I can't stop not with my med;
(too old to reply)
2011-08-12 00:23:35 UTC
My dear Family;

I can't stop with my med;
Roel is out of the running,and I don't know for how long.
Maybe that my GP can help me?
I have to many pils on a day.
In the morning 6, at noen 4 after diner 4 and for the night 7.
And when I went out of the house (never alone) I take some more.
This is why I want to stop with the med.
Let me know when anybody knows something I can do.

Love Diana
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2011-08-15 00:20:18 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
I can't stop with my med;
Roel is out of the running,and I don't know for how long.
Maybe that my GP can help me?
I have to many pils on a day.
In the morning 6, at noen 4 after diner 4 and for the night 7.
And when I went out of the house (never alone) I take some more.
This is why I want to stop with the med.
Let me know when anybody knows something I can do.
Hello Diana! It sounds like you'd like to stop some of the medicines you

Yes, I think the first thing to do is talk to your GP about this.

If it's benzodiazepines, I know there are online support groups for that.
You have to reduce the dosage very gradually, over a period of several
months. It's very dangerous to quit all at once. Some of the others here
probably have more information on that.

If it's antidepressants, I'm not sure. You may need a different one. I
know some people get off antidepressants gradually, the same way I said. I
don't know as much about this.

In either case, I think you should talk to your GP first, and see if he can
refer you to anyone else.

Can anyone else advise Diana?

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