(too old to reply)
2012-09-09 03:35:46 UTC
Hey, everybody,

This used to be a viable, helpful group, and I don't have to tell you it's
dissolved to almost nothing. I've gone to some other forums with limited or
no participation, so I don't know -- maybe nobody has any issues now, or
they've put Prozac in the water without my knowledge. Anyway, I thought it
would be nice if instead of lurking in the background everybody would post
what's going on with them and how things are going. If you've found an
active forum how about letting the rest of us in on it.

For myself, I'm going doing well. The Lexapro is doing its job, and for the
first time in a long time I've been able to get out of the house and even
travel to events out of town and have some fun. I've also, with the help of
my new pdoc, cut back my benzos by half and hope to cut them back even more
in the future. I've been dating the same girl for 6 years now (thank God for
Lexapro), and looking forward to Social Security and Medicare in the next
few months. I also have a dog, my first, that my girlfriend got me as a
surprise 3 years ago. So, IMHO things are pretty good with me. How about
the rest of you?
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2012-09-09 21:51:32 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Hey, everybody,
This used to be a viable, helpful group, and I don't have to tell you it's
dissolved to almost nothing. I've gone to some other forums with limited or
no participation, so I don't know -- maybe nobody has any issues now, or
they've put Prozac in the water without my knowledge. Anyway, I thought it
would be nice if instead of lurking in the background everybody would post
what's going on with them and how things are going. If you've found an
active forum how about letting the rest of us in on it.
Well, I have done my part and recently posted about my life and how I am
doing. :)

I second your desire to see this community be closer to what it once was,
though I suspect your wishes and mine shall not make that happen.
Post by Sheldon
For myself, I'm going doing well. The Lexapro is doing its job, and for the
first time in a long time I've been able to get out of the house and even
travel to events out of town and have some fun.
Post by Sheldon
I've also, with the help of my new pdoc, cut back my benzos by half and hope
to cut them back even more in the future. I've been dating the same girl for 6
years now (thank God for Lexapro), and looking forward to Social Security and
Medicare in the next few months. I also have a dog, my first, that my
girlfriend got me as a surprise 3 years ago. So, IMHO things are pretty good
with me. How about the rest of you?
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found a GP
doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that much of my
anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something every P-doc,
counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me on) and she continued
to send me to specialists to help find the problem. They did (or at least a
large part of the problem): my heart's electrical system was faulty and -
though the miracles of modern science - I was able to have an out-patient
procedure to have it corrected. That was done the start of last month and
now my heart seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic attacks greatly
reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other tests to take
(just came back from a second sleep study) but things are going very well
for me, too.
Questions about the Skype call between cc, Onion Knight, and myself:
1) Why did cc have no recollection of the "outliers" files I showed him?
2) Why did cc have no recollection of the standard deviation video?
3) Why can't cc provide the Excel file he gave his word he would share?
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2012-09-13 03:40:16 UTC
Post by Snit
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found a GP
doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that much of my
anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something every P-doc,
counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me on) and she continued
to send me to specialists to help find the problem. They did (or at least a
large part of the problem): my heart's electrical system was faulty and -
though the miracles of modern science - I was able to have an out-patient
procedure to have it corrected. That was done the start of last month and
now my heart seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic attacks greatly
reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other tests to take
(just came back from a second sleep study) but things are going very well
for me, too.
Good that you found a good GP who is willing to listen. I have a good GP as
well and she is a good listener too. But she doesn't know a lot about
anxiety though she know more than she used to, because of what I have told
her. She has good advice about problems in general. I believe that some
anxiety disorders can come from physical causes, or they can start there. I
had an inner ear virus about 15 years ago which caused me to lose some
hearing in my right ear, and also causes me to walk off balance. A
specialist told me the hearing problem was probably because of inner ear
virus and walking somewhat off balance can be caused by inner ear problems.
There is really no cure for it, and the hearing problem is still there and
so is the off balance feeling. But I feel that I got a phobia about walking
off balance on top of the original cause, which Ive had investigated by
several specialists but none of them could tell me is or why that is the
case. It's a very hard field to understand and most doctors don't understand
it, not even psychiatrists. I believe such a field exists but has not been
discovered yet. Maybe they will understand it some day, but who knows when.

So when you say your anxiety could come from physical causes, I believe the
original physical problem, can cause anxiety as if your nervous system
cannot handle it. That is mostly my own thinking about my balance problem.
It can sometimes be controlled if I catch it quick enough, but other times,
I have to let it run its course.

At least you have found out that there was an electrical problem with your
heart, but that is something that can be seen and recognized by any
cardiologist with certain tests. I have no heard of the test you had, but I
know a little about heart tests and problems. I have heart valve surgery 15
years ago. I am in my 60's. But with heart valve problems, the symptoms are
easily distinguished and it was known by echocardiograms 6 years before
surgery that I had the problem, but that is not the same thing as yuo have,
as you know, and was long before I had anxiety. I had no anxiety having
heart surgery. With me, anxiety developed over long periods of stress in
most cases and not from physical causes.

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2012-09-13 19:45:06 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Snit
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found a GP
doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that much of my
anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something every P-doc,
counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me on) and she continued
to send me to specialists to help find the problem. They did (or at least a
large part of the problem): my heart's electrical system was faulty and -
though the miracles of modern science - I was able to have an out-patient
procedure to have it corrected. That was done the start of last month and
now my heart seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic attacks greatly
reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other tests to take (just
came back from a second sleep study) but things are going very well for me,
Good that you found a good GP who is willing to listen. I have a good GP as
well and she is a good listener too. But she doesn't know a lot about
anxiety though she know more than she used to, because of what I have told
Ditto with mine... and she is willing to do research. I also have a
psychiatrist and psychologist that I go to - though the psychologist has
acknowledged that I already do so much stuff based on my own Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy reading that there is not a whole lot more she can
suggest (some logging and the like, but she also does not want me to
over-focus on it, so she does not want me to do too much more than I am
Post by Mary
She has good advice about problems in general. I believe that some anxiety
disorders can come from physical causes, or they can start there. I had an
inner ear virus about 15 years ago which caused me to lose some hearing in my
right ear, and also causes me to walk off balance. A specialist told me the
hearing problem was probably because of inner ear virus and walking somewhat
off balance can be caused by inner ear problems. There is really no cure for
it, and the hearing problem is still there and so is the off balance feeling.
Very believable. I have read (though cannot give sources off hand) that the
vast majority of people with agoraphobia have inner ear / balance problems.
My hearing is off-the-chart sensitive, but the bones are a bit out of
alignment which affects hearing and balance as well. Might be some
autonomic nervous system problems that also lead to balance problems.
Post by Mary
But I feel that I got a phobia about walking off balance on top of the
original cause, which Ive had investigated by several specialists but none of
them could tell me is or why that is the case. It's a very hard field to
understand and most doctors don't understand it, not even psychiatrists. I
believe such a field exists but has not been discovered yet. Maybe they will
understand it some day, but who knows when.
There is a lot the professionals do not understand... and a lot we as people
who live with it do not understand, too. A big frustration. Never know
what the best way to handle symptoms is.
Post by Mary
So when you say your anxiety could come from physical causes, I believe the
original physical problem, can cause anxiety as if your nervous system
cannot handle it. That is mostly my own thinking about my balance problem.
It can sometimes be controlled if I catch it quick enough, but other times,
I have to let it run its course.
Same here.
Post by Mary
At least you have found out that there was an electrical problem with your
heart, but that is something that can be seen and recognized by any
cardiologist with certain tests. I have no heard of the test you had, but I
know a little about heart tests and problems.
I had not heard about this test... but happily the procedure to correct it
is very safe, effective, and quick.
Post by Mary
I have heart valve surgery 15 years ago. I am in my 60's. But with heart valve
problems, the symptoms are easily distinguished and it was known by
echocardiograms 6 years before surgery that I had the problem, but that is not
the same thing as yuo have, as you know, and was long before I had anxiety.
I used to have mitral valve prolapse, but apparently there are types you can
out-grow and I did. My valve used to be too "floppy" but as I have gotten
older it has firmed up.
Post by Mary
I had no anxiety having heart surgery. With me, anxiety developed over long
periods of stress in most cases and not from physical causes.
Anxiety is a symptom of many different causes - one of the reasons it is so
hard to treat and why different people experience anxiety / panic disorders
so differently.
Post by Mary
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2012-09-19 05:57:21 UTC
Post by Snit
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found
a GP doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that
much of my anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something
every P-doc, counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me
on) and she continued to send me to specialists to help find the
problem. They did (or at least a large part of the problem): my
heart's electrical system was faulty and - though the miracles of
modern science - I was able to have an out-patient procedure to have
it corrected. That was done the start of last month and now my heart
seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic attacks greatly
reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other tests to
take (just came back from a second sleep study) but things are going
very well for me, too.
Very interesting! This is the first time I've heard of something like
this. I'm glad it helped.

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2012-09-20 05:29:09 UTC
On 9/18/12 10:57 PM, in article
Post by Dennis
Post by Snit
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found
a GP doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that
much of my anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something
every P-doc, counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me
on) and she continued to send me to specialists to help find the
problem. They did (or at least a large part of the problem): my
heart's electrical system was faulty and - though the miracles of
modern science - I was able to have an out-patient procedure to have
it corrected. That was done the start of last month and now my heart
seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic attacks greatly
reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other tests to
take (just came back from a second sleep study) but things are going
very well for me, too.
Very interesting! This is the first time I've heard of something like
this. I'm glad it helped.
Thanks. The doctor who did the procedure (and the cardiologist who referred
me to him) say they have seen this *many* times - people with rather severe
panic disorders finding they are greatly helped and sometimes even
completely cured after the procedure. Of course, YMMV *and* this would only
apply to people who have an anxiety disorder largely caused by *this*
physical problem. I am *not* pushing this as a cure-all for everyone (or
even saying it has completely cured me - it has *not*, though it has greatly
helped), but this is info on the procedure I had done:


Of course, this is done for reasons *other* than panic. In my case my heart
was just "randomly" jumping to 150+ beats per minute when my normal base
rate is in the 60s or sometimes 70s.

Now I get to go to GI doctors and more to find explanations and hopefully
treatments for other physical symptoms I have. Just amazing the difference
there is in having a good GP who is willing to work with you - something I
had not been able to find in a very long time.
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2012-11-20 21:50:00 UTC
Post by Snit
On 9/18/12 10:57 PM, in article
Post by Dennis
Post by Snit
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found
a GP doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that
much of my anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something
every P-doc, counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me
on) and she continued to send me to specialists to help find the
problem. They did (or at least a large part of the problem): my
heart's electrical system was faulty and - though the miracles of
modern science - I was able to have an out-patient procedure to have
it corrected. That was done the start of last month and now my heart
seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic attacks greatly
reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other tests to
take (just came back from a second sleep study) but things are going
very well for me, too.
Very interesting! This is the first time I've heard of something like
this. I'm glad it helped.
Thanks. The doctor who did the procedure (and the cardiologist who referred
me to him) say they have seen this *many* times - people with rather severe
panic disorders finding they are greatly helped and sometimes even
completely cured after the procedure. Of course, YMMV *and* this would only
apply to people who have an anxiety disorder largely caused by *this*
physical problem. I am *not* pushing this as a cure-all for everyone (or
even saying it has completely cured me - it has *not*, though it has greatly
Hi Snit!

I haven't posted here in I don't know how long, but I had to read and answer
your post. (Hi Mary and everyone else!) I am soooo glad this procedure has
helped you. I understand it is not for everyone. I don't have heart issues
because I've had a few EKG's from going to the ER that have turned up
nothing serious, thank God.
Post by Snit
Of course, this is done for reasons *other* than panic. In my case my heart
was just "randomly" jumping to 150+ beats per minute when my normal base
rate is in the 60s or sometimes 70s.
Wow, that is high! Again, I'm so glad you have this done. {{{{{Snit}}}}}
Post by Snit
Now I get to go to GI doctors and more to find explanations and hopefully
treatments for other physical symptoms I have. Just amazing the difference
there is in having a good GP who is willing to work with you - something I
had not been able to find in a very long time.
Now, this is the paragraph I really want to answer and know about. :-) It
didn't take me 20 yrs. to find a good GP, but it did take me something like
3, 4 or 5 years. :-) I had a bastard of a GP up until about a month ago or
a little more than that. The one I have now is really on top of things. He
did ALL kinds of blood tests, etc., etc. He found a few things too. It's a
very, very long story and I'm sorry I cannot write it here or even in
private email because it just exhausts me to write that much and also to try
to remember everything that has happened since Mar. of 2012! My husband has
been affected by what we call the *hot tub disease*. LOL I just had an
Endoscopy done on 11/15 and need to wait quite awhile before I get any
results back. There is just so much more to it that I can't write it all,
as I said. What is wrong with you, if you can even say here? I'm just
curious because you sound so much like me. :-) The doctor that did the
Scope is my GI specialist and he is terrific too! I hope you feel better
real soon and get some answers, for crying out loud! Take care and write
here, if you can. I'll be looking in from time to time.


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2012-11-21 18:11:42 UTC
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
On 9/18/12 10:57 PM, in article
Post by Snit
Overall things are going well. *Finally* after a 20 year search found a GP
doctor who was willing to listen to me and agree with me that much of my
anxiety disorder comes from physical causes (something every P-doc,
counselor, etc. I have ever been to has agreed with me on) and she
continued to send me to specialists to help find the problem. They did (or
at least a large part of the problem): my heart's electrical system was
faulty and - though the miracles of modern science - I was able to have an
out-patient procedure to have it corrected. That was done the start of
last month and now my heart seems to be *completely* fixed... and my panic
attacks greatly reduced. Still have other specialists to go to and other
tests to take (just came back from a second sleep study) but things are
going very well for me, too.
Very interesting! This is the first time I've heard of something like this.
I'm glad it helped.
Thanks. The doctor who did the procedure (and the cardiologist who referred
me to him) say they have seen this *many* times - people with rather severe
panic disorders finding they are greatly helped and sometimes even completely
cured after the procedure. Of course, YMMV *and* this would only apply to
people who have an anxiety disorder largely caused by *this* physical
problem. I am *not* pushing this as a cure-all for everyone (or even saying
it has completely cured me - it has *not*, though it has greatly helped), but
Hi Snit!
I haven't posted here in I don't know how long, but I had to read and answer
your post. (Hi Mary and everyone else!) I am soooo glad this procedure has
helped you. I understand it is not for everyone. I don't have heart issues
because I've had a few EKG's from going to the ER that have turned up nothing
serious, thank God.
With me my EKGs were fine - it took a one-month monitor and a tilt-test to
figure out what was wrong.
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
Of course, this is done for reasons *other* than panic. In my case my heart
was just "randomly" jumping to 150+ beats per minute when my normal base rate
is in the 60s or sometimes 70s.
Wow, that is high! Again, I'm so glad you have this done. {{{{{Snit}}}}}
I have had a bit of a set back the last few weeks but even in the midst of
bad attacks my pulse either does not go that high or drops back down to a
more normal rate pretty quick.
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
Now I get to go to GI doctors and more to find explanations and hopefully
treatments for other physical symptoms I have. Just amazing the difference
there is in having a good GP who is willing to work with you - something I
had not been able to find in a very long time.
Now, this is the paragraph I really want to answer and know about. :-) It
didn't take me 20 yrs. to find a good GP, but it did take me something like 3,
4 or 5 years. :-) I had a bastard of a GP up until about a month ago or a
little more than that.
Mine would make me wait an hour or more - I would them leave and he had the
audacity to claim *I* was the "no-show" and told me if I did this three
times he would drop my service. Insane.
Post by USENET News
The one I have now is really on top of things.
Congrats. Excellent to hear.
Post by USENET News
He did ALL kinds of blood tests, etc., etc. He found a few things too. It's
a very, very long story and I'm sorry I cannot write it here or even in
private email because it just exhausts me to write that much and also to try
to remember everything that has happened since Mar. of 2012!
I understand all too well. Sadly. :)
Post by USENET News
My husband has been affected by what we call the *hot tub disease*. LOL I
just had an Endoscopy done on 11/15 and need to wait quite awhile before I get
any results back.
Best of luck to you on that. My results came back: some duodenitis but
nothing serious.
Post by USENET News
There is just so much more to it that I can't write it all, as I said. What
is wrong with you, if you can even say here? I'm just curious because you
sound so much like me. :-) The doctor that did the Scope is my GI specialist
and he is terrific too!
I am not particularly happy with my GI doctor... but I have a recommendation
for another if I need one.
Post by USENET News
I hope you feel better real soon and get some
answers, for crying out loud! Take care and write here, if you can. I'll be
looking in from time to time.
Best of luck to you as well.
"Linux desktop is why I got into Linux in the first place. I mean, I
have never, ever cared about really anything but the Linux desktop."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-11-22 02:02:38 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
Hi Snit!
I haven't posted here in I don't know how long, but I had to read and answer
your post. (Hi Mary and everyone else!) I am soooo glad this procedure has
helped you. I understand it is not for everyone. I don't have heart issues
because I've had a few EKG's from going to the ER that have turned up nothing
serious, thank God.
With me my EKGs were fine - it took a one-month monitor and a tilt-test to
figure out what was wrong.
Well, it's a good thing they finally found out what it is. Gees!
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
Of course, this is done for reasons *other* than panic. In my case my heart
was just "randomly" jumping to 150+ beats per minute when my normal base rate
is in the 60s or sometimes 70s.
Wow, that is high! Again, I'm so glad you have this done.
I have had a bit of a set back the last few weeks but even in the midst of
bad attacks my pulse either does not go that high or drops back down to a
more normal rate pretty quick.
That's great to hear, Snit. :-)
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
Now I get to go to GI doctors and more to find explanations and hopefully
treatments for other physical symptoms I have. Just amazing the difference
there is in having a good GP who is willing to work with you - something I
had not been able to find in a very long time.
Now, this is the paragraph I really want to answer and know about. :-)
didn't take me 20 yrs. to find a good GP, but it did take me something like 3,
4 or 5 years. :-) I had a bastard of a GP up until about a month ago or a
little more than that.
Mine would make me wait an hour or more - I would them leave and he had the
audacity to claim *I* was the "no-show" and told me if I did this three
times he would drop my service. Insane.
What?!! He sounds worse than my old GP!
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
The one I have now is really on top of things.
Congrats. Excellent to hear.
Thank you, Snit.
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
He did ALL kinds of blood tests, etc., etc. He found a few things too.
a very, very long story and I'm sorry I cannot write it here or even in
private email because it just exhausts me to write that much and also to try
to remember everything that has happened since Mar. of 2012!
I understand all too well. Sadly. :)
Thanks again.
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
My husband has been affected by what we call the *hot tub disease*. LOL
just had an Endoscopy done on 11/15 and need to wait quite awhile before I get
any results back.
Best of luck to you on that. My results came back: some duodenitis but
nothing serious.
Can I ask you one more question? What did they give you for that, if
anything? I am in agony most of the time. It's usually my stomach and I
don't digest my food very well. This is something recent. After the Scope,
the nurse said to me, your stomach is red. If they find any bacteria, they
will give you an antibiotic. So, I am just praying that they find something
so they can give me something that will cure whatever this is. I am
confusing you now, probably. I just want to say one more thing too. My
husband had multiple bleeding ulcers a month ago. His blood count is still
probably very low. He has an appt. this Fri. with the GI guy who did his
Scope and found the ulcers. He had H. pylori and was on Prevacid, Biaxin,
and 1,000 mg. of Amoxicillin twice a day for 14 days!
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
There is just so much more to it that I can't write it all, as I said.
is wrong with you, if you can even say here? I'm just curious because you
sound so much like me. :-) The doctor that did the Scope is my GI specialist
and he is terrific too!
I am not particularly happy with my GI doctor... but I have a
for another if I need one.
Well, I hope you can get another one. It's important to have a doctor who
believes what you tell him or her and does something about it. That's the
problem I was faced with for quite a few months.
Post by Snit
Post by USENET News
I hope you feel better real soon and get some
answers, for crying out loud! Take care and write here, if you can.
I'll be
looking in from time to time.
Best of luck to you as well.
Thank you, Snit and I wish the best for you also.

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2012-11-22 05:33:14 UTC
On 11/21/12 7:02 PM, in article ***@mid.individual.net, "USENET
News" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
With me my EKGs were fine - it took a one-month monitor and a tilt-test to
figure out what was wrong.
Well, it's a good thing they finally found out what it is. Gees!
It is at least a good start. :)
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
Post by Snit
Of course, this is done for reasons *other* than panic. In my case my
heart was just "randomly" jumping to 150+ beats per minute when my normal
base rate is in the 60s or sometimes 70s.
Wow, that is high! Again, I'm so glad you have this done. {{{{{Snit}}}}}
I have had a bit of a set back the last few weeks but even in the midst of
bad attacks my pulse either does not go that high or drops back down to a
more normal rate pretty quick.
That's great to hear, Snit. :-)
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
Now, this is the paragraph I really want to answer and know about. :-) It
didn't take me 20 yrs. to find a good GP, but it did take me something like
3, 4 or 5 years. :-) I had a bastard of a GP up until about a month ago or
a little more than that.
Mine would make me wait an hour or more - I would them leave and he had the
audacity to claim *I* was the "no-show" and told me if I did this three times
he would drop my service. Insane.
What?!! He sounds worse than my old GP!
He was truly awful. And when I did get to see him he would want to know my
one main symptom... I ended up bringing written lists and asking him which
he thought was the "main" one. :)
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
The one I have now is really on top of things.
Congrats. Excellent to hear.
Thank you, Snit.
Post by Snit
He did ALL kinds of blood tests, etc., etc. He found a few things too. It's
a very, very long story and I'm sorry I cannot write it here or even in
private email because it just exhausts me to write that much and also to try
to remember everything that has happened since Mar. of 2012!
I understand all too well. Sadly. :)
Thanks again.
Post by Snit
My husband has been affected by what we call the *hot tub disease*. LOL I
just had an Endoscopy done on 11/15 and need to wait quite awhile before I
get any results back.
Best of luck to you on that. My results came back: some duodenitis but
nothing serious.
Can I ask you one more question? What did they give you for that, if
anything? I am in agony most of the time. It's usually my stomach and I
don't digest my food very well. This is something recent. After the Scope,
the nurse said to me, your stomach is red. If they find any bacteria, they
will give you an antibiotic. So, I am just praying that they find something
so they can give me something that will cure whatever this is. I am confusing
you now, probably. I just want to say one more thing too. My husband had
multiple bleeding ulcers a month ago. His blood count is still probably very
low. He has an appt. this Fri. with the GI guy who did his Scope and found
the ulcers. He had H. pylori and was on Prevacid, Biaxin, and 1,000 mg. of
Amoxicillin twice a day for 14 days!
I did not have H. pylori or any other infection... and I tried both major
classes of meds to reduce acid and had bad reactions to both. Not good. So I
am still in quite a bit of pain... though the last few days it has started
to get better. I do take antacids quite a bit... though I am cutting down.
Do not want to stop cold turkey - that leads to a rebound effect.

I have had such pains my whole life - and sadly my two kids do, too (ages 5
and 7). The older one has it worse... and recently went through all sorts of
tests. Found out she has food allergies... lots of them - nuts, beans, corn,
soy, squash, etc. I suspect I have a similar list and will be tested soon.
If our lists do not match up - and they likely do not - it will make food
shopping even more interesting.

The good news is once you know what you are allergic to you can stop eating
it for a month or two and then re-introduce the items back. Often your
allergies go away, or so I have been told. Also, the tests for allergies are
not completely accurate, so there are likely a number of false positives -
no way to know without testing each with an elimination diet and adding them
back one by one.
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
There is just so much more to it that I can't write it all, as I said. What
is wrong with you, if you can even say here? I'm just curious because you
sound so much like me. :-) The doctor that did the Scope is my GI
specialist and he is terrific too!
I am not particularly happy with my GI doctor... but I have a recommendation
for another if I need one.
Well, I hope you can get another one. It's important to have a doctor who
believes what you tell him or her and does something about it. That's the
problem I was faced with for quite a few months.
I have some rather unpleasant stories about my current GI doctor... but
things get graphic and perhaps not well suited for a public forum. :) Just
say I would be happy to find another. Still, even at her worst she is much
better than the GP I described, above.
Post by USENET News
Post by Snit
I hope you feel better real soon and get some answers, for crying out loud!
Take care and write here, if you can. I'll be looking in from time to time.
Best of luck to you as well.
Thank you, Snit and I wish the best for you also.
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2012-11-22 17:33:51 UTC
Hi Snit,

I deleted everything because I thought it was getting a little too long.

Seriously, I feel very bad for you and your kids. :-( I hope you all have
the same allergies. It would be a lot easier if you did. I'm allergic to
sugar, sugar subs. and gluten. My tests came back negative too, but MY BODY
knows I can't eat those things. I have been doing the same thing you have
been, by deleting certain foods and reintroducing them. My problem is that
I don't know HOW much to eat of, let's say, mashed potatoes or French fries,
etc. Then I end up having an awful attack. Okay, said enough for this
forum. :-) As I said before, I hope you all get some answers soon and can
get rid of some of your pains. I want the same for myself, but have to wait
for test results to come back. Biopsies were taken also. Take care and
write me any time you want to. My addy is ***@cogeco.ca. I would love
to here more of your story if you are up to it. If not, please don't worry
about it. :-) Thanks again!

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2012-09-13 03:37:59 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Hey, everybody,
This used to be a viable, helpful group, and I don't have to tell you it's
dissolved to almost nothing. I've gone to some other forums with limited
or no participation, so I don't know -- maybe nobody has any issues now,
or they've put Prozac in the water without my knowledge. Anyway, I thought
it would be nice if instead of lurking in the background everybody would
post what's going on with them and how things are going. If you've found
an active forum how about letting the rest of us in on it.
I feel the same as you Sheldon and have said so several times. I don't know
where everybody went. I am not sure if they are taking prozac or not :) I
lurk here and have posted occasionally but most of the old crowd don't come
here anymore. I don't know why they stopped or what they are doing. The
group is nothing like it used to be. Maybe most of them lost interest. Its
the $64,000.00 question.

I am not doing anything much and glad the summer is ending as its been so
hot this summer which makes my anxiety worse if I go out. I don't take any
meds for anxiety as I found it didn't help much. I take tranxene as needed
now and then and it helps some. I still feel some anxiety when driving but
some days its worse than others.

I have had several medical problems such as I have arthritis in my hip and
should be getting surgery, but I am too nervous to get it done. I got three
infections int he last two months one after the other. A tooth abcsess,
another infection and now I have an eye problem. I had surgery done on my
bottom eyelid a couple of years ago, and now have the same problem and have
to get more surgery. So I have been busy with all these things which have
created more anxiety for me. sometimes I just suddenly feel anxious even
though not feeling anxious about anything at the time. I find that to be
very strange. its like my nervous system goes out of whack and causes
anxiety with no rhyme or reason. Its very hard to understand. Sometimes I
feel I don't want to go outside as I don't usually feel much anxiety when
home, but I push myself to go out or I could easily stay home and stay that
Post by Sheldon
For myself, I'm going doing well. The Lexapro is doing its job, and for
the first time in a long time I've been able to get out of the house and
even travel to events out of town and have some fun. I've also, with the
help of my new pdoc, cut back my benzos by half and hope to cut them back
even more in the future. I've been dating the same girl for 6 years now
(thank God for Lexapro), and looking forward to Social Security and
Medicare in the next few months. I also have a dog, my first, that my
girlfriend got me as a surprise 3 years ago. So, IMHO things are pretty
good with me. How about the rest of you?
You seem to be doing well Sheldon and getting out to events out of town. I
haven't done anything like that for a very long time. I don't even drive to
places I did a few years ago because of anxiety getting there. It's good you
have a new pdoc who seems to be helpful. getting a good pdoc is not easy.
See you again Sheldon..

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2012-09-19 05:56:01 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Hey, everybody,
This used to be a viable, helpful group, and I don't have to tell you
it's dissolved to almost nothing. I've gone to some other forums with
limited or no participation, so I don't know -- maybe nobody has any
issues now, or they've put Prozac in the water without my knowledge.
Anyway, I thought it would be nice if instead of lurking in the
background everybody would post what's going on with them and how
things are going. If you've found an active forum how about letting
the rest of us in on it.
For myself, I'm going doing well. The Lexapro is doing its job, and
for the first time in a long time I've been able to get out of the
house and even travel to events out of town and have some fun. I've
also, with the help of my new pdoc, cut back my benzos by half and
hope to cut them back even more in the future. I've been dating the
same girl for 6 years now (thank God for Lexapro), and looking forward
to Social Security and Medicare in the next few months. I also have a
dog, my first, that my girlfriend got me as a surprise 3 years ago.
So, IMHO things are pretty good with me. How about the rest of you?
I'm glad to hear you're doing well! See my other note for how I'm doing.

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