Must be getting better
(too old to reply)
2012-06-19 04:23:49 UTC
This weekend we drove to a Cowboy Fast Draw event. I've cut back on my
benzos at the request of my pdoc but had no "episodes" and drove all the way
back -- it's a 5 hour drive! I think the good part was I was concentrating
so hard on the shooting and trying to do well I never had a chance to feel
bad, and we stayed two nights in a funky motel.

I have to say I never would have been able to do this before the Lexapro.
For those of you who think I'm nuts, I should explain this event was a lot
of fun. I got to meet a lot of new people, who were great, and we don't
shoot at each other. We shoot at metal targets with wax bullets. When, and
if, the bullet hits the target it trips a timer and our draw is timed.
Everybody dresses in late 1800's garb and we shot on the grounds of a museum
that was just like being in the old west. Very cool.

For someone who couldn't get out of the house I'm doing pretty good. :-)
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2012-06-21 17:05:49 UTC
Post by Sheldon
This weekend we drove to a Cowboy Fast Draw event. I've cut back on my
benzos at the request of my pdoc but had no "episodes" and drove all the way
back -- it's a 5 hour drive! I think the good part was I was concentrating
so hard on the shooting and trying to do well I never had a chance to feel
bad, and we stayed two nights in a funky motel.
I have to say I never would have been able to do this before the Lexapro.
For those of you who think I'm nuts, I should explain this event was a lot
of fun. I got to meet a lot of new people, who were great, and we don't
shoot at each other. We shoot at metal targets with wax bullets. When, and
if, the bullet hits the target it trips a timer and our draw is timed.
Everybody dresses in late 1800's garb and we shot on the grounds of a museum
that was just like being in the old west. Very cool.
For someone who couldn't get out of the house I'm doing pretty good. :-)
sheldon that is awesome news! i've never shot a gun in my life but that
sounds like brilliant fun. we don't have too many guns in ireland (except
for the IRA LOL!!) but i'd love to do this. well done with the lexapro,
i'm glad to hear it is helping so much - it makes me so sleepy i had to
quit it - but obviously it really works for a lot of people (my sister
has been on that stuff for years). just well done in general!! =)
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2012-06-24 03:54:52 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Sheldon
This weekend we drove to a Cowboy Fast Draw event. I've cut back on my
benzos at the request of my pdoc but had no "episodes" and drove all the way
back -- it's a 5 hour drive! I think the good part was I was
so hard on the shooting and trying to do well I never had a chance to feel
bad, and we stayed two nights in a funky motel.
I have to say I never would have been able to do this before the Lexapro.
For those of you who think I'm nuts, I should explain this event was a lot
of fun. I got to meet a lot of new people, who were great, and we don't
shoot at each other. We shoot at metal targets with wax bullets. When, and
if, the bullet hits the target it trips a timer and our draw is timed.
Everybody dresses in late 1800's garb and we shot on the grounds of a museum
that was just like being in the old west. Very cool.
For someone who couldn't get out of the house I'm doing pretty good. :-)
sheldon that is awesome news! i've never shot a gun in my life but that
sounds like brilliant fun. we don't have too many guns in ireland (except
for the IRA LOL!!) but i'd love to do this. well done with the lexapro,
i'm glad to hear it is helping so much - it makes me so sleepy i had to
quit it - but obviously it really works for a lot of people (my sister
has been on that stuff for years). just well done in general!! =)
Thanks for the kudos, and I was suffering from GAD, so for me tired was
good. I will say that my pdoc wanted me to up my dose of Lexapro and I
almost fell asleep right after I took it, so you are correct, it does make
some people tired and I think that's why it was originally prescribed.

I know many people are not into guns, and while I am a gun person for me
this is about the romance of the old west and meeting new people. The rule
book comments on the "Cowboy Way," which is about making deals with a
handshake, helping your neighbors and tipping your hat to a lady -- a way we
could all live by today.

Take care and be well.
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2012-06-29 05:57:13 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Sheldon
This weekend we drove to a Cowboy Fast Draw event. I've cut back on my
benzos at the request of my pdoc but had no "episodes" and drove all the way
back -- it's a 5 hour drive! I think the good part was I was
so hard on the shooting and trying to do well I never had a chance to feel
bad, and we stayed two nights in a funky motel.
I have to say I never would have been able to do this before the Lexapro.
For those of you who think I'm nuts, I should explain this event was a lot
of fun. I got to meet a lot of new people, who were great, and we don't
shoot at each other. We shoot at metal targets with wax bullets. When, and
if, the bullet hits the target it trips a timer and our draw is timed.
Everybody dresses in late 1800's garb and we shot on the grounds of a museum
that was just like being in the old west. Very cool.
For someone who couldn't get out of the house I'm doing pretty good. :-)
sheldon that is awesome news! i've never shot a gun in my life but that
sounds like brilliant fun. we don't have too many guns in ireland (except
for the IRA LOL!!) but i'd love to do this. well done with the lexapro,
i'm glad to hear it is helping so much - it makes me so sleepy i had to
quit it - but obviously it really works for a lot of people (my sister
has been on that stuff for years). just well done in general!! =)
Hi TJ, I tried various anti depressants and they all made me sleepy. they
were not very helpful and caused me so many bad side effects that I gave up
on them. that was years ago and I would never go back on them again. Not
everybody are helped by SSRI's and I am one of them. But for those who do
well, that's good. I'm like you, I've never seen a gun in my life and the
only guns in Toronto are guns young guys in a few gangs in a few areas in
the city, manage to get and shoot each others gang members. Terrible really.

When you mention the IRA, yes there were many bombings and shootings in the
conflict in Northern Ireland. are you in the south? I saw on TV today the
Queen was shaking hands with some IRA members from the old days when shaking
hands with the queen was the last thing they would ever do. it was a peace
offering I guess. I hope these days are gone for N. Ireland now. so many
people killed in the conflict which went on for many many years. I hope its
over for the sake of everyone there.
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2012-06-29 05:56:36 UTC
Post by Sheldon
This weekend we drove to a Cowboy Fast Draw event. I've cut back on my
benzos at the request of my pdoc but had no "episodes" and drove all the
way back -- it's a 5 hour drive! I think the good part was I was
concentrating so hard on the shooting and trying to do well I never had a
chance to feel bad, and we stayed two nights in a funky motel.
I have to say I never would have been able to do this before the Lexapro.
For those of you who think I'm nuts, I should explain this event was a lot
of fun. I got to meet a lot of new people, who were great, and we don't
shoot at each other. We shoot at metal targets with wax bullets. When, and
if, the bullet hits the target it trips a timer and our draw is timed.
Everybody dresses in late 1800's garb and we shot on the grounds of a
museum that was just like being in the old west. Very cool.
For someone who couldn't get out of the house I'm doing pretty good. :-)
Sounds like you are doing pretty well Sheldon.

I haven't been lurking or posting as my desktop computer has not been
working for a month. I got a wireless modem so I could use my laptop which
is in another room. I wouldn't have got it was free on a promotion from my
IP. Then my network card didn't work properly with the modem and got worse
when I installed the wrong driver, and the desktop didn't work at all. I
ended up having to format and reinstall windows and takes days to get
everything back. A technician at my IP helped me set the laptop up for the
internet, so I got it going. It has Win 7 which I don't know a lot about, as
I always used Win XP which I like best.I fixed the desktop a few days ago
with much trial and error and help from a U.S. computer friend.

Weather here in Toronto has been very hot a lot of days since May and is to
be around 104F because of high humidity for the next week and could stay
very hot off and on till mid sept. I stay home a lot in summer every year.
its too hot outside a lot of days and makes me feel faint when I go out.
Last winter we had hardly any winter. We only had snow a couple of times and
in a day or two it was all gone. It's the mildest winter we ever had. The
Fall weather here is the best with with warm days and changing colours of
the leaves on the trees. very spectacular.

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