A little scared about tomorrow! :-(
(too old to reply)
2013-01-08 19:23:58 UTC
Hi Everyone,

I have to tell you that I am a little scared and maybe a little bit anxious
about tomorrow because that's the day I take my Oath to be a Canadian
Citizen. Yayyyy! I am not really good in the morning and I have to be
there by 9:00 a.m. A little Ativan will help though. :-) I just hope I
can sleep well tonight because I have not been sleeping well at all for the
past several months, on and off. I have a horrible memory and am trying to
memorize the Oath just in case someone does not repeat it to us line by
line, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just looking for some good vibes or
something. Take care everyone and thanks!


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2013-01-08 20:47:54 UTC
Post by Diane
Hi Everyone,
I have to tell you that I am a little scared and maybe a little bit
anxious about tomorrow because that's the day I take my Oath to be a
Canadian Citizen. Yayyyy! I am not really good in the morning and I have
to be there by 9:00 a.m. A little Ativan will help though. :-) I just
hope I can sleep well tonight because I have not been sleeping well at all
for the past several months, on and off. I have a horrible memory and am
trying to memorize the Oath just in case someone does not repeat it to us
line by line, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just looking for some good
vibes or something. Take care everyone and thanks!
Diane, as a Canadian citizen since I was a teenager ( long ago), I wish you
the best of luck. Memorize as much as you can. I'm sure a lot of people feel
nervous and afraid they will forget things. I'm sure you will do fine and
will become a Canadian Citizen.

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2013-01-08 22:05:34 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Hi Everyone,
I have to tell you that I am a little scared and maybe a little bit
anxious about tomorrow because that's the day I take my Oath to be a
Canadian Citizen. Yayyyy! I am not really good in the morning and I
have to be there by 9:00 a.m. A little Ativan will help though. :-) I
just hope I can sleep well tonight because I have not been sleeping well
at all for the past several months, on and off. I have a horrible memory
and am trying to memorize the Oath just in case someone does not repeat
it to us line by line, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just looking for
some good vibes or something. Take care everyone and thanks!
Diane, as a Canadian citizen since I was a teenager ( long ago), I wish
you the best of luck. Memorize as much as you can. I'm sure a lot of
people feel nervous and afraid they will forget things. I'm sure you will
do fine and will become a Canadian Citizen.
Mary! So nice to see you and thank you very much. I have asked two people
about it already. LOL They both said that they took the Oath with many
others, not by themselves, and someone said *repeat after me* and read a
line of the Oath, which they repeated back, if you know what I mean. :-) I
have nothing to worry about, except that I have all the necessary documents
that they requested and, as far as I know, I have them all. Thank you again
and I will let you and everyone here know how it went. :-)


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2013-01-09 05:02:32 UTC
Post by Diane
Hi Everyone,
I have to tell you that I am a little scared and maybe a little bit
anxious about tomorrow because that's the day I take my Oath to be a
Canadian Citizen. Yayyyy! I am not really good in the morning and I have
to be there by 9:00 a.m. A little Ativan will help though. :-) I just
hope I can sleep well tonight because I have not been sleeping well at all
for the past several months, on and off. I have a horrible memory and am
trying to memorize the Oath just in case someone does not repeat it to us
line by line, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just looking for some good
vibes or something. Take care everyone and thanks!
Put all the papers you need into a folder so you don't forget anything
tomorrow. That's what I do when I'm going to teach a class the next day.
Everything I need is in a folder the night before so my mind is at ease that
evening. I would also make a small "cheat sheet" with the oath and keep it
in the palm of your hand. I'm betting it's more important you say the oath
than you memorize it. Anyway, I don't know squat about becoming a Canadian
Citizen except I really like the Canadian national anthem -- way better than
the US with all the bombs bursting and all that. So, do you have to start
drinking Canadian beer? Do you have to memorize all the hockey teams? Will
you have to end every sentence with "A?". Enquiring minds want to know.

I'm positive you'll do fine and keep us posted. :-)
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2013-01-09 20:21:25 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
Hi Everyone,
I have to tell you that I am a little scared and maybe a little bit
anxious about tomorrow because that's the day I take my Oath to be a
Canadian Citizen. Yayyyy! I am not really good in the morning and I
have to be there by 9:00 a.m. A little Ativan will help though. :-) I
just hope I can sleep well tonight because I have not been sleeping well
at all for the past several months, on and off. I have a horrible memory
and am trying to memorize the Oath just in case someone does not repeat
it to us line by line, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just looking for
some good vibes or something. Take care everyone and thanks!
Put all the papers you need into a folder so you don't forget anything
tomorrow. That's what I do when I'm going to teach a class the next day.
Everything I need is in a folder the night before so my mind is at ease
that evening. I would also make a small "cheat sheet" with the oath and
keep it in the palm of your hand. I'm betting it's more important you say
the oath than you memorize it. Anyway, I don't know squat about becoming a
Canadian Citizen except I really like the Canadian national anthem -- way
better than the US with all the bombs bursting and all that. So, do you
have to start drinking Canadian beer? Do you have to memorize all the
hockey teams? Will you have to end every sentence with "A?". Enquiring
minds want to know.
I'm positive you'll do fine and keep us posted. :-)
LOL Thank you so much Sheldon! I already put the papers in a folder, but
thank you. :-) You are soooo funny. I can't bring a cheat sheet. I will
have to raise my right hand and my left hand will have my fairly heavy Bible
in it. It's okay, though. Please read what I wrote to Mary about the
ceremony. Thanks again and I will keep you posted later today, eh? LOL I
hate beer! Yuck! LOL I know some of the hockey teams already. :-) A
Canadian friend of mine likes the US anthem better than the Canadian
version. LOL You are so funny Sheldon. Please take care. I will see you


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