Back from Hospital Again
(too old to reply)
2012-10-18 03:55:20 UTC
Hello! I took a turn for the worse, and had to go back into the hospital.
I was in for a week. My psych added lithium and Seroquel to meds. So now
I take Effexor XR and those.

I still feel pretty bad, but I'm hopeful. I've been told that lithium and
Seroquel take 1-2 weeks to take effect.

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2012-10-18 05:38:11 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello! I took a turn for the worse, and had to go back into the hospital.
I was in for a week. My psych added lithium and Seroquel to meds. So now
I take Effexor XR and those.
I still feel pretty bad, but I'm hopeful. I've been told that lithium and
Seroquel take 1-2 weeks to take effect.
Hi Dennis,
Sorry you are feeling worse and had to go back into the hospital. I have
never been on any of the meds you mention, but I hope they help you. I hope
you will be on your way to recovery soon. I know how awful it is not to feel
well. Post again when you feel like it. Best wishes to you.

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Philip Peters
2012-10-18 23:24:27 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello! I took a turn for the worse, and had to go back into the hospital.
I was in for a week. My psych added lithium and Seroquel to meds. So now
I take Effexor XR and those.
I still feel pretty bad, but I'm hopeful. I've been told that lithium and
Seroquel take 1-2 weeks to take effect.
I'm sorry to hear this, Dennis. What were your (new) symptoms when you
were admitted?
What exactly are you diagnosed with?
If you're *bipolar* lithium is still the first choice med and it can be
augmented by one of the "newer" antipsychotics like Seroquel. It takes a
few weeks to be able to asess their effect but with lithium serum levels
should be monitored every so often so that you know you're exactly on
the right dose.
Ideally, I believe, just starting with lithium would have had the
advantage that you don't run the risk of overprescribing and also that
you know which med is doing what.
You may have a complicated dual diagnosis but failig that just for
bipolar it's said that SSRI's & SNRI's such as Effexor are not indicated
medication. Your pdoc may have good reason to put you on this cocktail
anyway but you might want to run it past him again and have him explain
hjis reasoning to you.
I strongly feel pdocs should *always* explain why they do what they're

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2012-10-19 03:10:48 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by Dennis
Hello! I took a turn for the worse, and had to go back into the hospital.
I was in for a week. My psych added lithium and Seroquel to meds. So now
I take Effexor XR and those.
I still feel pretty bad, but I'm hopeful. I've been told that lithium and
Seroquel take 1-2 weeks to take effect.
I'm sorry to hear this, Dennis. What were your (new) symptoms when you
were admitted?
What exactly are you diagnosed with?
If you're *bipolar* lithium is still the first choice med and it can be
augmented by one of the "newer" antipsychotics like Seroquel. It takes a
few weeks to be able to asess their effect but with lithium serum levels
should be monitored every so often so that you know you're exactly on the
right dose.
Ideally, I believe, just starting with lithium would have had the
advantage that you don't run the risk of overprescribing and also that you
know which med is doing what.
You may have a complicated dual diagnosis but failig that just for bipolar
it's said that SSRI's & SNRI's such as Effexor are not indicated
medication. Your pdoc may have good reason to put you on this cocktail
anyway but you might want to run it past him again and have him explain
hjis reasoning to you.
I strongly feel pdocs should *always* explain why they do what they're
Nice to see you still drop in Philip. Your English is so good. I would think
you were a native :) I like your posts as you have had a lot of experience
with various medications for various disorders. I have tried several SSRI'S
but they are not for everybody, and they were not for me. It was a long time
ago when I tried them, and I tried enough of them to know, they are not for
me. But some people do well on them. I did better with therapy but have not
been in therapy for a long time. I just want to live my life even though
things are not what I want or how I want in many ways. We all have our
journeys in life and this is mine.
Hope to see you again.
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2012-10-30 00:25:45 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello! I took a turn for the worse, and had to go back into the hospital.
I was in for a week. My psych added lithium and Seroquel to meds. So now
I take Effexor XR and those.
I still feel pretty bad, but I'm hopeful. I've been told that lithium and
Seroquel take 1-2 weeks to take effect.
Hang in there, Dennis. Many psych meds take about two weeks to kick in, but
when they do it's like an instant fix. Hope that happens for you.
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