OT - To Mary
(too old to reply)
2012-12-25 03:09:51 UTC
Hi Mary,

I hope I didn't offend you. I had no intentions of doing that. I just
would rather have you email me privately. :-) If that's okay with you.
You are probably busy tonight and will be tomorrow too. So...you can email
me any time you feel like it. Take care.


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2012-12-25 03:50:45 UTC
Post by Diane
Hi Mary,
I hope I didn't offend you. I had no intentions of doing that. I just
would rather have you email me privately. :-) If that's okay with you.
You are probably busy tonight and will be tomorrow too. So...you can
email me any time you feel like it. Take care.
Diane, you didn't offend me in the least. I usually just post messages here
where everybody can interact and join in to give their
opinion. This group has been so empty for a a long time now that its nice to
get people back here like yourself to input and get output and keep the
group going. I would only email you if it was something confidential. I have
a lot on my mind. I hope that is OK.

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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
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2012-12-25 04:20:03 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Hi Mary,
I hope I didn't offend you. I had no intentions of doing that. I just
would rather have you email me privately. :-) If that's okay with you.
You are probably busy tonight and will be tomorrow too. So...you can
email me any time you feel like it. Take care.
Diane, you didn't offend me in the least. I usually just post messages
here where everybody can interact and join in to give their
opinion. This group has been so empty for a a long time now that its nice
to get people back here like yourself to input and get output and keep the
group going. I would only email you if it was something confidential. I
have a lot on my mind. I hope that is OK.
Oh, I am so glad I didn't offend you, Mary. Thank you! I am really tired
tonight and very sad still about Simon. :-( It's okay not to email me yet.
Yes, it is something very private though. Whenever you feel like it, okay?
Doesn't have to be tonight or tomorrow or even the next day. I know exactly
what you mean by the group being so empty. It makes me feel good to see
people coming back and posting. I just can't post all of that info on here.
I hope that's okay with you. I will talk to you about it soon enough.
Thanks again!


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