partially closed throat, choking
here and there on small, well-chewed food, and why I have lost so much
weight in such a short time. If not, I don't have any idea what the problem
is. I will let you know what my GP says on the 12th.
Post by Mary
I was out yesterday. It was 52F but today stayed in.Its about 25 degrees
colder here today and snowy this morning,but downtown had no snow. It
sometimes depends on what area you live in, in Toronto. As you know,
Toronto is very spread out and can be rain or snow in one place and not
another a few miles away. North of Toronto gets a lot of snow. A lot of
accidents everywhere today. Cold weather doesn't bother me if I am dressed
for the weather and not too windy. Its the summers I don't like here -to
hot and humid. Windsor is usually a few degrees hotter than here when I
see weather forecasts in summer, so I would be worse off there. A cousin
has lived in Windsor for 25 years and likes Windsor. He lived in Toronto
for 35 years and says Windsor is hotter than Toronto in summer but doesn't
mind the heat.I would like to live in Vancouver.Another cousin lives
there and also used to live in Toronto.Vancouver has a much more moderate
climate than Toronto, not as cold in winter, not as much snow and best of
all, not as hot in summer. Oh well, too late to move now.
We are much colder than you in Toronto, I *think*. Right now at almost 7:00
p.m., it's 21F, feels like 7F with 17 mph winds and only going to get worse!
Yes, Windsor usually is warmer than Toronto. Where does your cousin live in
Windsor? I may know the street name. You don't have to say if you don't
want to. I will understand. :-) I think I did hear that also about
Vancouver. Yes, too late and too much for us to move again. I don't think
my anxiety, etc., could hold up if we had to move once again. You take good
care of yourself, Mary, and stay warm!
Post by Mary

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2013-02-01 05:08:15 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Yes, I read that you can adapt to them and that they tend to *fall* down
into your lower lid eventually, not in your line of vision anymore. I
hope mine will do the same.
Mine are still in the same spots as they were several years ago when I first
got them. They have not fallen down to my lower lid, but maybe some peoplels
do. I only have two spots where I can see them and only if I try to notice
them. one is at the top left . its a kind of dark circle, and sometimes
moves over to the middle of my vision but usually goes back to the left side
of my eye, and a a " light cobweb one about midway on the left side between
my upper and lower eyelid. They are easier to see against a light
background. They do not move around much. They do not bother me much. They
are only in my left eye, and hope thats all I get. There are much worse
things than a couple of floaters to worry about, believe me :) The one thing
to watch for is if they suddenly increase to a lot more floaters. Then you
need to see an eye doctor.
I'm so sorry you can still see them and that they haven't fallen down into
your lower lid, as some do.
It's ok. you don't have to be sorry. they don't bother me in the least
Diane. I don't even know I have them most of the time. The one floater is
barely noticeable and the other one just now and then.
Post by Diane
I am *sort of* getting used to them, but right now they are bothering me a
little bit because I am tired and have been on the computer too much
today. :-) Yes, a lot more to worry about, I agree, Mary. I know
exactly what you are saying about the increase in floaters and flashing
lights. I have been being careful now for two days and will continue to
be. I hope I don't have to get any surgery, but if so, I will definitely
ask for a little anesthesia. Nothing heavy, just a light one so that I am
not aware of the surgeon's instruments in my eye.
If it's floaters, you will get used to them and probably never need surgery.
I don't think they offer surgery for them, though I haven't looked into that
part as mine do not bother me.
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Right now, I am getting used to seeing them just floating there way around
my eye. :-)
Mine just float around a little. you will soon get used to them and won't
even notice them. the only time I notice them is against a light background
like looking out in bright weather, or a painted white wall. Otherwise, I
don't notice them at all, plus your brain adapts to them being there and you
forget all about them.
Thank you Mary. I needed to hear that again. :-) I also see them when
I'm on the computer typing because of the white background, like now for
instance. :-) I hope to adapt to them soon.
That is probably because you are aware of them, but if you are the same as
me, you will become unaware of them even with a white or light background.
Give it time Diane. You will get used to them. What did the new
opthalmologist say about the floaters? I forget if you told me.
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Now, its much easier with the Internet right in front of us - those of us
lucky enough to have computers. :<)
Yes! I agree with you totally, Mary. The internet is a wealth of
knowledge. I also go to other medical sites given to me by friends, such
as you. So much easier to look up instead of going to the library, as you
say. I also Google a lot. LOL
You can find almost anything on the Internet. I do a lot of searching on
various subjects. So handy. I used to like the library too. I still read
books, though I used to read a lot more before the Internet. When I was
working I used to buy a new paperback quite often.
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Okay Mary. Let me know if and when that happens, okay? Keep me updated
when you can. I am really interested. Stay well and stay warm!
I think I asked you but maybe not, what kind of tests did you have for
your thyroid when you were tested recently?
Will you be getting medication for your thyroid.
Oh, sorry Mary. I did tell you what the tests were like. Look in the
thread where it says *I am proud of myself.* Then you will see that I
answered your questions. I won't get the results yet until Feb. 12th.
Hopefully, this will be the reason I have a partially closed throat,
choking here and there on small, well-chewed food, and why I have lost so
much weight in such a short time. If not, I don't have any idea what the
problem is. I will let you know what my GP says on the 12th.
Yes, I saw the message where I asked you what the tests were like and you
told me, but I didn't see that message till today. So thanks for the
explanation. Yes, let me know.
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
for the weather and not too windy. Its the summers I don't like here -to
hot and humid. Windsor is usually a few degrees hotter than here when I
see weather forecasts in summer, so I would be worse off there. A cousin
has lived in Windsor for 25 years and likes Windsor. He lived in Toronto
for 35 years and says Windsor is hotter than Toronto in summer but
doesn't mind the heat.I would like to live in Vancouver.Another cousin
lives there and also used to live in Toronto.Vancouver has a much more
moderate climate than Toronto, not as cold in winter, not as much snow
and best of all, not as hot in summer. Oh well, too late to move now.
We are much colder than you in Toronto, I *think*. Right now at almost
7:00 p.m., it's 21F, feels like 7F with 17 mph winds and only going to get
I'll have to pay attention to winter temperature forecasts for Windsor, but
I think its colder in Toronto.Its 21F here today with winds much the same as
you. We are getting a lot of snow tonight where I am. It was snowing in the
morning, but stopped and started a few hours ago and roads are bad again. I
am a weather and news hound.Ottawa where my son lives, is much colder and
snowier than Toronto or Windsor, but it is near the Quebec border and they
get a lot more snow and cold weather.
Ski resorts 90 miles and beyond from Toronto are snowy and nice. Thats why
everybody goes there to ski. I used to work with a guy who went to Vermont
to ski because Toronto is not reliable for snow. I have been to Vermont many
times- in summer and other New England states.I love it there.
Post by Diane
Yes, Windsor usually is warmer than Toronto. Where does your cousin live
in Windsor? I may know the street name. You don't have to say if you
don't want to. I will understand. :-) I think I did hear that also
about Vancouver. Yes, too late and too much for us to move again. I
don't think my anxiety, etc., could hold up if we had to move once again.
You take good care of yourself, Mary, and stay warm!
I don't know where he lives in Windsor. I talked to him on the phone when my
brother died a couple of years ago and had to get his phone no. from one of
his sisters.He and my brother were friends when my cousin lived in Toronto.
I've never been to his house in Windsor.I used to be more in touch with him
when he lived in Toronto as I grew up with him and his sisters. But you get
out of touch with people.

I think my anxiety would hold up as far as anxiety goes. I mainly get
anxiety in certain situations or when I get exagerrated thinking. There are
other reasons I wouldn't move. I wouldnever leave Toronto as my two
daughters and grandchildren live here (unless I met a millionaire) <joking
of course>and moving is too much work. Also, I have arthritis and need
surgery. When you are young, its no big deal. But I didn't like it then and
hate it now. last time I moved was 15 years ago. I don't like to move
around. I guess I'm not very adventurous.

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2013-01-29 23:59:44 UTC
Post by Diane
I have had floaters and cobwebs in my left eye since yesterday afternoon.
My ophthalmologist will not be in his office until Feb. 4th. I am going
to my GP in a little while to get a referral to another ophthalmologist so
he/she can look at my eye. I have had a few light flashes also this
morning. Just need some hugs again and some support. I will keep you
updated when I can. Tomorrow are my thyroid tests and I WILL NOT cancel
if it kills me to go. :-) These tests are very, very important to me.
Thank you everyone!
I've had floaters from time to time and they always go away. If you wear
glasses, and have a good optometrist, that person can be your front line for
these types of symptoms -- NOT an optician. They might send you to an
ophthalmologist for a look/see, and just know there are all kinds of new,
modern techniques for dealing with all kinds of eye problems. As for the
thyroid, everybody I know is on thyroid meds, myself included. Don't know
why except I guess doctors like to prescribe thyroid meds. Even if your
blood test shows your thyroid is "normal" the doc wants it to be MORE
"normal." I don't get it.

Anyway, {{{Diane}}}, please keep us posted. It's 16 degrees here right now,
and I'm too lazy and cold to go outside and shovel. Would more thyroid meds
warm me up?
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2013-01-30 15:12:20 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I have had floaters and cobwebs in my left eye since yesterday afternoon.
My ophthalmologist will not be in his office until Feb. 4th. I am going
to my GP in a little while to get a referral to another ophthalmologist
so he/she can look at my eye. I have had a few light flashes also this
morning. Just need some hugs again and some support. I will keep you
updated when I can. Tomorrow are my thyroid tests and I WILL NOT cancel
if it kills me to go. :-) These tests are very, very important to me.
Thank you everyone!
I've had floaters from time to time and they always go away. If you wear
glasses, and have a good optometrist, that person can be your front line
for these types of symptoms -- NOT an optician. They might send you to an
ophthalmologist for a look/see, and just know there are all kinds of new,
modern techniques for dealing with all kinds of eye problems. As for the
thyroid, everybody I know is on thyroid meds, myself included. Don't know
why except I guess doctors like to prescribe thyroid meds. Even if your
blood test shows your thyroid is "normal" the doc wants it to be MORE
"normal." I don't get it.
Hi Sheldon,

I'm sorry you had floaters too, but am glad they always go away. Yes, I
wear glasses and I go to an ophthalmologist. Please read my update and you
will see what happened yesterday. :-) I am also sorry to hear that you are
taking a thyroid med even if you seem not to need one. That is so weird!
I'll see what results I get and if my GP puts me on a med too even if the
results are negative. Gees!
Post by Sheldon
Anyway, {{{Diane}}}, please keep us posted. It's 16 degrees here right
now, and I'm too lazy and cold to go outside and shovel. Would more
thyroid meds warm me up?
Thank you so much Sheldon. I will. That's cold. Brrrr! It's been in the
50's here in Canada, including today. But...the temps are going to plummet
starting this evening, going wayyyy down and continue to be down through
Sunday. I really hate this on and off weather! LOL @ your last line! They
might! LOL Take care and thank you again for your support.


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2013-01-31 00:04:48 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I have had floaters and cobwebs in my left eye since yesterday afternoon.
My ophthalmologist will not be in his office until Feb. 4th. I am going
to my GP in a little while to get a referral to another ophthalmologist
so he/she can look at my eye. I have had a few light flashes also this
morning. Just need some hugs again and some support. I will keep you
updated when I can. Tomorrow are my thyroid tests and I WILL NOT cancel
if it kills me to go. :-) These tests are very, very important to me.
Thank you everyone!
I've had floaters from time to time and they always go away. If you wear
glasses, and have a good optometrist, that person can be your front line
for these types of symptoms -- NOT an optician. They might send you to an
ophthalmologist for a look/see, and just know there are all kinds of new,
modern techniques for dealing with all kinds of eye problems. As for the
thyroid, everybody I know is on thyroid meds, myself included. Don't know
why except I guess doctors like to prescribe thyroid meds. Even if your
blood test shows your thyroid is "normal" the doc wants it to be MORE
"normal." I don't get it.
Hi Sheldon, you are lucky if you have floaters that come and go. I've never
known anyone whose floaters went away and didn't come back. I have read they
tend to fade as time goes by and also you don't notice them as much, as your
brain gets used to seeing them. Actually, I don't know many people with
floaters, though my sister in law had some for a few years. She had cataract
surgery done and the eye surgeon said he would take the floaters out when he
did surgery, and she didn't have floaters any more and didn't need glasses
any more. she was very pleased.

Did your doctor order blood tests for thyroid and it showed nothing wrong
your thyroid? I would think your THS blood tests would show a high reading
and other related tests would be done and thats usually how they diagnose
you have a thyroid problem. Thats how my doctor found out my thyroid tests
were higher then they should be, then she had related thyroid tests done
which were more normal, so she said I don't need thyroid meds for now, but
would need to get blood tests done to see if my thyroid readings got worse,
then I may need thyroid meds. I don't do well on many medications, so I am
not in a hurry.

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2013-01-31 17:56:45 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I have had floaters and cobwebs in my left eye since yesterday
afternoon. My ophthalmologist will not be in his office until Feb. 4th.
I am going to my GP in a little while to get a referral to another
ophthalmologist so he/she can look at my eye. I have had a few light
flashes also this morning. Just need some hugs again and some support.
I will keep you updated when I can. Tomorrow are my thyroid tests and I
WILL NOT cancel if it kills me to go. :-) These tests are very, very
important to me. Thank you everyone!
I've had floaters from time to time and they always go away. If you wear
glasses, and have a good optometrist, that person can be your front line
for these types of symptoms -- NOT an optician. They might send you to
an ophthalmologist for a look/see, and just know there are all kinds of
new, modern techniques for dealing with all kinds of eye problems. As for
the thyroid, everybody I know is on thyroid meds, myself included. Don't
know why except I guess doctors like to prescribe thyroid meds. Even if
your blood test shows your thyroid is "normal" the doc wants it to be
MORE "normal." I don't get it.
Hi Sheldon, you are lucky if you have floaters that come and go. I've
never known anyone whose floaters went away and didn't come back. I have
read they tend to fade as time goes by and also you don't notice them as
much, as your brain gets used to seeing them. Actually, I don't know many
people with floaters, though my sister in law had some for a few years.
She had cataract surgery done and the eye surgeon said he would take the
floaters out when he did surgery, and she didn't have floaters any more
and didn't need glasses any more. she was very pleased.
Did your doctor order blood tests for thyroid and it showed nothing wrong
your thyroid? I would think your THS blood tests would show a high reading
and other related tests would be done and thats usually how they diagnose
you have a thyroid problem. Thats how my doctor found out my thyroid
tests were higher then they should be, then she had related thyroid tests
done which were more normal, so she said I don't need thyroid meds for
now, but would need to get blood tests done to see if my thyroid readings
got worse, then I may need thyroid meds. I don't do well on many
medications, so I am not in a hurry.
I don't think most people go around talking about their "floaters." :-)
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2013-01-31 21:39:58 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Mary
Hi Sheldon, you are lucky if you have floaters that come and go. I've
never known anyone whose floaters went away and didn't come back. I have
read they tend to fade as time goes by and also you don't notice them as
much, as your brain gets used to seeing them. Actually, I don't know many
people with floaters, though my sister in law had some for a few years.
She had cataract surgery done and the eye surgeon said he would take the
floaters out when he did surgery, and she didn't have floaters any more
and didn't need glasses any more. she was very pleased.
Did your doctor order blood tests for thyroid and it showed nothing wrong
your thyroid? I would think your THS blood tests would show a high
reading and other related tests would be done and thats usually how they
diagnose you have a thyroid problem. Thats how my doctor found out my
thyroid tests were higher then they should be, then she had related
thyroid tests done which were more normal, so she said I don't need
thyroid meds for now, but would need to get blood tests done to see if my
thyroid readings got worse, then I may need thyroid meds. I don't do well
on many medications, so I am not in a hurry.
I don't think most people go around talking about their "floaters." :-)
Not unless you have them. But when you start to get floaters in your eyes
you don't even know they have a name and if you have never heard of them,
you wonder if there is something wrong with your eyes, and you might mention
seeing dark spots in your vision to friends who are a bit "older" or do a
search on the Internet, and you find out it's not so uncommon, and it makes
you feel better that you don't have some serious eye problem.In my case, I
mentioned my "vision problem" to my sister in law, who very casually said to
me "I've had these things in my eyes for a couple of years. They are
"floaters" and nothing to worry about. I felt better after that.

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2013-02-04 23:22:11 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Post by Mary
Hi Sheldon, you are lucky if you have floaters that come and go. I've
never known anyone whose floaters went away and didn't come back. I have
read they tend to fade as time goes by and also you don't notice them as
much, as your brain gets used to seeing them. Actually, I don't know
many people with floaters, though my sister in law had some for a few
years. She had cataract surgery done and the eye surgeon said he would
take the floaters out when he did surgery, and she didn't have floaters
any more and didn't need glasses any more. she was very pleased.
Did your doctor order blood tests for thyroid and it showed nothing
wrong your thyroid? I would think your THS blood tests would show a high
reading and other related tests would be done and thats usually how they
diagnose you have a thyroid problem. Thats how my doctor found out my
thyroid tests were higher then they should be, then she had related
thyroid tests done which were more normal, so she said I don't need
thyroid meds for now, but would need to get blood tests done to see if
my thyroid readings got worse, then I may need thyroid meds. I don't do
well on many medications, so I am not in a hurry.
I don't think most people go around talking about their "floaters." :-)
Not unless you have them. But when you start to get floaters in your eyes
you don't even know they have a name and if you have never heard of them,
you wonder if there is something wrong with your eyes, and you might
mention seeing dark spots in your vision to friends who are a bit "older"
or do a search on the Internet, and you find out it's not so uncommon, and
it makes you feel better that you don't have some serious eye problem.In
my case, I mentioned my "vision problem" to my sister in law, who very
casually said to me "I've had these things in my eyes for a couple of
years. They are "floaters" and nothing to worry about. I felt better after
Well, I didn't want to say anything, but lots of floaters can be the
beginning of a detached retina which is something to worry about.
Fortunately, when caught in time, a laser can actually pin your retina back
into place. Now that's pretty cool. :-) That's why your doc gives you those
drops that enlarge your pupils -- so they can see the edge of the retina. I
think anxious and depressed people notice floaters more because we tend to
turn inward instead of using outside distractions to help us.
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2013-02-05 21:31:39 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
I don't think most people go around talking about their "floaters." :-)
Not unless you have them. But when you start to get floaters in your eyes
you don't even know they have a name and if you have never heard of them,
you wonder if there is something wrong with your eyes, and you might
mention seeing dark spots in your vision to friends who are a bit "older"
or do a search on the Internet, and you find out it's not so uncommon,
and it makes you feel better that you don't have some serious eye
problem.In my case, I mentioned my "vision problem" to my sister in law,
who very casually said to me "I've had these things in my eyes for a
couple of years. They are "floaters" and nothing to worry about. I felt
better after that.
Well, I didn't want to say anything, but lots of floaters can be the
beginning of a detached retina which is something to worry about.
That is true, however I have read a few medical articles which say that it
in most cases floaters are just small pieces of collagen from the back of
the eye and usually don't mean a sign of a detached retina. My
opthalmologist told me not to worry about floaters. they are usually not
dangerous, but it's best to get your eyes examined by an opthalmologist when
you notice floaters and also get an examination once a year. This link below
on Webmd explains floaters well and Diane might like to read it:

Post by Sheldon
Fortunately, when caught in time, a laser can actually pin your retina
back into place. Now that's pretty cool. :-) That's why your doc gives you
those drops that enlarge your pupils -- so they can see the edge of the
retina. I think anxious and depressed people notice floaters more because
we tend to turn inward instead of using outside distractions to help us.
I wouldn't to have retina problems but it must help a lot of people if a
laser can be used to put the retina back into place.
I knew what the drops were used for. The opthalmologist can also see a part
of the optic nerve along with the retina with the eye drops they put in and
using the slit lamp. He/she can also see if you have high blood pressure
using the slit lamp, though my opthalmologist said he would only see if you
had high blood pressure if your blood pressure was very high.

I don't like driving after they put the eye drops in when you get an eye
exam by an opthalmologist. I usually have to wait a while before I can drive
as things are blurry for quite a long time. If its sunny, its worse. sun
glasses can help.

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2013-02-06 20:32:43 UTC
"Mary" <***@invalid.not> wrote in message news:kerta8$if3$***@speranza.aioe.org...

Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Well, I didn't want to say anything, but lots of floaters can be the
beginning of a detached retina which is something to worry about.
That is true, however I have read a few medical articles which say that it
in most cases floaters are just small pieces of collagen from the back of
the eye and usually don't mean a sign of a detached retina. My
opthalmologist told me not to worry about floaters. they are usually not
dangerous, but it's best to get your eyes examined by an opthalmologist
when you notice floaters and also get an examination once a year. This
link below on Webmd explains floaters well and Diane might like to read

Thank you so much Mary for this link. It was very informative and I
bookmarked it for the future. :-) Hope you are feeling a little bit better
today. I will read your other reply later on.



Post by Mary
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