How can I tell?
(too old to reply)
Anita Davies
2013-02-11 18:38:38 UTC
The doctor tryed me on Lamotrigine What I want to know is if I don't need it will I notice a difference feel differant?
Hope someone will know.
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2013-02-11 19:55:43 UTC
Hi Anita,

I'm not a doctor so I can't really tell you how you will feel with or
without it. What did your doctor put you on it for? I'm not being nosy,
just wondering because I found a link to it on Wikipedia and it can be used
for bi-polar disorder, seizures, epilepsy, migraines, etc. I will post the
link on the bottom so you can read up on it. I really think you need to
talk to your doctor before you get off of this med. He should have
explained more about it to you, especially side effects on it or when
stopping it suddenly or otherwise. Please let us know how you are doing.
Here's the link:


I wish you the very best, Anita. :-)


Post by Anita Davies
The doctor tryed me on Lamotrigine What I want to know is if I don't need
it will I notice a difference feel differant?
Hope someone will know.
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The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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Philip Peters
2013-02-12 12:04:47 UTC
Post by Anita Davies
The doctor tryed me on Lamotrigine What I want to know is if I don't need it will I notice a difference feel differant?
Hope someone will know.
If you are diagnosed with epilepsy or bipolar II disorder it may well
work but for garden variety anxiety disorders it's next to useless.
What is your diagnosis? What are your symptoms?
It's impossible to say anything that even remotely makes sense when
there is *no* information at all.

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