Anxiety tip of the week - April 21
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2012-04-21 15:41:32 UTC
Apologies for my absence but have been on holidays. Gorgeous weather
for Autumn here :)

Tip of the week is >>>Positive self-talk<<<

I'm going to keep this simple as a lot is said about this that it can
become a cliche. The power of words are amazing but even more so when
they come from you. Even if you're struggling, never lose hope, never
give up. Be your own fan. Cheer yourself on because if YOU don't
believe in yourself - how can you expect others to? Even when I'm in
the middle of a major panic attack I will try to somehow tell myself
everything will be ok. I sometimes say it out loud if alone, or write
it down discreetly if needed. I have even spoken lyrics of songs to
inspire myself.

Or simple statements such as: I deserve to be,

I can; I will; I am; I believe; I deserve

I leave you with this great quote from Ghandi

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.

***@nessa aka V*nessa aka :)
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2012-04-21 21:13:27 UTC
Post by v***@hotmail.com
Apologies for my absence but have been on holidays. Gorgeous weather
for Autumn here :)
Hope you had a nice holiday Vanessa. When I see videos of beaches on
Australia, it looks so nice. I think I told you my uncle and family
emigrated to Newcastle, Australia in 1960's and my uncle always liked it.
It's been gorgeous a lot of the winter in Toronto. Much milder than usual.
Hardly a winter at all. Today is cooler at 44F but a couple of days ago it
was 66F and we've only had two days of snow for the entire winter. Your
husband's cousin will tell you. We sometimes get some days like that in the
winter here, but not as many days all in a row as this year. I wish it would
stay at 65 and 70F all year round but starting in June comes the heat and
humidity, so I don't look forward to that.Thats when it would be nice to
have a beach nearby. We have Lake Ontario nearby with a few nice beaches,
but its pretty busy and hard to find parking so I don't go there. Used to,
when I lived closer to the lake. There are many nice summer resorts about 90
miles north of Toronto where a lot of city people have summer cottages.
Beautiful scenery with many lakes and trees. Not quite the same as an ocean
but I would like one there, if I had the money. But they are expensive. I
love the ocean and lived near it in Scotland and still miss it. Keep your
tips going. You never know who might be lurking :)

Post by v***@hotmail.com
Tip of the week is >>>Positive self-talk<<<
I'm going to keep this simple as a lot is said about this that it can
become a cliche. The power of words are amazing but even more so when
they come from you. Even if you're struggling, never lose hope, never
give up. Be your own fan. Cheer yourself on because if YOU don't
believe in yourself - how can you expect others to? Even when I'm in
the middle of a major panic attack I will try to somehow tell myself
everything will be ok. I sometimes say it out loud if alone, or write
it down discreetly if needed. I have even spoken lyrics of songs to
inspire myself.
Or simple statements such as: I deserve to be,
I can; I will; I am; I believe; I deserve
I leave you with this great quote from Ghandi
Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.
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2012-04-25 17:08:45 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by v***@hotmail.com
Apologies for my absence but have been on holidays. Gorgeous weather
for Autumn here :)
Hope you had a nice holiday Vanessa. When I see videos of beaches on
Australia, it looks so nice. I think I told you my uncle and family
emigrated to Newcastle, Australia in 1960's and my uncle always liked it.
Yes I do recall that. I've never been to Newcastle. The beaches all
over the country are beautiful.
I wish you were on Facebook so you could see my photos :)
Post by Mary
It's been gorgeous a lot of the winter in Toronto. Much milder than usual.
Hardly a winter at all. Today is cooler at 44F but a couple of days ago it
was 66F and we've only had two days of snow for the entire winter. Your
husband's cousin will tell you. We sometimes get some days like that in the
winter here, but not as many days all in a row as this year. I wish it would
stay at 65 and 70F all year round but starting in June comes the heat and
humidity, so I don't look forward to that.Thats when it would be nice to
have a beach nearby. We have Lake Ontario nearby with a few nice beaches,
but its pretty busy and hard to find parking so I don't go there. Used to,
when I lived closer to the lake. There are many nice summer resorts about 90
miles north of Toronto where a lot of city people have summer cottages.
Beautiful scenery with many lakes and trees. Not quite the same as an ocean
but I would like one there, if I had the money. But they are expensive. I
love the ocean and lived near it in Scotland and still miss it. Keep your
tips going. You never know who might be lurking :)
Toronto sounds lovely. I'll add it to my wishlist of places to visit
as we have family
there as you know.
Now that I'm doing so well with my anxiety I'm starting to think big
in terms of travel. I have a lot of long service leaving owing to me.
Close to 6 months but need to wait at least a year when my daughter is
in high
school. Glad the weather has been mild for you. I've heard so many
stories about the lake. Must be breathtaking.

Hope there are some lurkers but even if not I'm practicing putting my
down. I'm thinking of using my life experience somehow to help people
this group. I'm planning ahead to my retirement (over 10 years away)
am not sure what I'd like to do but something related to wellbeing;
being in the present. Could be a workshop or a retreat type of idea
other concepts such as massage and meditation; mindfulness.
I like to dream big as I missed out when i was younger and it's never
too late.

Thanks for your support as usual Mary. Big hugs your way.

V :)
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