Just diagnosed
(too old to reply)
Dave L
2011-11-21 23:28:35 UTC

Not sure how active this group is but looks like there may be a few people
around who might be able to offer advice/use as a soundboard.

I live in the UK and I'm seeing my GP soon to discuss this in more detail, I
have only had a quick "emergency appointment" so far. So what am I

I have found that I have have constant headaches for 4 weeks, paracetamol
and Ibuprofen not shifting them. Also had migraines a few times over the
last year, with some vision changes e.g. loss of periphary vision and what
is left goes wavy, then after a few minutes I get a bad headache. This isn't
happening very often now.

Other things, I am irritable, up-tight, not my usual approachable and
relaxed person with people at work. I'm generally fine with other people.

Also my left leg was going weak, was getting eye blisters and feeling
generally unwell, very tired and down. Also been catching bugs loads over
the last couple of years, however I'm taking a mulitivitamin and vitamin B12
(the latter on advice from my Doctor). I am sleeping fine, too much really
(I seem to want 10+ hours) I feel but perhaps that's because I need it...?

So I went to the GP who asked about stresses in my life, of which I have
many, my mother is going through some illnesses, of which I have been very
much involved with to help her get the help she needs (hydrocephalus issues
among others). Also my job (I work full-time) is very poorly defined, my
manager doesn't give much support when I raise issues with the department
they are ignored, certainly they may register with him but he doesn't
resolve things. I have been "seconded" into a position for 3 years although
this isn't official and therefore I am not getting any reward for this other
than the experience, which is largely thankless.

So I've been getting these symptoms, and my doc gave me 10mg Amitriptyline
which I have taken for 4 nights, my headaches are easing but still there
after some thinking & reflecting on things. I have had nearly a week off
work, and due to go back on Wednesday to discuss with my manager.

Some things will be getting resolved in my work however he has proposed I
take on a "Virtual team" - that is a couple of his team would report into
him however I would take on some tasks and see them through, heading a
"virtual team". This to me seems one-sided.. again giving me work that isn't
my actual job.. should this task be his.. I believe so however I do
sometimes doubt my thoughts and that is something I need to get on top of.
But my gut feeling is it is wrong and am considering refusing the above role
in some way.

So is there any advice you guys can offer on here on the above? I have a
headache coming on now!

I'm wondering if there is any action plans that generally resolve anxiety
that I can aim towards in order to get back to normal? I have heard that the
best stress resolver is sleep but I really don't have much knowledge on all
this at the moment. I see my GP in 9 days after I have finished my 14
tablets of Amitriptyline.

PS I know amitriptyline in 10mg isn't to be associated with depression
despite it being an anti-depresssant.

I'm open to anything you can advise to help me bounce back out of this hole!
I've never felt this low ever. (I'm 33 and single, no kids for your

Many thanks in advance,
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2011-11-22 16:24:55 UTC
Not sure how active this group is but looks like there may be a few people around who might be able to offer advice/use as a
I live in the UK and I'm seeing my GP soon to discuss this in more detail, I have only had a quick "emergency appointment" so far.
So what am I feeling...?
I have found that I have have constant headaches for 4 weeks, paracetamol and Ibuprofen not shifting them. Also had migraines a
few times over the last year, with some vision changes e.g. loss of periphary vision and what is left goes wavy, then after a few
minutes I get a bad headache. This isn't happening very often now.
Other things, I am irritable, up-tight, not my usual approachable and relaxed person with people at work. I'm generally fine with
other people.
Also my left leg was going weak, was getting eye blisters and feeling generally unwell, very tired and down. Also been catching
bugs loads over the last couple of years, however I'm taking a mulitivitamin and vitamin B12 (the latter on advice from my
Doctor). I am sleeping fine, too much really (I seem to want 10+ hours) I feel but perhaps that's because I need it...?
So I went to the GP who asked about stresses in my life, of which I have many, my mother is going through some illnesses, of which
I have been very much involved with to help her get the help she needs (hydrocephalus issues among others). Also my job (I work
full-time) is very poorly defined, my manager doesn't give much support when I raise issues with the department they are ignored,
certainly they may register with him but he doesn't resolve things. I have been "seconded" into a position for 3 years although
this isn't official and therefore I am not getting any reward for this other than the experience, which is largely thankless.
So I've been getting these symptoms, and my doc gave me 10mg Amitriptyline which I have taken for 4 nights, my headaches are
easing but still there after some thinking & reflecting on things. I have had nearly a week off work, and due to go back on
Wednesday to discuss with my manager.
Some things will be getting resolved in my work however he has proposed I take on a "Virtual team" - that is a couple of his team
would report into him however I would take on some tasks and see them through, heading a "virtual team". This to me seems
one-sided.. again giving me work that isn't my actual job.. should this task be his.. I believe so however I do sometimes doubt my
thoughts and that is something I need to get on top of. But my gut feeling is it is wrong and am considering refusing the above
role in some way.
So is there any advice you guys can offer on here on the above? I have a headache coming on now!
I'm wondering if there is any action plans that generally resolve anxiety that I can aim towards in order to get back to normal? I
have heard that the best stress resolver is sleep but I really don't have much knowledge on all this at the moment. I see my GP in
9 days after I have finished my 14 tablets of Amitriptyline.
PS I know amitriptyline in 10mg isn't to be associated with depression despite it being an anti-depresssant.
I'm open to anything you can advise to help me bounce back out of this hole! I've never felt this low ever. (I'm 33 and single, no
kids for your information)
Many thanks in advance,
hi dave.

many people have a physiology such that stress results in migraines
or frequent headaches. my sister responds to stress that way. it seems
likely that you are in the same boat and right now you are under way too much
pressure and have been pushing yourself too hard for a very long time. many
of the people in this group have been down that exact road (me included).

sleep really is something you are going to need a lot of. try to do as
little as you can possibly get away with and get to bed as *early* as you can
manage. stay away from alcohol for the time being as well - that will just
smash the quality of your sleep and stress your body out even more. if you can
quit caffeine then do so - you will be more tired than ever for about 5 weeks
then you will feel a fair bit better than before you began.

also, if you will take my advice you should get hold of a psychiatrist
as soon as possible. your GP almost certainly doesn't know enough about this
type of problem to give you the best assistance available. my GP was pretty bad
and i essentially wasted a year of my time before having to get a referral to a
pdoc in the end anyway.

there are still a few of us on here reading the posts, but not so many as there
used to be (alas margrove where are you??). keep posting as long as you have
questions. if you want more of an idea about what is going on inside your
brain right now read the article below. your symptoms will be a little different
but the general pattern is the same (exhaustion is a universal symptom for example):


by the way, can you confirm that your blood pressure was normal when your doc
checked you out? (the weakness in one leg is a little unusual i'm thinking)

i wish you the best of luck!
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
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2011-11-28 02:26:07 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Dave L
Not sure how active this group is but looks like there may be a few
people around who might be able to offer advice/use as a
I live in the UK and I'm seeing my GP soon to discuss this in more
detail, I have only had a quick "emergency appointment" so far.
So what am I feeling...?
I have found that I have have constant headaches for 4 weeks, paracetamol
and Ibuprofen not shifting them. Also had migraines a
few times over the last year, with some vision changes e.g. loss of
periphary vision and what is left goes wavy, then after a few
minutes I get a bad headache. This isn't happening very often now.
Other things, I am irritable, up-tight, not my usual approachable and
relaxed person with people at work. I'm generally fine with
other people.
Also my left leg was going weak, was getting eye blisters and feeling
generally unwell, very tired and down. Also been catching
bugs loads over the last couple of years, however I'm taking a
mulitivitamin and vitamin B12 (the latter on advice from my
Doctor). I am sleeping fine, too much really (I seem to want 10+ hours) I
feel but perhaps that's because I need it...?
So I went to the GP who asked about stresses in my life, of which I have
many, my mother is going through some illnesses, of which
I have been very much involved with to help her get the help she needs
(hydrocephalus issues among others). Also my job (I work
full-time) is very poorly defined, my manager doesn't give much support
when I raise issues with the department they are ignored,
certainly they may register with him but he doesn't resolve things. I
have been "seconded" into a position for 3 years although
this isn't official and therefore I am not getting any reward for this
other than the experience, which is largely thankless.
So I've been getting these symptoms, and my doc gave me 10mg
Amitriptyline which I have taken for 4 nights, my headaches are
easing but still there after some thinking & reflecting on things. I have
had nearly a week off work, and due to go back on
Wednesday to discuss with my manager.
Some things will be getting resolved in my work however he has proposed I
take on a "Virtual team" - that is a couple of his team
would report into him however I would take on some tasks and see them
through, heading a "virtual team". This to me seems
one-sided.. again giving me work that isn't my actual job.. should this
task be his.. I believe so however I do sometimes doubt my
thoughts and that is something I need to get on top of. But my gut
feeling is it is wrong and am considering refusing the above
role in some way.
So is there any advice you guys can offer on here on the above? I have a
headache coming on now!
I'm wondering if there is any action plans that generally resolve anxiety
that I can aim towards in order to get back to normal? I
have heard that the best stress resolver is sleep but I really don't have
much knowledge on all this at the moment. I see my GP in
9 days after I have finished my 14 tablets of Amitriptyline.
PS I know amitriptyline in 10mg isn't to be associated with depression
despite it being an anti-depresssant.
I'm open to anything you can advise to help me bounce back out of this
hole! I've never felt this low ever. (I'm 33 and single, no
kids for your information)
Many thanks in advance,
hi dave.
many people have a physiology such that stress results in migraines
or frequent headaches. my sister responds to stress that way. it seems
likely that you are in the same boat and right now you are under way too much
pressure and have been pushing yourself too hard for a very long time.
of the people in this group have been down that exact road (me included).
sleep really is something you are going to need a lot of. try to do as
little as you can possibly get away with and get to bed as *early* as you can
manage. stay away from alcohol for the time being as well - that will just
smash the quality of your sleep and stress your body out even more. if you can
quit caffeine then do so - you will be more tired than ever for about 5 weeks
then you will feel a fair bit better than before you began.
also, if you will take my advice you should get hold of a psychiatrist
as soon as possible. your GP almost certainly doesn't know enough about this
type of problem to give you the best assistance available. my GP was pretty bad
and i essentially wasted a year of my time before having to get a referral to a
pdoc in the end anyway.
there are still a few of us on here reading the posts, but not so many as there
used to be (alas margrove where are you??). keep posting as long as you have
questions. if you want more of an idea about what is going on inside your
brain right now read the article below. your symptoms will be a little different
by the way, can you confirm that your blood pressure was normal when your doc
checked you out? (the weakness in one leg is a little unusual i'm thinking)
i wish you the best of luck!
I have to second the idea of seeing a psychiatrist. While some GPs are
pretty good, most don't really have a handle on anxiety related problems.
They do, however, hand out medications like candy based on whatever the
sales rep recommends. Sometimes they hit a home run; other times they
strike out. I think your odds are much better with a psychiatrist who's had
more experience with psych meds and other therapies. Also, a good shrink
can often rule out a lot of your symptoms as possibly being serious, or
suggest other tests to make sure.

Hang in there.
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2011-11-28 06:16:42 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by _TJ_
Post by Dave L
Not sure how active this group is but looks like there may be a few
people around who might be able to offer advice/use as a
I live in the UK and I'm seeing my GP soon to discuss this in more
detail, I have only had a quick "emergency appointment" so far.
So what am I feeling...?
I have found that I have have constant headaches for 4 weeks,
paracetamol and Ibuprofen not shifting them. Also had migraines a
few times over the last year, with some vision changes e.g. loss of
periphary vision and what is left goes wavy, then after a few
minutes I get a bad headache. This isn't happening very often now.
Other things, I am irritable, up-tight, not my usual approachable and
relaxed person with people at work. I'm generally fine with
other people.
Also my left leg was going weak, was getting eye blisters and feeling
generally unwell, very tired and down. Also been catching
bugs loads over the last couple of years, however I'm taking a
mulitivitamin and vitamin B12 (the latter on advice from my
Doctor). I am sleeping fine, too much really (I seem to want 10+ hours)
I feel but perhaps that's because I need it...?
So I went to the GP who asked about stresses in my life, of which I have
many, my mother is going through some illnesses, of which
I have been very much involved with to help her get the help she needs
(hydrocephalus issues among others). Also my job (I work
full-time) is very poorly defined, my manager doesn't give much support
when I raise issues with the department they are ignored,
certainly they may register with him but he doesn't resolve things. I
have been "seconded" into a position for 3 years although
this isn't official and therefore I am not getting any reward for this
other than the experience, which is largely thankless.
So I've been getting these symptoms, and my doc gave me 10mg
Amitriptyline which I have taken for 4 nights, my headaches are
easing but still there after some thinking & reflecting on things. I
have had nearly a week off work, and due to go back on
Wednesday to discuss with my manager.
Some things will be getting resolved in my work however he has proposed
I take on a "Virtual team" - that is a couple of his team
would report into him however I would take on some tasks and see them
through, heading a "virtual team". This to me seems
one-sided.. again giving me work that isn't my actual job.. should this
task be his.. I believe so however I do sometimes doubt my
thoughts and that is something I need to get on top of. But my gut
feeling is it is wrong and am considering refusing the above
role in some way.
So is there any advice you guys can offer on here on the above? I have a
headache coming on now!
I'm wondering if there is any action plans that generally resolve
anxiety that I can aim towards in order to get back to normal? I
have heard that the best stress resolver is sleep but I really don't
have much knowledge on all this at the moment. I see my GP in
9 days after I have finished my 14 tablets of Amitriptyline.
PS I know amitriptyline in 10mg isn't to be associated with depression
despite it being an anti-depresssant.
I'm open to anything you can advise to help me bounce back out of this
hole! I've never felt this low ever. (I'm 33 and single, no
kids for your information)
Many thanks in advance,
hi dave.
many people have a physiology such that stress results in migraines
or frequent headaches. my sister responds to stress that way. it seems
likely that you are in the same boat and right now you are under way too much
pressure and have been pushing yourself too hard for a very long time.
of the people in this group have been down that exact road (me included).
sleep really is something you are going to need a lot of. try to do as
little as you can possibly get away with and get to bed as *early* as you can
manage. stay away from alcohol for the time being as well - that will just
smash the quality of your sleep and stress your body out even more. if you can
quit caffeine then do so - you will be more tired than ever for about 5 weeks
then you will feel a fair bit better than before you began.
also, if you will take my advice you should get hold of a psychiatrist
as soon as possible. your GP almost certainly doesn't know enough about this
type of problem to give you the best assistance available. my GP was pretty bad
and i essentially wasted a year of my time before having to get a referral to a
pdoc in the end anyway.
there are still a few of us on here reading the posts, but not so many as there
used to be (alas margrove where are you??). keep posting as long as you have
questions. if you want more of an idea about what is going on inside your
brain right now read the article below. your symptoms will be a little different
by the way, can you confirm that your blood pressure was normal when your doc
checked you out? (the weakness in one leg is a little unusual i'm thinking)
i wish you the best of luck!
I have to second the idea of seeing a psychiatrist. While some GPs are
pretty good, most don't really have a handle on anxiety related problems.
They do, however, hand out medications like candy based on whatever the
sales rep recommends. Sometimes they hit a home run; other times they
strike out. I think your odds are much better with a psychiatrist who's
had more experience with psych meds and other therapies. Also, a good
shrink can often rule out a lot of your symptoms as possibly being
serious, or suggest other tests to make sure.
Hang in there.
I agree wholeheartedly. Tranx & other pysch drugs should be prescribed only
after at least one pysch visit. Once that rx is written the gp can write
them. They hand drugs at the drop of a hat.
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