(too old to reply)
2012-03-10 22:06:40 UTC
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I saw a post or reply from you. I haven't been at this site for quite a while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
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2012-03-11 03:49:30 UTC
Post by elise
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I
saw a post or reply from you. I haven't been at this site for quite a
while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
Hi Elise, yes, I post here now and then. I have thought about you a few
times. How are things with you? Do you go to blogs and other forums about
anxiety. Or have you recovered? would be nice :)I usually post to see if I
can get any responses, but there are less and less people here, but still
some of the old crowd. Nothing like it used to be of course, but its nice to
see Sheldon, TJ, Simon, Vanessa, and Info posting. Haven't seen Philip for a
while. I still download this group every day and read any messages, when
there are any. I still have some anxiety when driving and antipation anxiety
gets to me sometimes and I think in advance I might get dizzy or faint in a
store as I do feel faint when its hot in summer or hot in stores even in

In Toronto we have had hardly any winter. People here are calling it the
winter that never was". I don't remember a winter like this. Its officially
spring on March 21, but could still get some cold weather. Temps are so up
and down. Today was only 38F but by Tues. and Wed. its going to be 65F, then
the next day it might be 35F. We've had light snow but only about 3 or 4
times (just enough to mess up the roads - I don't go out on these kinds of
roads I can tell you). Then the next day it rains and the snow melts and
roads are ok again. Not like some winters in the past where there is snow
piled up a lot at the side of the roads or in a mall. You couldn't ski here.
Have to go further north in about 90 miles, or go south to Vermont. We have
a regional plane goes to Vermont from Toronto in winter season. It's new.
You can count on snow to ski in Vermont usually, but not here. I love
Vermont, New York and Maine in the summer.They are all beautiful states.
I've been there many times though unfortunately not for quite a while.

It's really nice to hear from you Elise. I hope you will come back more
often. Maybe some of the "regulars" in our reduced group will see your
message and reply to you.

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2012-03-11 17:01:25 UTC
Post by elise
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I saw a post or reply from you. I
haven't been at this site for quite a while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
Post by elise
hi elise! it's very nice to see a post from you. i often wonder where everyone is these days? i pop
my nose around the door here every so often but there aren't too many posts. i'm kept busy since
my mom's stroke last year so i don't have as much time for the internet as i used to. how are things
going at your end?

a while back i was going to set up an anxiety discussion web forum and see if people were interested
in using it, but to be honest my fatigue problems and other commitments would probably prevent me from
doing a very good job as an administrator. still, http://anxietyhelp.freeforums.org/ does now exist if
anyone would like to take it on and be the admin =)
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2012-03-11 20:06:35 UTC
Post by elise
Post by elise
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I
saw a post or reply from you. I
haven't been at this site for quite a while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
Post by elise
hi elise! it's very nice to see a post from you. i often wonder where
everyone is these days? i pop
my nose around the door here every so often but there aren't too many
posts. i'm kept busy since
my mom's stroke last year so i don't have as much time for the internet as
i used to. how are things
going at your end?
Sorry about your mom's stroke. Its very hard for everyone to deal with. I
hope she is recovering. I know how hard it is to be concerned about your
mom. Most people go through it at one point or another, and its very
stressful, but I am sure you are doing all you can to be supportive, try not
to get too srtressed out which I shouldn't be advising as I get too stressed
out myself :) But I know that is not good as it makes you not as able to be
supportive yourself and can make you very ill which happened to me when my
brother died a year ago. You can only do a certain amount, but I always
over-do things and try to help people to my own detriment. Try to keep
yourself detached as best you can, yet still able to support your mom.
Keeping busy is helpful.
Post by elise
a while back i was going to set up an anxiety discussion web forum and see
if people were interested
in using it, but to be honest my fatigue problems and other commitments
would probably prevent me from
doing a very good job as an administrator. still,
http://anxietyhelp.freeforums.org/ does now exist if
anyone would like to take it on and be the admin =)
We can always post here even though we don't get many posts now. Its the
same thing as a forum - an interchange of ideas and support.

I completely understand a fatigue problem. I have a lot of fatigue in the
last year due to bad arthritis in my knee which needs surgery and a
borderline thyroid problem. It's always something! But you just have to
press on regardless as the English would say (right Simon?).

P.S. TJ - The St. Patrick's day parade is on today in downtown Toronto. Its
62F - about 10-15 degrees higher than it should be for this time of year.

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2012-03-12 13:25:34 UTC
Post by elise
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I
saw a post or reply from you. I haven't been at this site for quite a
while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
Hello Elise

Nice to see a post from you. Great support from this group :)

V :)
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2012-03-13 18:05:36 UTC
Post by elise
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I
saw a post or reply from you. I haven't been at this site for quite a
while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
I'm still around, and miss all the activity that used to be here.
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Tennessee Tony
2012-04-05 02:26:55 UTC
Post by elise
Stopping by to see who is still here from years past. Mary, I thought I saw a post or reply from you. I haven't been at this site for quite a while but think of all my wonderful friends often.
Hi Elise and everyone else. Just popped my head in to see who's here.

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