Need some hugs! :-(
(too old to reply)
2012-12-19 15:48:54 UTC

I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last
night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same nightmare for
hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the early morning hours.
It made me cry and I was depressed, scared, panicky and felt agoraphobic all
at once. :-( Now that I'm fully awake and up, etc., I feel slightly
better, even better than that. I called my pDoc's office this morning and
his secretary is going to ask him if I can take another Imipramine at
dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one with dinner. I
hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He will have to FAX my
pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing me. Just need some
hugs. TIA

Peace & hugs,

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2012-12-19 17:10:26 UTC
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same
nightmare for hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the early morning hours. It made me cry and I was depressed,
scared, panicky and felt agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully awake and up, etc., I feel slightly better, even better
than that. I called my pDoc's office this morning and his secretary is going to ask him if I can take another Imipramine at
dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one with dinner. I hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He
will have to FAX my pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
hi di! dreams and nightmares are some amazing things. i had a seemingly endless one for about 14 hours one
time when i was taking seroquel, so i can appreciate your distress. but it is great to finally wake up and
find it's all over is it not? =)

best of luck!

{{{{{{{{{{{ Di }}}}}}}}}}}}]
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2012-12-19 19:58:09 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last
night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same
nightmare for hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the
early morning hours. It made me cry and I was depressed,
scared, panicky and felt agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm
fully awake and up, etc., I feel slightly better, even better
than that. I called my pDoc's office this morning and his secretary is
going to ask him if I can take another Imipramine at
dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one with dinner. I
hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He
will have to FAX my pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing
me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
hi di! dreams and nightmares are some amazing things. i had a seemingly
endless one for about 14 hours one
time when i was taking seroquel, so i can appreciate your distress. but it
is great to finally wake up and
find it's all over is it not? =)
best of luck!
{{{{{{{{{{{ Di }}}}}}}}}}}}]
Thank you so much TJ!!! I remember you. :-) You're from Ireland, right?
How have you been, TJ? I'm so glad you gave me all those hugs. <bg> I
really needed them. I haven't heard back yet from my pDoc. I hope he takes
pity on me, which I believe he will at some point. I just don't want to
have to spend more money on a taxi just to get another script. :-( Oh
well. Again, thank you, and please let us know how you've been doing.


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2012-12-20 05:41:55 UTC
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but
last night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same
nightmare for hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the
early morning hours. It made me cry and I was depressed, scared,
panicky and felt agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully
awake and up, etc., I feel slightly better, even better than that. I
called my pDoc's office this morning and his secretary is going to ask
him if I can take another Imipramine at dinner. I take one 10 mg.
with breakfast and another one with dinner. I hope he let's me do
this without having to see him. He will have to FAX my pharmacy, if
he is willing to do this without seeing me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,

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2012-12-20 14:31:55 UTC
Post by Dennis
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but
last night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same
nightmare for hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the
early morning hours. It made me cry and I was depressed, scared,
panicky and felt agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully
awake and up, etc., I feel slightly better, even better than that. I
called my pDoc's office this morning and his secretary is going to ask
him if I can take another Imipramine at dinner. I take one 10 mg.
with breakfast and another one with dinner. I hope he let's me do
this without having to see him. He will have to FAX my pharmacy, if
he is willing to do this without seeing me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
Oh Dennis, thank you so much! :-( I am in really bad shape today. :-( I
needed those hugs!

Hugs to you too, Dennis!

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Philip Peters
2012-12-21 14:24:58 UTC
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last
night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same nightmare for
hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the early morning
hours. It made me cry and I was depressed, scared, panicky and felt
agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully awake and up, etc., I
feel slightly better, even better than that. I called my pDoc's office
this morning and his secretary is going to ask him if I can take another
Imipramine at dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one
with dinner. I hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He
will have to FAX my pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing
me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
There is really no need to take imipramine twice a day, you can just
take 20 mg (or whatever dose you may take later) in the AM or if that
suits you better at any other time as long as it's *regular* around the
same time every day.

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2012-12-21 16:20:18 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last
night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same nightmare for
hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the early morning
hours. It made me cry and I was depressed, scared, panicky and felt
agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully awake and up, etc., I
feel slightly better, even better than that. I called my pDoc's office
this morning and his secretary is going to ask him if I can take another
Imipramine at dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one
with dinner. I hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He
will have to FAX my pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing
me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
There is really no need to take imipramine twice a day, you can just take
20 mg (or whatever dose you may take later) in the AM or if that suits you
better at any other time as long as it's *regular* around the same time
every day.
Thank you so much Philip! I was taking one 10 mg. with breakfast and one 10
mg. with dinner, but now I am taking one with breakfast and two with dinner.
:-) Do you think that should do it? :-) I feel so much better today.
Yayyy! I have been laughing almost all morning with Don. A friend of mine
sent me two different emails of dogs, cats, etc., with pics and captions so
funny that I LMAO!!! I will send them to you now. Thanks again for the
hugs and great advice!

Big hugs,

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Philip Peters
2012-12-22 13:58:22 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Philip Peters
There is really no need to take imipramine twice a day, you can just
take 20 mg (or whatever dose you may take later) in the AM or if that
suits you better at any other time as long as it's *regular* around
the same time every day.
Thank you so much Philip! I was taking one 10 mg. with breakfast and
one 10 mg. with dinner, but now I am taking one with breakfast and two
with dinner. :-) Do you think that should do it? :-)
Why not? There is also nothing *against* taking it like this and with 30
mg you're still on a very low dose. No reason to take more if this works
and if it doesnt you can raise the dose slowly úp to 150 mg or more if

I feel so much
Post by Diane
better today. Yayyy! I have been laughing almost all morning with Don.
A friend of mine sent me two different emails of dogs, cats, etc., with
pics and captions so funny that I LMAO!!! I will send them to you now.
Thanks again for the hugs and great advice!
Glad that you're feeling better.
Saw the funny animal pics, thanks for those.

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2012-12-22 14:28:57 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by Diane
Post by Philip Peters
There is really no need to take imipramine twice a day, you can just
take 20 mg (or whatever dose you may take later) in the AM or if that
suits you better at any other time as long as it's *regular* around
the same time every day.
Thank you so much Philip! I was taking one 10 mg. with breakfast and
one 10 mg. with dinner, but now I am taking one with breakfast and two
with dinner. :-) Do you think that should do it? :-)
Why not? There is also nothing *against* taking it like this and with 30
mg you're still on a very low dose. No reason to take more if this works
and if it doesnt you can raise the dose slowly úp to 150 mg or more if
Thank you again. I know I'm on a very low dose. I hope it works though.
If I need to increase it, I just have to check with my pDoc because he will
have to fax or call the pharmacy to change the script so I don't run out of
them, which he did do. The next time, though, he will probably need to see
me first. That's okay because I already have an appt. to see him Feb. 4th.
Post by Philip Peters
I feel so much
Post by Diane
better today. Yayyy! I have been laughing almost all morning with Don.
A friend of mine sent me two different emails of dogs, cats, etc., with
pics and captions so funny that I LMAO!!! I will send them to you now.
Thanks again for the hugs and great advice!
Glad that you're feeling better.
Saw the funny animal pics, thanks for those.
Thank you again Philip and I'm glad you enjoyed the funny pics. LOL
Post by Philip Peters

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2012-12-23 06:17:14 UTC
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last
night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same nightmare for
hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the early morning
hours. It made me cry and I was depressed, scared, panicky and felt
agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully awake and up, etc., I
feel slightly better, even better than that. I called my pDoc's office
this morning and his secretary is going to ask him if I can take another
Imipramine at dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one
with dinner. I hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He
will have to FAX my pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing
me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
Here ya go, {{Diane}}.
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2012-12-23 15:33:56 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I've had nightmares on and off for the past two months, maybe, but last
night was really BAD! I kept going in and out of the same nightmare for
hours until I finally woke up from it some time in the early morning
hours. It made me cry and I was depressed, scared, panicky and felt
agoraphobic all at once. :-( Now that I'm fully awake and up, etc., I
feel slightly better, even better than that. I called my pDoc's office
this morning and his secretary is going to ask him if I can take another
Imipramine at dinner. I take one 10 mg. with breakfast and another one
with dinner. I hope he let's me do this without having to see him. He
will have to FAX my pharmacy, if he is willing to do this without seeing
me. Just need some hugs. TIA
Peace & hugs,
Here ya go, {{Diane}}.
Awww Sheldon! Thank you again. :-) Here you go too, my friend.
{{{{{Sheldon}}}}} I need them today too. My tummy doesn't feel well at
all. :-(

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