My panic is not all panic
(too old to reply)
2012-12-20 03:36:07 UTC
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.

Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)

At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
"But I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don't even want
to; it's not what I'm interested in. I'm more of a desktop guy."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-20 14:34:27 UTC
{{{{{Snit}}}}} I feel soooo bad for you. :-( I know what you mean by one
more mystery, sadly. I'm so glad it isn't dangerous, but I understand
completely why it would be annoying and scary. Please keep posting, Snit.
I like to hear from you. Take care of yourself.

Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
"But I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don't even want
to; it's not what I'm interested in. I'm more of a desktop guy."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-21 00:07:05 UTC
On 12/20/12 7:34 AM, in article ***@mid.individual.net, "Diane"
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks. Feeling a lot better today... went to my GP and she is being her
normal very supportive self and doing everything she can to help me get to
whatever specialists I need to get to.

Side note: oops... had my "Linux group" sig for here. Makes no sense for
this group. Oh well, I think I can be excused making some mistakes
yesterday. :)
Post by Diane
{{{{{Snit}}}}} I feel soooo bad for you. :-( I know what you mean by one
more mystery, sadly. I'm so glad it isn't dangerous, but I understand
completely why it would be annoying and scary. Please keep posting, Snit.
I like to hear from you. Take care of yourself.
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
"But I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don't even want
to; it's not what I'm interested in. I'm more of a desktop guy."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-21 13:50:16 UTC
You are always welcome, Snit. :-) I'm glad your GP is trying to help you.
I wish you would email me and tell me what is wrong. You don't have to if
you don't want to. My inbox is always open to you if you change your mind.
I had a few bad days myself, but yesterday was one of the WORST. I feel
much better today too. I'm on 3 10 mg. Imipramine a day instead of two.
Hopefully, it will change things for the better. Yes, my doctors are doing
their best to get me referrals to other specialists too. I have an appt.
with a really good neurologist, who does more than that, on Jan. 2nd and I
can't wait! Take care of yourself, Snit.


Post by Snit
Thanks. Feeling a lot better today... went to my GP and she is being her
normal very supportive self and doing everything she can to help me get to
whatever specialists I need to get to.
Side note: oops... had my "Linux group" sig for here. Makes no sense for
this group. Oh well, I think I can be excused making some mistakes
yesterday. :)
Post by Diane
{{{{{Snit}}}}} I feel soooo bad for you. :-( I know what you mean by one
more mystery, sadly. I'm so glad it isn't dangerous, but I understand
completely why it would be annoying and scary. Please keep posting, Snit.
I like to hear from you. Take care of yourself.
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
"But I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don't even want
to; it's not what I'm interested in. I'm more of a desktop guy."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-22 03:22:19 UTC
Post by Diane
You are always welcome, Snit. :-) I'm glad your GP is trying to help you.
I wish you would email me and tell me what is wrong. You don't have to if
you don't want to.
I am happy to do so and will give more details in email in the next day or
Post by Diane
My inbox is always open to you if you change your mind.
Thank you. I will take you up on that.
Post by Diane
I had a few bad days myself, but yesterday was one of the WORST. I feel
much better today too. I'm on 3 10 mg. Imipramine a day instead of two.
Hopefully, it will change things for the better. Yes, my doctors are doing
their best to get me referrals to other specialists too. I have an appt.
with a really good neurologist, who does more than that, on Jan. 2nd and I
can't wait! Take care of yourself, Snit.
I am looking for a good neurologist. There are *none* in the area where I
live (there is only one on my insurance and she gets horrible reviews...
before we knew that we tried to make two appointments... one they claimed we
called and cancelled and the second they changed the location without
telling us - we made the appointment at the location we wanted / expected to
go. With the one where they claimed we cancelled my phone service happens to
let me see my phone records so I was able to do a search for their phone
number and prove nobody in my house had called or been called by them... I
sent them a copy. I am sure it will do nothing but it felt good. :)

We then went to a neurologist in Phoenix. He sent a massive packet for us to
fill out before hand - good, we thought, he is thorough. When we got there
he told us he did not care about anything in the packet he just wanted to
know what happened as I was being born. I gave him the best details I could
but he was frustrated I did not know more details off hand. He then asked if
I had headaches... I told him I do get tension headaches from time to
time... he insisted *all* headaches are migraines and then told me he gives
all his patients one med (I do not remember what). He warned me that while
it should reduce my headaches it will likely make my panic worst - and then
told us of the patients we were talking to in the waiting room took it and
developed a panic disorder! One, why would you suggest that to someone with
a history of a panic disorder, and two, doesn't HIPAA mean he should not
tell us about the patients we were just talking to!

So we are now looking for a *third* neurologist. Sigh. So far all the ones
on my insurance get *bad* reviews. We are still looking.

Anyone know of a good do-it-yourself-at-home brain transplant kit? :)
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Thanks. Feeling a lot better today... went to my GP and she is being her
normal very supportive self and doing everything she can to help me get to
whatever specialists I need to get to.
Side note: oops... had my "Linux group" sig for here. Makes no sense for
this group. Oh well, I think I can be excused making some mistakes
yesterday. :)
Post by Diane
{{{{{Snit}}}}} I feel soooo bad for you. :-( I know what you mean by one
more mystery, sadly. I'm so glad it isn't dangerous, but I understand
completely why it would be annoying and scary. Please keep posting, Snit.
I like to hear from you. Take care of yourself.
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
"But I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don't even want
to; it's not what I'm interested in. I'm more of a desktop guy."
-- Linus Torvalds
"90% of computers use Microsoft's Windows ... Macs account for 9% of the
market while the open source system Linux accounts for 0.8%."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-22 14:26:03 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
You are always welcome, Snit. :-) I'm glad your GP is trying to help you.
I wish you would email me and tell me what is wrong. You don't have to if
you don't want to.
I am happy to do so and will give more details in email in the next day or
Oh, thank you Snit. :-) Whenever you feel like it. I just feel like we
have some things in common, that's all.
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
My inbox is always open to you if you change your mind.
Thank you. I will take you up on that.
You are very welcome. I'm glad.
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
I had a few bad days myself, but yesterday was one of the WORST. I feel
much better today too. I'm on 3 10 mg. Imipramine a day instead of two.
Hopefully, it will change things for the better. Yes, my doctors are doing
their best to get me referrals to other specialists too. I have an appt.
with a really good neurologist, who does more than that, on Jan. 2nd and I
can't wait! Take care of yourself, Snit.
I am looking for a good neurologist. There are *none* in the area where I
live (there is only one on my insurance and she gets horrible reviews...
before we knew that we tried to make two appointments... one they claimed we
called and cancelled and the second they changed the location without
telling us - we made the appointment at the location we wanted / expected to
go. With the one where they claimed we cancelled my phone service happens to
let me see my phone records so I was able to do a search for their phone
number and prove nobody in my house had called or been called by them... I
sent them a copy. I am sure it will do nothing but it felt good. :)
Wow! What a horror story! You poor thing. I know, it's hard to find good
doctors who do anything here in Canada and there is usually a long waiting
list just to get in to have a consult, let alone an exam, tests, meds, etc.
Good for you for sending them that copy. Yayyy! I love people with ba**s.
I think they did a terrible thing to you!
Post by Snit
We then went to a neurologist in Phoenix. He sent a massive packet for us to
fill out before hand - good, we thought, he is thorough. When we got there
he told us he did not care about anything in the packet he just wanted to
know what happened as I was being born. I gave him the best details I could
but he was frustrated I did not know more details off hand. He then asked if
I had headaches... I told him I do get tension headaches from time to
time... he insisted *all* headaches are migraines and then told me he gives
all his patients one med (I do not remember what). He warned me that while
it should reduce my headaches it will likely make my panic worst - and then
told us of the patients we were talking to in the waiting room took it and
developed a panic disorder! One, why would you suggest that to someone with
a history of a panic disorder, and two, doesn't HIPAA mean he should not
tell us about the patients we were just talking to!
Now this is really outrageous! I don't care where you live. There is such
a thing as patient confidentiality, I believe, EVERYWHERE. This guy sounds
like a real nut to me. I am so curious to know what med he was talking
about, that would give someone panic disorder. I am so sorry you had to put
up with him and all of that. :-(
Post by Snit
So we are now looking for a *third* neurologist. Sigh. So far all the ones
on my insurance get *bad* reviews. We are still looking.
I hope and pray you can find a good one somewhere. Don't give up hope. How
far can you drive to see a new one? Just curious.
Post by Snit
Anyone know of a good do-it-yourself-at-home brain transplant kit? :)
LOL Sorry, had to laugh at that one, Snit! Been thinking of that myself
lately. :-)


Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Thanks. Feeling a lot better today... went to my GP and she is being her
normal very supportive self and doing everything she can to help me get to
whatever specialists I need to get to.
Side note: oops... had my "Linux group" sig for here. Makes no sense for
this group. Oh well, I think I can be excused making some mistakes
yesterday. :)
Post by Diane
{{{{{Snit}}}}} I feel soooo bad for you. :-( I know what you mean by one
more mystery, sadly. I'm so glad it isn't dangerous, but I understand
completely why it would be annoying and scary. Please keep posting, Snit.
I like to hear from you. Take care of yourself.
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
"But I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don't even want
to; it's not what I'm interested in. I'm more of a desktop guy."
-- Linus Torvalds
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Philip Peters
2012-12-21 14:22:47 UTC
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
Did you have a PA when this happened? With some people a PA can
present as a convulsion which as you say is not dangerous but very scary.
Hope you'll never have one like this again.

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2012-12-22 03:13:36 UTC
On 12/21/12 7:22 AM, in article
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
Did you have a PA when this happened? With some people a PA can occasionally
present as a convulsion which as you say is not dangerous but very scary.
Shortly before I was experiencing some anxiety but not panic. During it I
was amazingly calm - only time I started to panic was for about 10 seconds
when my tongue being pulled to the back of my throat made it hard to
breath... and even then I was *relatively* calm compared to a full panic

About 20 minutes after I had a pretty bad panic attack.
Hope you'll never have one like this again.
Ditto. Thanks.
"I have never, ever cared about really anything but the Linux desktop."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-23 22:03:06 UTC
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
I just looked it up. It does sound very scary, but as you say not too
serious. Keep us posted and let us know if they figure out what's causing
this, assuming there is a cause they can pinpoint.
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2012-12-23 22:35:30 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
I just looked it up. It does sound very scary, but as you say not too
serious. Keep us posted and let us know if they figure out what's causing
this, assuming there is a cause they can pinpoint.
On a small dose of Depakote now and the tremors / twitches / convolutions
seem to be completely gone or at least very nearly so.
"90% of computers use Microsoft's Windows ... Macs account for 9% of the
market while the open source system Linux accounts for 0.8%."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2012-12-23 23:39:15 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Sheldon
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
I just looked it up. It does sound very scary, but as you say not too
serious. Keep us posted and let us know if they figure out what's causing
this, assuming there is a cause they can pinpoint.
On a small dose of Depakote now and the tremors / twitches / convolutions
seem to be completely gone or at least very nearly so.
That's great news, Snit! I hope they all go away completely now. Take


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2012-12-24 01:16:45 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Post by Sheldon
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
I just looked it up. It does sound very scary, but as you say not too
serious. Keep us posted and let us know if they figure out what's causing
this, assuming there is a cause they can pinpoint.
On a small dose of Depakote now and the tremors / twitches / convolutions
seem to be completely gone or at least very nearly so.
That's great news, Snit! I hope they all go away completely now. Take
I tried to email you and got a bounce... I used the email listed above. Odd.
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2012-12-24 01:29:53 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Post by Sheldon
Post by Snit
Ended up in the ER tonight after having what has been deemed a "complex
partial seizure with automatisms". Looking up what this means it seems an
odd diagnosis - I was completely aware during the attack but my body was
going into convulsions... started off with simple shivering from being in
the cold but then become extremely bad, even when I went to a warm area.
Sigh. One more mystery to my health. The joy. :)
At least it does not seem to be dangerous... just annoying and scary.
I just looked it up. It does sound very scary, but as you say not too
serious. Keep us posted and let us know if they figure out what's causing
this, assuming there is a cause they can pinpoint.
On a small dose of Depakote now and the tremors / twitches /
seem to be completely gone or at least very nearly so.
That's great news, Snit! I hope they all go away completely now. Take
I tried to email you and got a bounce... I used the email listed above. Odd.
Now that IS a mystery Snit. It should not have bounced. Oh well. Weirder
things have happened to me. :-) You can try ***@cogeco.ca. That
should work. I just don't know for the life of me why the above addy

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2012-12-24 02:07:22 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
I tried to email you and got a bounce... I used the email listed above. Odd.
Now that IS a mystery Snit. It should not have bounced. Oh well. Weirder
should work. I just don't know for the life of me why the above addy
Just sent again to both addresses. Got a bounce-back on the gmail one but
not the other. We shall see if you get it.
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2012-12-24 18:26:31 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
I tried to email you and got a bounce... I used the email listed above. Odd.
Now that IS a mystery Snit. It should not have bounced. Oh well.
should work. I just don't know for the life of me why the above addy
Just sent again to both addresses. Got a bounce-back on the gmail one but
not the other. We shall see if you get it.
Got it sweetie! :-) Hope you are alright today, Snit.

Big hugs,

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