To Mary - OT
(too old to reply)
2012-12-27 23:27:01 UTC
Hi Mary,

I realized I never answered a few of your questions to me. Yes, *that* Don
is my husband and yes, he is Canadian. I love living here in Canada because
the people are sooooo kind and soooooo nice to us. :-) We were in the
grocery store during the summer and were looking at some spareribs that were
on sale. They were very large, though, and I said to Don that they would be
too heavy for us to carry back home. We don't drive, we walk everywhere or
take the bus or take a taxi. The store is only a 10 minute walk from our
house. Anyway, this nice man heard me say that and he offered to give us a
ride home if we bought the spareribs. LOL So we did and he gave us the
ride. It turned out that he knew one of our dear neighbors anyway so I
didn't feel like a complete stranger was giving us a ride home. I thought
that was a hoot! It also turned out that he was Italian and so am I, so we
had something else in common. He told us that if he ever saw us in the
store again, he would give us a ride home. How thoughtful! We have met
some really nice people here in Windsor. Nothing like that back home for
me. That's why I want to live here and become a citizen. :-) Well, I
think I answered your questions. If you have anymore, please ask away as
long as they are not too personal for the newsgroup. LOL Take care! I
hope you are well today.


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2012-12-29 22:03:48 UTC
Post by Diane
Hi Mary,
I realized I never answered a few of your questions to me. Yes, *that*
Don is my husband and yes, he is Canadian. I love living here in Canada
because the people are sooooo kind and soooooo nice to us. :-) We were
in the grocery store during the summer and were looking at some spareribs
that were on sale. They were very large, though, and I said to Don that
they would be too heavy for us to carry back home. We don't drive, we
walk everywhere or take the bus or take a taxi. The store is only a 10
minute walk from our house.
I drive and had a car since I was young, but I don't drive as much as I
used to but its very handy for shopping. I don't know how I could manage
without a car as I've had one for so long. I would walk more as its good
exercise, but I have arthritis in my knee which is a nuisance. It's worse
some days than others, depending on weather.I guess you can manage without
one if you had to.

Anyway, this nice man heard me say that and he offered to give us a
Post by Diane
ride home if we bought the spareribs. LOL So we did and he gave us the
ride. It turned out that he knew one of our dear neighbors anyway so I
didn't feel like a complete stranger was giving us a ride home. I thought
that was a hoot! It also turned out that he was Italian and so am I, so
we had something else in common. He told us that if he ever saw us in the
store again, he would give us a ride home. How thoughtful! We have met
some really nice people here in Windsor. Nothing like that back home for
me. That's why I want to live here and become a citizen. :-) Well, I
think I answered your questions. If you have anymore, please ask away as
long as they are not too personal for the newsgroup. LOL Take care! I
hope you are well today.
That was a very good experience. It was very nice the man offered you and
your husband a ride home and offered to drive you home again if he saw you
at a future time. Now and then you meet a nice person like this man.

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2012-12-30 00:01:20 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Hi Mary,
I realized I never answered a few of your questions to me. Yes, *that*
Don is my husband and yes, he is Canadian. I love living here in Canada
because the people are sooooo kind and soooooo nice to us. :-) We were
in the grocery store during the summer and were looking at some spareribs
that were on sale. They were very large, though, and I said to Don that
they would be too heavy for us to carry back home. We don't drive, we
walk everywhere or take the bus or take a taxi. The store is only a 10
minute walk from our house.
I drive and had a car since I was young, but I don't drive as much as I
used to but its very handy for shopping. I don't know how I could manage
without a car as I've had one for so long. I would walk more as its good
exercise, but I have arthritis in my knee which is a nuisance. It's worse
some days than others, depending on weather.I guess you can manage without
one if you had to.
Hi Again,

Yes, we have no choice, but to walk. I also have arthritis, from my neck to
my toes and I know just how you feel. With me, it's not just the weather,
but lying in bed all night that keeps me in pain too. I just have to get
up, walk and start stretching those muscles. Going back to walking to the
stores, etc. It's usually a nice walk anyway except when some jerks don't
shovel their sidewalks which is what happened yesterday. :-( We did manage
though. I hope your knee doesn't bother you too much this Winter.
Post by Mary
Anyway, this nice man heard me say that and he offered to give us a
Post by Diane
ride home if we bought the spareribs. LOL So we did and he gave us the
ride. It turned out that he knew one of our dear neighbors anyway so I
didn't feel like a complete stranger was giving us a ride home. I
thought that was a hoot! It also turned out that he was Italian and so
am I, so we had something else in common. He told us that if he ever saw
us in the store again, he would give us a ride home. How thoughtful! We
have met some really nice people here in Windsor. Nothing like that back
home for me. That's why I want to live here and become a citizen. :-)
Well, I think I answered your questions. If you have anymore, please ask
away as long as they are not too personal for the newsgroup. LOL Take
care! I hope you are well today.
That was a very good experience. It was very nice the man offered you and
your husband a ride home and offered to drive you home again if he saw you
at a future time. Now and then you meet a nice person like this man.
Yes, it was, Mary. He was so nice as are so many of the people we have met
here, especially our neighbors in the complex. Thanks for writing me back.
I wish you well. {{{{{Mary}}}}}
Post by Mary
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