Stopping Avanza
(too old to reply)
2012-07-26 13:51:52 UTC

I recently tried to stop taking Avanza. I've been taking 30mg per day for
about 5 years to help with insomnia due to anxiety, I can cope with the
anxiety but not the insomnia.

Anyway the issues that were causing my anxiety finally got resolved mid last
year and I have been feeling heaps better. So about 6 months ago I decided
try to wean myself off the Avanza.

I started to taper my dose very slowly, 30mg/day for 6 days and 15 mg for 1
day for four weeks - no problems.
Then 30mg every second day with 15 mg on the in between days - this for
about four weeks.
Then 15mg every day for another three weeks.
All the above with no side effects.

Then I went down to 7.5mg every second day for another four weeks - no side
effects from this.

Then I continued to take 7.5mg every third day then every fourth day etc
until I stopped it altogether over the course of 1 month.

Then about 1 week after stopping Avanza my insomnia was back and I was
getting a lot of
stomach pain which I put up with for about 2 weeks. But because of my
really poor sleeping and the stomach/abdominal pain I decided to go back on
to Avanza taking only 7.5mg per day, and now my sleep has returned to normal
and the pain has resolved.

Has my body become dependant on Avanza? I thought this drug wasn't
addictive and couldn't cause a dependence.

Any thoughts?
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2012-07-27 22:07:35 UTC
Post by P
I recently tried to stop taking Avanza. I've been taking 30mg per day for
about 5 years to help with insomnia due to anxiety, I can cope with the
anxiety but not the insomnia.
Anyway the issues that were causing my anxiety finally got resolved mid last
year and I have been feeling heaps better. So about 6 months ago I
decided to
try to wean myself off the Avanza.
I started to taper my dose very slowly, 30mg/day for 6 days and 15 mg for 1
day for four weeks - no problems.
Then 30mg every second day with 15 mg on the in between days - this for
about four weeks.
Then 15mg every day for another three weeks.
All the above with no side effects.
Then I went down to 7.5mg every second day for another four weeks - no side
effects from this.
Then I continued to take 7.5mg every third day then every fourth day etc
until I stopped it altogether over the course of 1 month.
Then about 1 week after stopping Avanza my insomnia was back and I was
getting a lot of
stomach pain which I put up with for about 2 weeks. But because of my
really poor sleeping and the stomach/abdominal pain I decided to go back on
to Avanza taking only 7.5mg per day, and now my sleep has returned to normal
and the pain has resolved.
Has my body become dependant on Avanza? I thought this drug wasn't
addictive and couldn't cause a dependence.
Any thoughts?
These meds are thought to be non addictive, and compared to benzos they are
non addictive, but many users of these meds admit they are very difficult to
get off of. Congrats for lowering your dose. If you want to go lower you
will probably have to do it very, very slowly, which means finding the med
in liquid form.

There is a new method for weaning off benzos which involves dissolving the
benzo in milk and tapering down a minute amount every day. I'm wondering if
this method could also be used with Avanza.

I've also wondered, when people try to get off some meds, if the problem is
your original problem coming back. For example: Let's say you are taking an
antidepressant because a parent died. Over time, with the med or not, you
will come to grips with your depression, so while you may have some problems
stopping the med you will be fine when you do. On the other hand let's say
you have a true chemical imbalance causing your depression or anxiety. When
you stop the med that imbalance may return. Therefore, you may need a small
dose to feel better.

Anyway, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Currently I'm trying to cut
back on my benzos and I'm also having trouble sleeping. My pdoc claims
exercise will help a lot which I've been avoiding. :-) Whatever, hang in
there and good luck.
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