OT - ASAP's Photo Gallery - Dennis, is that you there? :-)
(too old to reply)
2012-12-01 20:47:07 UTC

I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis whose pic
is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual. Seriously, we need
some people to post and reply here. I can't believe what a desert it is now
and that makes me very sad. I know I left a while ago, but I'm back, for a
while at least. :-) Have an anxiety-free day everyone.


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2012-12-04 07:17:48 UTC
Post by Diane
I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis whose pic
is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual. Seriously, we need
some people to post and reply here. I can't believe what a desert it is
now and that makes me very sad. I know I left a while ago, but I'm back,
for a while at least. :-) Have an anxiety-free day everyone.
I'm still doing okay, but last nite I thought I was going to die. I had so
many things coming out of so many orifices I thought I was going to turn
inside out. Slept well and rested all day which helped a lot. Not sure what
it was but I don't want to be in that place again. I've cut back on my
Lorazapam and now only take .25mg twice a day. Problem is tinnitus starts up
late in the afternoon and lasts until I take my evening dose. I wonder how
long this will last as I don't want to cut back anymore until it goes away.
I've gotten this far and I don't want to up the dose.

Hope your feeling better, Diana. I've found the best way to deal with
anxiety is to just try and get your mind focused on something else, and it
has to be something intense that will hold your attention. Learning to play
an instrument or learning a new language can help. I've also found computer
games are a great way to hold your attention -- something that requires
constant input like Tetris. Anyway, take care and keep us posted.
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2012-12-04 18:53:27 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis whose
pic is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual. Seriously, we
need some people to post and reply here. I can't believe what a desert
it is now and that makes me very sad. I know I left a while ago, but I'm
back, for a while at least. :-) Have an anxiety-free day everyone.
I'm still doing okay, but last nite I thought I was going to die. I had so
many things coming out of so many orifices I thought I was going to turn
inside out. Slept well and rested all day which helped a lot. Not sure
what it was but I don't want to be in that place again. I've cut back on
my Lorazapam and now only take .25mg twice a day. Problem is tinnitus
starts up late in the afternoon and lasts until I take my evening dose. I
wonder how long this will last as I don't want to cut back anymore until
it goes away. I've gotten this far and I don't want to up the dose.
I'm glad you are doing a little bit better today, Sheldon. I can't remember
your story because my memory just sucks! Maybe some time you can write some
or all of it and I will remember then. :-) I feel so bad for you.
{{{{{Sheldon}}}}} *Coming out of every orifice* sounds almost like me. :-(
Post by Sheldon
Hope your feeling better, Diana. I've found the best way to deal with
anxiety is to just try and get your mind focused on something else, and it
has to be something intense that will hold your attention. Learning to
play an instrument or learning a new language can help. I've also found
computer games are a great way to hold your attention -- something that
requires constant input like Tetris. Anyway, take care and keep us posted.
I am feeling much better today. Thank you Sheldon. I keep busy doing all
kinds of chores, playing a lot on Neopets.com, going to my doctors, walking
with Don anywhere, etc. :-) I am on 10 mg. of Imipramine twice a day and I
think it has been helping me. Of course, I still have my Lorazepam and I
use it. Don't be afraid to use it, Sheldon. Except if your doctor(s) told
you to cut back. I am not a doctor so don't listen to me about the
Lorazepam. :-) Do you watch The Big Bang Theory? It's such a funny show.
You would be known as Sheldore on that show. LOL Try to watch it. It's a
hoot and will distract you too. Take care and thank you for writing to me
and caring. {{{{{Sheldon}}}}}

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Philip Peters
2012-12-05 12:04:34 UTC
Post by Diane
I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis whose
pic is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual. Seriously, we
need some people to post and reply here. I can't believe what a desert
it is now and that makes me very sad. I know I left a while ago, but
I'm back, for a while at least. :-) Have an anxiety-free day everyone.
Does that photom site still exist? What's the URL?

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2012-12-05 14:50:37 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by Diane
I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis whose
pic is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual. Seriously, we
need some people to post and reply here. I can't believe what a desert
it is now and that makes me very sad. I know I left a while ago, but
I'm back, for a while at least. :-) Have an anxiety-free day everyone.
Does that photom site still exist? What's the URL?
Hi Philip,

Yes, it does and brings back a lot of good memories. :-) Try the URL
below. If you have any problems getting into it, please let me know and I
will try something else.



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The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2012-12-10 04:15:18 UTC
Yes, that's me, even though that picture of me is old, about 1996. I have
less hair now. ;-)

"Philip Peters" l...
Post by Philip Peters
Post by Diane
I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis
whose pic is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual.
Seriously, we need some people to post and reply here. I can't
believe what a desert it is now and that makes me very sad. I know
I left a while ago, but I'm back, for a while at least. :-) Have
an anxiety-free day everyone.
Does that photom site still exist? What's the URL?
Hi Philip,
Yes, it does and brings back a lot of good memories. :-) Try the URL
below. If you have any problems getting into it, please let me know
and I will try something else.
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2012-12-10 14:18:01 UTC
LOL I have less hair now too! It was because of the Lexapro. Now I'm on
Imipramine so I shouldn't lose more hair, hopefully. :-) I thought that
was YOU. I'm glad to see you here.


Post by Dennis
Yes, that's me, even though that picture of me is old, about 1996. I have
less hair now. ;-)
"Philip Peters" l...
Post by Philip Peters
Post by Diane
I just wondered if the Dennis that posts here is the same Dennis
whose pic is on the above gallery? Just being nosy, as usual.
Seriously, we need some people to post and reply here. I can't
believe what a desert it is now and that makes me very sad. I know
I left a while ago, but I'm back, for a while at least. :-) Have
an anxiety-free day everyone.
Does that photom site still exist? What's the URL?
Hi Philip,
Yes, it does and brings back a lot of good memories. :-) Try the URL
below. If you have any problems getting into it, please let me know
and I will try something else.
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The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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