Early 'Anxiety tips of the week' - March 30
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2012-03-30 09:27:07 UTC
I'm going on holiday for the next week so had to get in early for all you
wonderful people. Thanks for all your feedback and comments :) It's been a

Today I'm going to share several little tips that I've picked up from
attending basic yoga classes. Nothing to difficult.
Positive breathing and other little tips <<<
* Good posture is important so try not to slouch - it can have a major
impact on your health

* When you are challenged focus on your positive breath so you become calm
and remain in the present moment

* A positive breath is when you slowly take a breath in from your nose while
your tummy inflates - then pulling your belly button in as you slowly
breathe out via your mouth

* Accept that cahlenges in life may never go away but the key is learning
how to handle them

* You only thinkone thought at one time so try to thik positively and use
your mind to create solutions

* SMILE :) it's for free and improves your health and uplifts you and others
Until next week - stay calm <<<
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2012-04-07 02:28:12 UTC
Post by V*nessa
I'm going on holiday for the next week so had to get in early for all you
wonderful people. Thanks for all your feedback and comments :) It's been a
Today I'm going to share several little tips that I've picked up from
attending basic yoga classes. Nothing to difficult.
Positive breathing and other little tips <<<
* Good posture is important so try not to slouch - it can have a major
impact on your health
* When you are challenged focus on your positive breath so you become calm
and remain in the present moment
* A positive breath is when you slowly take a breath in from your nose while
your tummy inflates - then pulling your belly button in as you slowly
breathe out via your mouth
* Accept that cahlenges in life may never go away but the key is learning
how to handle them
* You only thinkone thought at one time so try to thik positively and use
your mind to create solutions
* SMILE :) it's for free and improves your health and uplifts you and others
    >>> Until next week - stay calm <<<
just testing using google groups
V :)
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2012-04-07 05:26:26 UTC
Post by v***@hotmail.com
Post by V*nessa
I'm going on holiday for the next week so had to get in early for all you
wonderful people. Thanks for all your feedback and comments :) It's been a
Today I'm going to share several little tips that I've picked up from
attending basic yoga classes. Nothing to difficult.
Positive breathing and other little tips <<<
* Good posture is important so try not to slouch - it can have a major
impact on your health
* When you are challenged focus on your positive breath so you become calm
and remain in the present moment
* A positive breath is when you slowly take a breath in from your nose while
your tummy inflates - then pulling your belly button in as you slowly
breathe out via your mouth
* Accept that cahlenges in life may never go away but the key is learning
how to handle them
* You only thinkone thought at one time so try to thik positively and use
your mind to create solutions
* SMILE :) it's for free and improves your health and uplifts you and others
Until next week - stay calm <<<
just testing using google groups
V :)
I see your post Vanessa.

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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2012-04-09 15:57:06 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by v***@hotmail.com
Post by V*nessa
I'm going on holiday for the next week so had to get in early for all you
wonderful people. Thanks for all your feedback and comments :) It's been a
Today I'm going to share several little tips that I've picked up from
attending basic yoga classes. Nothing to difficult.
Positive breathing and other little tips <<<
* Good posture is important so try not to slouch - it can have a major
impact on your health
* When you are challenged focus on your positive breath so you become calm
and remain in the present moment
* A positive breath is when you slowly take a breath in from your nose while
your tummy inflates - then pulling your belly button in as you slowly
breathe out via your mouth
* Accept that cahlenges in life may never go away but the key is learning
how to handle them
* You only thinkone thought at one time so try to thik positively and use
your mind to create solutions
* SMILE :) it's for free and improves your health and uplifts you and others
Until next week - stay calm <<<
just testing using google groups
V :)
I see your post Vanessa.
thanks Mary

V :)
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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