it is not good here
(too old to reply)
2012-04-26 00:45:20 UTC
My dear Family;

It is not good here,
Albert have cancer, again,
this time it is prostate cancer. He had cancer before, lymph cancer.
We are next week to the UK for one week and after than, He will go to the
He will have a oparation, they think that this will the best option for
They say that this is one of the few cancers they can handle for the best,

When we are back I will let you know how and what.

Love Diana
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2012-04-26 03:47:22 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
It is not good here,
Albert have cancer, again,
this time it is prostate cancer. He had cancer before, lymph cancer.
We are next week to the UK for one week and after than, He will go to the
He will have a oparation, they think that this will the best option for
They say that this is one of the few cancers they can handle for the best,
When we are back I will let you know how and what.
Hi Diana, sorry Albert needs an operation. I hope everything goes well. Best

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Philip Peters
2012-04-26 22:21:07 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
It is not good here,
Albert have cancer, again,
this time it is prostate cancer. He had cancer before, lymph cancer.
Diana, I am very sorry to hear this.
Post by diana
We are next week to the UK for one week and after than, He will go to the
He will have a oparation, they think that this will the best option for
They say that this is one of the few cancers they can handle for the best,
If it's not spread they can remove the prostate through an elegant
procedure called *laparoscopy* and although one needs being monitored
afterwards for years (mainly the level of PSA in the blood) it most
often needs no further treatment. Still, obviously upsetting enough,
hope you can have a nice time in the UK. The fact that they don't
operate *immediately* is a good sign.

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2012-04-27 04:04:32 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by diana
My dear Family;
It is not good here,
Albert have cancer, again,
this time it is prostate cancer. He had cancer before, lymph cancer.
Diana, I am very sorry to hear this.
Post by diana
We are next week to the UK for one week and after than, He will go to the
He will have a oparation, they think that this will the best option for
They say that this is one of the few cancers they can handle for the best,
If it's not spread they can remove the prostate through an elegant
procedure called *laparoscopy* and although one needs being monitored
afterwards for years (mainly the level of PSA in the blood) it most often
needs no further treatment. Still, obviously upsetting enough, hope you
can have a nice time in the UK. The fact that they don't operate
*immediately* is a good sign.
Albert went every year for the bloodtest, and it was always good.
but now it was very high.
They told us last week, go for a week to the UK, and when you are back
then we start.
So whe have to wait and see.

:Love Diana
Post by Philip Peters
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2012-04-27 02:29:45 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
It is not good here,
Albert have cancer, again,
this time it is prostate cancer. He had cancer before, lymph cancer.
We are next week to the UK for one week and after than, He will go to the
He will have a oparation, they think that this will the best option for
They say that this is one of the few cancers they can handle for the best,
When we are back I will let you know how and what.
Love Diana

Hang in there. I realize this is probably the last thing you need in your
lives, but prostate cancer is one of those things they say every man will
get if they live long enough, and for many men they don't do anything at
all. I also know there are many ways to deal with it, and I would assume
they will get it all and that will be the end of it.

BTW, I don't mean to complicate things, but I would get a second opinion if
possible. I have a friend who has now had 3 false positives regarding
prostate cancer.

Take care.
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2012-04-27 04:05:09 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by diana
My dear Family;
It is not good here,
Albert have cancer, again,
this time it is prostate cancer. He had cancer before, lymph cancer.
We are next week to the UK for one week and after than, He will go to the
He will have a oparation, they think that this will the best option for
They say that this is one of the few cancers they can handle for the best,
When we are back I will let you know how and what.
Love Diana
Hang in there. I realize this is probably the last thing you need in your
lives, but prostate cancer is one of those things they say every man will
get if they live long enough, and for many men they don't do anything at
all. I also know there are many ways to deal with it, and I would assume
they will get it all and that will be the end of it.
BTW, I don't mean to complicate things, but I would get a second opinion
if possible. I have a friend who has now had 3 false positives regarding
prostate cancer.
Take care.
--Yes Albert had a second opinion, and they told us what the best thing to
and that was a operation.so that is what Albert is going to do.

Love Diana
Post by Mary
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