Back from the Hospital Yet Again
(too old to reply)
2012-12-10 04:15:44 UTC
Hello everyone! This is getting old. I wound up back in the hospital

The lithium I was taking had my hands shaking, and the Seroquel, instead of
making me more calm, was driving me into huge anxiety, so back to the
hospital I went.

I was there Nov.26 to Dec. 7. The first week the docs managed to calm me
down some; the second week they looked at my records and decided I'd
benefit from a course of ECT:


I had three last week, and another two this coming week. My mood is a
whole lot better, and tension isn't bad. So it looks OK. So far, I'm not
having any memory loss whatever. So far, so good!

I'm taking 150 mg Luvox and 75 mg trazodone as medicine. I feel sleepy
during the day; this could be why.

Has anyone else here tried ECT?

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2012-12-10 14:17:44 UTC
Hi Dennis,

I'm so glad you're back. I feel so sorry for you having to go to the
hospital so much. :-( I went to the ER about 5 or 6 times myself in a 4
month (?) period, but for other reasons than anxiety. I went for severe
nausea because nothing would help me, not even Gravol. Then I went mostly
because of abdominal pain. Every test they did on me came back NOTHING and
I was fit to be tied! The last time I went was Oct. 31 and my husband, Don,
insisted that they keep me overnight. They did and they did an ultrasound
the next morning on my abdomen down to my bladder because I was urinating
blood for 5-7 or 8 hours straight. Then it went away like I never had it.
Of course, the test results came back NOTHING again, but the ER doc who was
there in the a.m. gave me two different meds for my tummy and one script for
Percocet. He was the only doctor that ever took me seriously and did
something for me. I still suffer from some anxiety/panic and even
agoraphobia, but was doing much better. No, I never had ECT before. Isn't
that dangerous? But, here you are telling us you don't have any side
effects from it. Wow, that's excellent Dennis! I hope it all works out for
you. I don't know why you feel sleepy during the day. Someone else on here
may be able to tell you why. Maybe it's the trazodone. I was on Luvox a
long time ago and it worked really well for me. Excuse my terrible memory,
but I think I did go to the ER just once for really bad panic attacks, but I
think I had them because of all the pain I was having. {{{{{Dennis}}}}}
Stay well!

Post by Dennis
Hello everyone! This is getting old. I wound up back in the hospital
The lithium I was taking had my hands shaking, and the Seroquel, instead of
making me more calm, was driving me into huge anxiety, so back to the
hospital I went.
I was there Nov.26 to Dec. 7. The first week the docs managed to calm me
down some; the second week they looked at my records and decided I'd
I had three last week, and another two this coming week. My mood is a
whole lot better, and tension isn't bad. So it looks OK. So far, I'm not
having any memory loss whatever. So far, so good!
I'm taking 150 mg Luvox and 75 mg trazodone as medicine. I feel sleepy
during the day; this could be why.
Has anyone else here tried ECT?
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2012-12-11 07:03:34 UTC
Hi Diane! I don't think ECT is dangerous if it's done properly. Only
psychs who specialize in it do it, and there are very few of them. The
Wiki article has some horror stories, though.

A long time ago, a woman friend told me of having ECT; she had lost a lot
of memories and was disturbed by it. That was ~45-50 years ago, though,
and she may have had the old, unrefined procedure.

Post by Diane
Hi Dennis,
I'm so glad you're back. I feel so sorry for you having to go to the
hospital so much. :-( I went to the ER about 5 or 6 times myself in
a 4 month (?) period, but for other reasons than anxiety. I went for
severe nausea because nothing would help me, not even Gravol. Then I
went mostly because of abdominal pain. Every test they did on me came
back NOTHING and I was fit to be tied! The last time I went was Oct.
31 and my husband, Don, insisted that they keep me overnight. They
did and they did an ultrasound the next morning on my abdomen down to
my bladder because I was urinating blood for 5-7 or 8 hours straight.
Then it went away like I never had it. Of course, the test results
came back NOTHING again, but the ER doc who was there in the a.m. gave
me two different meds for my tummy and one script for Percocet. He
was the only doctor that ever took me seriously and did something for
me. I still suffer from some anxiety/panic and even agoraphobia, but
was doing much better. No, I never had ECT before. Isn't that
dangerous? But, here you are telling us you don't have any side
effects from it. Wow, that's excellent Dennis! I hope it all works
out for you. I don't know why you feel sleepy during the day.
Someone else on here may be able to tell you why. Maybe it's the
trazodone. I was on Luvox a long time ago and it worked really well
for me. Excuse my terrible memory, but I think I did go to the ER
just once for really bad panic attacks, but I think I had them because
of all the pain I was having. {{{{{Dennis}}}}} Stay well!
Post by Dennis
Hello everyone! This is getting old. I wound up back in the hospital
The lithium I was taking had my hands shaking, and the Seroquel, instead of
making me more calm, was driving me into huge anxiety, so back to
the hospital I went.
I was there Nov.26 to Dec. 7. The first week the docs managed to
calm me down some; the second week they looked at my records and
I had three last week, and another two this coming week. My mood is
a whole lot better, and tension isn't bad. So it looks OK. So far,
I'm not having any memory loss whatever. So far, so good!
I'm taking 150 mg Luvox and 75 mg trazodone as medicine. I feel
sleepy during the day; this could be why.
Has anyone else here tried ECT?
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2012-12-11 12:44:12 UTC
Hi Dennis!

Yes, I agree with you, if it's done properly it is probably okay. I am not
a doctor, so I can't really comment about ECT. No wonder that woman
suffered like that. That was a really long time ago when she had it done
and there were many horror stories about it back then. I can only imagine,
poor people. :-( I am glad you are feeling better, Dennis. :-) Please
take care of yourself and write here when you can.


Post by Dennis
Hi Diane! I don't think ECT is dangerous if it's done properly. Only
psychs who specialize in it do it, and there are very few of them. The
Wiki article has some horror stories, though.
A long time ago, a woman friend told me of having ECT; she had lost a lot
of memories and was disturbed by it. That was ~45-50 years ago, though,
and she may have had the old, unrefined procedure.
Post by Diane
Hi Dennis,
I'm so glad you're back. I feel so sorry for you having to go to the
hospital so much. :-( I went to the ER about 5 or 6 times myself in
a 4 month (?) period, but for other reasons than anxiety. I went for
severe nausea because nothing would help me, not even Gravol. Then I
went mostly because of abdominal pain. Every test they did on me came
back NOTHING and I was fit to be tied! The last time I went was Oct.
31 and my husband, Don, insisted that they keep me overnight. They
did and they did an ultrasound the next morning on my abdomen down to
my bladder because I was urinating blood for 5-7 or 8 hours straight.
Then it went away like I never had it. Of course, the test results
came back NOTHING again, but the ER doc who was there in the a.m. gave
me two different meds for my tummy and one script for Percocet. He
was the only doctor that ever took me seriously and did something for
me. I still suffer from some anxiety/panic and even agoraphobia, but
was doing much better. No, I never had ECT before. Isn't that
dangerous? But, here you are telling us you don't have any side
effects from it. Wow, that's excellent Dennis! I hope it all works
out for you. I don't know why you feel sleepy during the day.
Someone else on here may be able to tell you why. Maybe it's the
trazodone. I was on Luvox a long time ago and it worked really well
for me. Excuse my terrible memory, but I think I did go to the ER
just once for really bad panic attacks, but I think I had them because
of all the pain I was having. {{{{{Dennis}}}}} Stay well!
Post by Dennis
Hello everyone! This is getting old. I wound up back in the hospital
The lithium I was taking had my hands shaking, and the Seroquel, instead of
making me more calm, was driving me into huge anxiety, so back to
the hospital I went.
I was there Nov.26 to Dec. 7. The first week the docs managed to
calm me down some; the second week they looked at my records and
I had three last week, and another two this coming week. My mood is
a whole lot better, and tension isn't bad. So it looks OK. So far,
I'm not having any memory loss whatever. So far, so good!
I'm taking 150 mg Luvox and 75 mg trazodone as medicine. I feel
sleepy during the day; this could be why.
Has anyone else here tried ECT?
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Philip Peters
2012-12-13 23:24:02 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello everyone! This is getting old. I wound up back in the hospital
The lithium I was taking had my hands shaking, and the Seroquel, instead of
making me more calm, was driving me into huge anxiety, so back to the
hospital I went.
Are you sure it was the lithium that made your hands shake? It could
very well have been the Seroquel which would then be a pressing reason
to stop it. Well, anyway, that's water under the bridge now.
Post by Dennis
I was there Nov.26 to Dec. 7. The first week the docs managed to calm me
down some; the second week they looked at my records and decided I'd
I had three last week, and another two this coming week. My mood is a
whole lot better, and tension isn't bad. So it looks OK. So far, I'm not
having any memory loss whatever. So far, so good!
ECT has made a comeback since the days of *One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest*
because they knock you out now. Without that it's hell on earth. For
resistant depression it is often quite effective and I'm happy that you
no memory loss which can be the main drawback.
Post by Dennis
I'm taking 150 mg Luvox and 75 mg trazodone as medicine. I feel sleepy
during the day; this could be why.
It's probably mainly the Trazodone that makes you sleepy. It isn;t worh
much as an AD but it is sometimes prescribed succesfully as a sleeping
Did your doctor say why he prescribed both an SSRI and Trazodone?
Post by Dennis
Has anyone else here tried ECT?
Can't say that I have. But I would if it would become necessary.
Please keep us posted on how you're doing, Dennis!

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2012-12-23 05:41:32 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello everyone! This is getting old. I wound up back in the hospital
The lithium I was taking had my hands shaking, and the Seroquel, instead of
making me more calm, was driving me into huge anxiety, so back to the
hospital I went.
I was there Nov.26 to Dec. 7. The first week the docs managed to calm me
down some; the second week they looked at my records and decided I'd
I had three last week, and another two this coming week. My mood is a
whole lot better, and tension isn't bad. So it looks OK. So far, I'm not
having any memory loss whatever. So far, so good!
I'm taking 150 mg Luvox and 75 mg trazodone as medicine. I feel sleepy
during the day; this could be why.
Has anyone else here tried ECT?
I have not tried ECT but you have been brave enough to try it. It has gained
some popularity in the past few years. Some people have been helped by it
quite a lot. Others not so much. I hope you still have no memory loss. I
hope it helps you and makes you feel better. I go through periods of
depression too, and tried all the anti depressants there is over the years,
but never had any great success with any of them. There is always a certain
percentage of people that they don't work for. They need to bring out new
anti depressants with less side effects and more good effects than the ones
they have now.

It's good Philip has been posting a few messages. He has experience and
knowledge of several types of drugs and procedures.

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2012-12-23 15:37:32 UTC
Post by Mary
It's good Philip has been posting a few messages. He has experience and
knowledge of several types of drugs and procedures.
Amen to that Mary! :-)
Post by Mary
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2012-12-24 00:55:27 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
It's good Philip has been posting a few messages. He has experience and
knowledge of several types of drugs and procedures.
Amen to that Mary! :-)
Post by Mary
Yes, besides he seems like a nice fellow.

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2012-12-24 01:25:47 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
It's good Philip has been posting a few messages. He has experience and
knowledge of several types of drugs and procedures.
Amen to that Mary! :-)
Post by Mary
Yes, besides he seems like a nice fellow.
Oh yes Mary! He is one of the nicest people I know. He is kind,
compassionate, considerate, smart, and gives great advice as you can see.
He has always been very supportive ever since the first day I went to ASAP,
before moderation, in March 2000. Boy, it's been a long time! You can see
that I really like him a lot. Only as a good friend though. LOL

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Philip Peters
2012-12-25 23:30:40 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
It's good Philip has been posting a few messages. He has experience and
knowledge of several types of drugs and procedures.
Amen to that Mary! :-)
Post by Mary
Yes, besides he seems like a nice fellow.
Oh yes Mary! He is one of the nicest people I know. He is kind,
compassionate, considerate, smart, and gives great advice as you can
see. He has always been very supportive ever since the first day I went
to ASAP, before moderation, in March 2000. Boy, it's been a long time!
You can see that I really like him a lot. Only as a good friend
though. LOL
And here I was thinking we were going to be lovers ;-)

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Philip Peters
2012-12-25 23:26:51 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
It's good Philip has been posting a few messages. He has experience and
knowledge of several types of drugs and procedures.
Amen to that Mary! :-)
Post by Mary
Yes, besides he seems like a nice fellow.
< blush >

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