Loss of interest
(too old to reply)
2011-04-28 20:51:14 UTC
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
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Dick Friesen
2011-04-29 06:24:38 UTC
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
My doctor told me you could only take benzos for 14 days or you would
become addicted or they would lose their effectiveness. Did you change
types over the years? I am curious because the few I have taken (in fear
due to my doctor) have really helped.

Take care and best regards...

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Tennessee Tony
2011-05-18 11:34:02 UTC
Post by Dick Friesen
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
My doctor told me you could only take benzos for 14 days or you would
become addicted or they would lose their effectiveness.
Your Dr. is an idiot.

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2011-07-11 02:26:38 UTC
Post by Dick Friesen
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
My doctor told me you could only take benzos for 14 days or you would
become addicted or they would lose their effectiveness. Did you change
types over the years? I am curious because the few I have taken (in fear
due to my doctor) have really helped.
Take care and best regards...
Agree with Tony. Dependance isn't the same as addiction. If you need
medication to aid your recovery and benzo's are the most effective for you
than the doctor should prescribe for as long as needed. Benzophobes are
usually not up to speed with the benefits of these meds and how they can
give people their life back. I'm not saying doctors should prescribe them
without fully examining the situation and personal circumstances but they
shouldn't scare people about addiction.

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2011-04-29 06:24:49 UTC
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
I can imagine how you feel Fred. I have felt like that a lot of times too. I
am a little older than you, and I have not had anxiety and/or panic feelings
all my life. It is mainly in the last 10 years I have had symptoms. Before
that, I had severe anxiety for long periods of time when under very
stressful situations but I did not have dizziness or feeling faint or
anticipatory anxiety which started 10 years ago. Its as if I had it before,
but my body could take it, but for me, it accumulated more and more after
long periods of stress so the next time I was under severe stress my
symptoms wold be worse. I have trouble with anxiety some days but not others
and mainly confined to certain situations. I tend to dwell on some things
sometimes and can become obsessive. It goes away for a while, but comes
back. Today and two days ago, I had to drive across town in pouring rain and
lightning storm and busy traffic, and I worried about it for two days in
advance what the weather would be like and if I could drive for 45 minutes
to my appointment without worrying that I might have to stop the car along
the way. Then I thought, if I have to stop along the way, so what. But I
managed ok. and actually the rain kept my mind off my inner anxieties
because I had to pay attention to driving. Its not always as bad as I think
things will be, sometimes its worse . LOL.

I don't know about you, but I go from depression to anxiety and anxiety
causes me to be depressed. they often go together or one after the other.
But depression is worse with me. Do you think trying an anti depressant
besides your klonopin may help you, or maybe you could discuss it with your

I don't take medication though I have tried many in the past 10-15 years. It
didn't help enough or only helped a little, so I gave up on it. Some people
are quite successful but didn't help me and I came to the point I am not
interested now. Have you tried anti depressants?

I don't know much about anxiety progressing as you get older. I was already
older when it started to affect my life a lot more than it did when I was
younger. At least when I did have anxiety when younger, it didn't interrupt
my life or affect me like it did when I started to get it 10-15 years ago.
Others here might be able to tell you if their anxiety seemed worse as they
got older. Anxiety and/or panic is a matter of degree as all disorders are.
Some people have it a lot more stronger and more often than others. Others
manage to live with it, with meds and without meds with varied degrees of

You are probably doing better than you think you are Fred. You are doing the
best with what you have to put up with. Its not easy to have to restrict
your life because of anxiety/and or panic and/or depression. They are all
lousy things to have. I am more angry about being restricted in my life in
some ways than I am at anything else. Same with arthritis I have in my knee
and hip which I need surgery for. I hate being restricted. I want to go
where I want and not have any driving anxities, and I go anyway because I am
so angry about having anxiety. Then I get depressed, so it goes in a cycle.
I just do what I can and maintain what I can. its not the life I would
really like. I just live my life one day at a time, and all you have is

Hang in Fred. You are doing the best you can for now. At least you can still
do your shopping and drive places and go to church and maybe one of these
days you will feel you want to try to join in church acitivities more and
if you don't, then you don't.
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Carl ô¿ô
2011-04-29 18:49:49 UTC
Nice post Mary. I enjoyed reading what you wrote.

Post by Mary
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
I can imagine how you feel Fred. I have felt like that a lot of times too.
I am a little older than you, and I have not had anxiety and/or panic
feelings all my life. It is mainly in the last 10 years I have had
symptoms. Before that, I had severe anxiety for long periods of time when
under very stressful situations but I did not have dizziness or feeling
faint or anticipatory anxiety which started 10 years ago. Its as if I had
it before, but my body could take it, but for me, it accumulated more and
more after long periods of stress so the next time I was under severe
stress my symptoms wold be worse. I have trouble with anxiety some days
but not others and mainly confined to certain situations. I tend to dwell
on some things sometimes and can become obsessive. It goes away for a
while, but comes back. Today and two days ago, I had to drive across town
in pouring rain and lightning storm and busy traffic, and I worried about
it for two days in advance what the weather would be like and if I could
drive for 45 minutes to my appointment without worrying that I might have
to stop the car along the way. Then I thought, if I have to stop along the
way, so what. But I managed ok. and actually the rain kept my mind off my
inner anxieties because I had to pay attention to driving. Its not always
as bad as I think things will be, sometimes its worse . LOL.
I don't know about you, but I go from depression to anxiety and anxiety
causes me to be depressed. they often go together or one after the other.
But depression is worse with me. Do you think trying an anti depressant
besides your klonopin may help you, or maybe you could discuss it with
your doctor.
I don't take medication though I have tried many in the past 10-15 years.
It didn't help enough or only helped a little, so I gave up on it. Some
people are quite successful but didn't help me and I came to the point I
am not interested now. Have you tried anti depressants?
I don't know much about anxiety progressing as you get older. I was
already older when it started to affect my life a lot more than it did
when I was younger. At least when I did have anxiety when younger, it
didn't interrupt my life or affect me like it did when I started to get it
10-15 years ago. Others here might be able to tell you if their anxiety
seemed worse as they got older. Anxiety and/or panic is a matter of degree
as all disorders are. Some people have it a lot more stronger and more
often than others. Others manage to live with it, with meds and without
meds with varied degrees of success.
You are probably doing better than you think you are Fred. You are doing
the best with what you have to put up with. Its not easy to have to
restrict your life because of anxiety/and or panic and/or depression. They
are all lousy things to have. I am more angry about being restricted in my
life in some ways than I am at anything else. Same with arthritis I have
in my knee and hip which I need surgery for. I hate being restricted. I
want to go where I want and not have any driving anxities, and I go anyway
because I am so angry about having anxiety. Then I get depressed, so it
goes in a cycle. I just do what I can and maintain what I can. its not the
life I would really like. I just live my life one day at a time, and all
you have is today.
Hang in Fred. You are doing the best you can for now. At least you can
still do your shopping and drive places and go to church and maybe one of
these days you will feel you want to try to join in church acitivities
more and if you don't, then you don't.
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2011-04-29 21:07:27 UTC
Post by Carl ô¿ô
Nice post Mary. I enjoyed reading what you wrote.
Thank you Carl. I usually say pretty well what I feel and think when I feel
there is a reason to. I've always been like that. Of course there are many
things I don't say to certain people, or the results would not be good. :)
Hang in there Carl. We are all doing what we can within our personal
abilities. It's not easy. I think we are all very brave trying to live with,
and deal with disorders that no one fully understands, least of all

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coooooool grandma
2011-05-02 18:55:02 UTC
"We are all doing what we can within our personal abilities. It's not
easy. I think we are all very brave trying to live with, and deal with
disorders that no one fully understands, least of all ourselves".
I have been trying to find a way to explain such disorders for 40 years.
You said it for me. TY and AMEN. Audrey
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2011-05-02 23:21:39 UTC
Post by coooooool grandma
"We are all doing what we can within our personal abilities. It's not
easy. I think we are all very brave trying to live with, and deal with
disorders that no one fully understands, least of all ourselves".
I have been trying to find a way to explain such disorders for 40 years.
You said it for me. TY and AMEN. Audrey
Thank you Audrey. I really believe what I said above is true.

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2011-05-03 12:38:44 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by coooooool grandma
"We are all doing what we can within our personal abilities. It's not
easy. I think we are all very brave trying to live with, and deal with
disorders that no one fully understands, least of all ourselves".
I have been trying to find a way to explain such disorders for 40 years.
You said it for me. TY and AMEN. Audrey
Thank you Audrey. I really believe what I said above is true.
Amen to that !

Love from Anna
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2011-04-29 21:49:27 UTC
Beautiful posting Mary

Much love from Anna
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2011-04-29 22:26:26 UTC
Post by Anna
Beautiful posting Mary
Much love from Anna
Thank you Anna. It's nice to see you. You seem to have come to some kind of
terms with your lifelong struggles with your disorders, which is a good
thing. I like to watch DVD movies and read, though I always used to read
before I was on the Internet whichis about 14 years now. I also like to play
computer adventure games and have played them for 20 years since I got a
computer. PC adventure games contain a lot of problem solving tasks (not the
same kind of problem solving you need to do in life, too bad). But I like to
think and ponder the solution in the game especially the Sherlock Holmes
detective games. But as I said before, my life is not what I would have
liked it to be, not just because of anxiety or depression, but also some
things are just chance or luck, whatever you want to call it, and you don't
always find the opportunities you would like to have had. But you have to
try to make do with what you do have, which has always been a big struggle
for me. I am not very accepting at things that I have had to do in my life
and now that I am older, I think of all the missed opportunities I had and
didn't know how good the opportunities really were at the time. Oh well, we
can't go back in time, which is too bad in some ways but fortunate in

I hope you and Carl, Sheldon, TJ, Tony and Simon and others will post here
when you feel like it. Its nice to be able to come here to express feelings
and anxieties and even just to keep in contact. Its too bad so many people
have left, but that's the way it goes. Sometimes people need a break or want
to move on and that's OK. It can sometimes be a good thing.
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2011-04-30 01:17:48 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Anna
Beautiful posting Mary
Much love from Anna
Thank you Anna. It's nice to see you. You seem to have come to some kind
of terms with your lifelong struggles with your disorders, which is a
good thing. I like to watch DVD movies and read, though I always used to
read before I was on the Internet whichis about 14 years now. I also
like to play computer adventure games and have played them for 20 years
since I got a computer. PC adventure games contain a lot of problem
solving tasks (not the same kind of problem solving you need to do in
life, too bad). But I like to think and ponder the solution in the game
especially the Sherlock Holmes detective games. But as I said before, my
life is not what I would have liked it to be, not just because of
anxiety or depression, but also some things are just chance or luck,
whatever you want to call it, and you don't always find the
opportunities you would like to have had. But you have to try to make do
with what you do have, which has always been a big struggle for me. I am
not very accepting at things that I have had to do in my life and now
that I am older, I think of all the missed opportunities I had and
didn't know how good the opportunities really were at the time. Oh well,
we can't go back in time, which is too bad in some ways but fortunate in
I hope you and Carl, Sheldon, TJ, Tony and Simon and others will post
here when you feel like it. Its nice to be able to come here to express
feelings and anxieties and even just to keep in contact. Its too bad so
many people have left, but that's the way it goes. Sometimes people need
a break or want to move on and that's OK. It can sometimes be a good thing.
It is nice to "see" you too Yes I try hard to come to terms and go with
my flow I wished I could do video games But I get very chaotic hehe
OTOH I love to be part of groups that fight for personal freedom and
that I can also do at home.

I know the feeling of lost opportunities But in the end there is no
proof of what our lives would have been without the disorders.
I think usenet is getting smaller cause of the other social media like
facebook and so on . And maybe people are moving on I don't know I just
peeked in and saw this posting which was so similar to my experience.
ASAPM will always be a part of me. Cause here I found out that I was not
the only one !

I hope you are doing well ?

Much love from Anna
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2011-04-30 03:24:13 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Anna
Beautiful posting Mary
Much love from Anna
Thank you Anna. It's nice to see you. You seem to have come to some kind
of terms with your lifelong struggles with your disorders, which is a
good thing. I like to watch DVD movies and read, though I always used to
read before I was on the Internet whichis about 14 years now. I also
like to play computer adventure games and have played them for 20 years
since I got a computer. PC adventure games contain a lot of problem
solving tasks (not the same kind of problem solving you need to do in
life, too bad). But I like to think and ponder the solution in the game
especially the Sherlock Holmes detective games. But as I said before, my
life is not what I would have liked it to be, not just because of
anxiety or depression, but also some things are just chance or luck,
whatever you want to call it, and you don't always find the
opportunities you would like to have had. But you have to try to make do
with what you do have, which has always been a big struggle for me. I am
not very accepting at things that I have had to do in my life and now
that I am older, I think of all the missed opportunities I had and
didn't know how good the opportunities really were at the time. Oh well,
we can't go back in time, which is too bad in some ways but fortunate in
I hope you and Carl, Sheldon, TJ, Tony and Simon and others will post
here when you feel like it. Its nice to be able to come here to express
feelings and anxieties and even just to keep in contact. Its too bad so
many people have left, but that's the way it goes. Sometimes people need
a break or want to move on and that's OK. It can sometimes be a good thing.
It is nice to "see" you too Yes I try hard to come to terms and go with my
flow I wished I could do video games But I get very chaotic hehe
OTOH I love to be part of groups that fight for personal freedom and that
I can also do at home.
Which groups are you part of?
I know the feeling of lost opportunities But in the end there is no proof
of what our lives would have been without the disorders.
I suppose I am lucky that I did not have disorders when I was young. I had a
fairly normal life until several traumas happened to me one after another. I
believe these severe and prolonged stresses caused anxieties to accumulate
until something happened that made things worse and later became physical as
well as emotional anxieties. Some people do not know what caused their
anxieties and/or panic attack. I do know, but it is not enough to know.
Anxiety and panic attacks are complicated and impossible to understand. You
have to go on without understanding which is like flying blind to me. I am
thankful I don't have anxiety and panic attacks every single day as some
people do. My anxiety and worry and exagerrations can happen usually under
certain situations. They can last for days or go away for days, but always
come back eventually. I think I have a "mixed disorder" LOL.
I think usenet is getting smaller cause of the other social media like
facebook and so on . And maybe people are moving on I don't know I just
peeked in and saw this posting which was so similar to my experience.
ASAPM will always be a part of me. Cause here I found out that I was not
the only one !
I have always known I wasn't the only one as I read a lot about anxiety and
knew I had it in certain situations. I lurked on this group for about a year
off and on and thought it seemed like a friendly place with people
struggling with different issues. It was busy here then with a lot of
different personalities which always makes it interesting. I have never been
on Facebook or Twitter. I am not very interested though maybe I am missing
I hope you are doing well ?
I am getting by you might say. You might have seen here that my brother died
last Nov. and his wife died 5.5 months before him. He had been in a nursing
home for the past 4 years after hitting his head and getting a brain injury.
He did not live very long after his wife died. they were very devorated to
each other. Both were still in their 60's. It was a very sad time. I was
very stressed out and when that happens, I often become physically ill. I
had bronchitis in mid January and a sinus infection right after. I was sick
for 2.5 months altogether. It has taken me a long time to recover, but I am
getting a better day by day.
Much love from Anna
Thanks Anna, and my best wishes to you. Its always nice to see you.
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2011-04-30 11:15:15 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Anna
It is nice to "see" you too Yes I try hard to come to terms and go
with my flow I wished I could do video games But I get very chaotic hehe
OTOH I love to be part of groups that fight for personal freedom and
that I can also do at home.
Which groups are you part of?
Freedom to choose - Forest - A few groups against junk science
etc etc etc I am very touchy when it comes to government interference
and lies . I think it is an issue for me Very strong feelings about
that ......................
Post by Mary
Post by Anna
I know the feeling of lost opportunities But in the end there is no
proof of what our lives would have been without the disorders.
I suppose I am lucky that I did not have disorders when I was young. I
had a fairly normal life until several traumas happened to me one after
another. I believe these severe and prolonged stresses caused anxieties
to accumulate until something happened that made things worse and later
became physical as well as emotional anxieties. Some people do not know
what caused their anxieties and/or panic attack. I do know, but it is
not enough to know. Anxiety and panic attacks are complicated and
impossible to understand. You have to go on without understanding which
is like flying blind to me. I am thankful I don't have anxiety and panic
attacks every single day as some people do. My anxiety and worry and
exagerrations can happen usually under certain situations. They can last
for days or go away for days, but always come back eventually. I think I
have a "mixed disorder" LOL.
Well sometimes I think and I discussed this with several anxiety people:
I have this disorders as long as I can remember ( Diagnosed properly 12
years ago ) and maybe it is easier when you have them all your life
It seems almost cruel to have a "normal" life and suddenly it is taken
away from you. Now for me I don't know better So when I first got
medication that worked I was such a happy camper.

Now I know - just like you do - the attacks will come and go as they
please Trauma and stress are huge triggers But as you say : Knowing
is hardly enough ! Even with the greatest of understanding one cannot
control the attacks. I am sorry for the trauma's and stress that caused
your PAD. Anxiety and worry and exaggerations ? Wow do I know that.
Mixed disorder ? Nice way to go hehehe
Post by Mary
Post by Anna
I think usenet is getting smaller cause of the other social media like
facebook and so on . And maybe people are moving on I don't know I
just peeked in and saw this posting which was so similar to my
ASAPM will always be a part of me. Cause here I found out that I was
not the only one !
I have always known I wasn't the only one as I read a lot about anxiety
and knew I had it in certain situations. I lurked on this group for
about a year off and on and thought it seemed like a friendly place with
people struggling with different issues. It was busy here then with a
lot of different personalities which always makes it interesting. I have
never been on Facebook or Twitter. I am not very interested though maybe
I am missing something.
Well I never knew people had the same thing as I did cause nobody told
me what I had I had so many physical examinations cause of the high
blood pressure palpitations and so on I always thought it was physical.
I am only on facebook and you don't miss out . But it is a shame asapm
has so little traffic these days Cause it was a great help to many.
In coming to terms with a life full of anxiety and panic.
But you never know where the flow will be in a couple of months :-)
Post by Mary
Post by Anna
I hope you are doing well ?
I am getting by you might say. You might have seen here that my brother
died last Nov. and his wife died 5.5 months before him. He had been in a
nursing home for the past 4 years after hitting his head and getting a
brain injury. He did not live very long after his wife died. they were
very devorated to each other. Both were still in their 60's. It was a
very sad time. I was very stressed out and when that happens, I often
become physically ill. I had bronchitis in mid January and a sinus
infection right after. I was sick for 2.5 months altogether. It has
taken me a long time to recover, but I am getting a better day by day.
Post by Anna
Much love from Anna
Thanks Anna, and my best wishes to you. Its always nice to see you.
No I didn't read that and I am so sorry for you This must have been
tremendous stressful for you ! Losing loved ones is a horror
We Pa'ers seem to react very physical to stress Maybe it is a sign to
slow down ? I don't know. It is good to know you are getting better.
For me ? It seems I am as strong as a horse When everyone is down with
the flue I am up and about . Which is a very strange thing.
I smoke a lot Don't eat properly and so on so on . Besides that I have
my moments of terrible hypochondria . Nobody wants to listen to that
cause I look terribly healthy haha

Big kiss an the nose from Anna
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Carl ô¿ô
2011-04-29 18:50:00 UTC
I could have written the post you wrote Fred myself. I feel the exact same
way. The anxiety has just beaten and worn me down over the years. Some days
I feel like I literally don't have any life left in me. I also try to use
the TV as a distraction. It is like that something that use to be in your
brain that once gave you a zest for life is now gone. Now, I am depressed,
anxious, and apathetic all rolled up into one. Take care Fred. I validate
your feelings friend.

Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
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2011-04-29 21:46:56 UTC
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
Hello Fred I am Anna and 54 years Life long PAD GAD OCD and boy do I
understand you ! It seems when you get older you don't want to battle so
much any more As if you don't want to push yourself day after day
I don't think it is progression of anxiety but just getting older and
less "stretchy" I struggled with this a few years and now I try to
settle in the little world and accept it . I love to watch dvd's like
you and read . I had an ebay shop which did well but I couldn't do it
all by myself any more I think it is a good thing to sometimes take a
leave from fighting the anxiety and live a life within boundaries.
I know "they"say you have to fight. But sometimes the Zen attitude of
"letting go "is a nice one The most problems I had where with the guilt
feelings *I have to do this and that * Now that feelings are not so
outspoken any more and I can feel some contentment in my life :-)
Hope this helps a bit !

Much love from Anna
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Carl ô¿ô
2011-04-30 00:18:28 UTC
Hi Miss Anna...you are just a beautiful as ever. Smile. Glad to hear from

Post by Anna
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life. For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety. The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time. I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything. I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people. I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing. My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do. I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke". I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world. I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate. I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med. I
now watch a lot of TV. It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working. I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
Hello Fred I am Anna and 54 years Life long PAD GAD OCD and boy do I
understand you ! It seems when you get older you don't want to battle so
much any more As if you don't want to push yourself day after day
I don't think it is progression of anxiety but just getting older and less
"stretchy" I struggled with this a few years and now I try to settle in
the little world and accept it . I love to watch dvd's like you and read .
I had an ebay shop which did well but I couldn't do it all by myself any
more I think it is a good thing to sometimes take a leave from fighting
the anxiety and live a life within boundaries.
I know "they"say you have to fight. But sometimes the Zen attitude of
"letting go "is a nice one The most problems I had where with the guilt
feelings *I have to do this and that * Now that feelings are not so
outspoken any more and I can feel some contentment in my life :-)
Hope this helps a bit !
Much love from Anna
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2011-04-30 01:19:44 UTC
Post by Carl ô¿ô
Hi Miss Anna...you are just a beautiful as ever. Smile. Glad to hear from
Why thank you :-) This is a very nice compliment
I hope you are doing well ?

Much love from Anna
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2011-04-30 22:16:06 UTC
Post by fred
I am 61 and have had to deal with anxiety for the greater portion of
life.  For some reason, I have been able to find work for extended
periods in spite of my anxiety.  The anxiety has worn on me for a long
time.  I have been in a position for almost 1 1/2 years now where I
have lost my interest in almost everything.  I still get out and have
a few friends but I do cancel social engagements cause I can't handle
being in a crowd of people.  I am self employed but have let most of
my clients go cause I am not doing the marketing.  My paperwork is
becoming almost impossible to do.  I saw in one article one man
describes his condition as "My Give a shitter is broke".  I see a
parallel with Howard Huges in the later part of his life when he
became a total recluse. I still have to do shopping and other
maintenance errands so I am not totally cut off from the world.  I
have started going to a church but the thing that is problematic is
that sometimes I just don't want to go and participate.  I don't do
hardly any alcohol and just take Klonopin as an anti-anxiety med.  I
now watch a lot of TV.  It seems to be a slight opiate in that it
keeps my mind partially working.  I am just wondering if this is just
the progression of anxiety as a person gets older.
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There is something that I have noticed over a period of years. I saw
the movie on Howard Huges. In the last years of his life, he became
very reclusive. He has some serious OCD problems throughout his life
and then the airplane accident left him addicted to pain killers. He
rented several penthouses where he would be in a room by himself. He
never cut his hair or fingernails and would obsessivly lie on his bed
in the nude and watch "Ice Station Zebra" over and over. He would
drink his milk out of a bottle and then fill it with his urin and save
it. And he totally let his oral hygene slide. His employees and his
money were his enablers. That lifestyle eventually killed him. I, as
an insurance agent, encountered two men that totally lost interest in
life. They were both still working but their triggers were that their
wives died and they could not handle it. I have also met 3 women who
divorced their husbands. The husbands lost their jobs and could not
pull it together. The end result was a divorce. I think this would
be my ultimate fate if I wasn't single. I wonder how many people have
totally given up looking for work and are afraid to go outside? I
hardly ever drink and illegal drugs are not an option but I am sure
many people turn to these resources to try and cope.
And as with Anna, I do have an Ebay business. I have lots of
inventory and just don't like posting it for now. I also hate going
over to the post office. I really have to force myself to do this but
I do eventually get there and take care of my business.
I trace my anxiety back to childhood. I have been able to become more
socially effective but the inner struggles with anxiety have worn me
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2011-04-30 23:12:28 UTC
Post by fred
And as with Anna, I do have an Ebay business. I have lots of
inventory and just don't like posting it for now. I also hate going
over to the post office. I really have to force myself to do this but
I do eventually get there and take care of my business.
I trace my anxiety back to childhood. I have been able to become more
socially effective but the inner struggles with anxiety have worn me
I know what you mean Fred. Anxiety does wear you down, the same as
depression does not just mentally but physically. Mental and physical go
together. I think anxiety and depression can be traced to childhood
experiences among other things. Some days I feel like going to the store, or
the mall. I have to be in the mood. Other days I don't feel like going out
at all. Today I had a "limited time" burst of energy and washed my
windowsoutside which are big windows and have a sliding door to the balcony.
Its taken me 2 months to get to it. I put things off because I am either too
depressed or have no energy. I live in "cycles".

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coooooool grandma
2011-05-02 19:04:05 UTC
Again, I thank you for your postings. Albeit most people here suffer
from some emotional disorder, I have never heard my problem described so
perfectly. Of course I am glad I am not alone, but I wish you, nor
anyone, would not have what we have. I feel less guilty now, for not
doing what I think I "should " be doing. And it all eventually gets
done. God Bless you and all of us. Audrey
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2011-05-02 23:50:38 UTC
Post by coooooool grandma
Again, I thank you for your postings. Albeit most people here suffer
from some emotional disorder, I have never heard my problem described so
perfectly. Of course I am glad I am not alone, but I wish you, nor
anyone, would not have what we have. I feel less guilty now, for not
doing what I think I "should " be doing. And it all eventually gets
done. God Bless you and all of us. Audrey
Audrey, We would be doing a lot more than we are doing, or we used to do, if
we could, not just because of emotional disorders or "mixed disorders" as I
call some disorders. Many of us are not only dealing with some emotional
disorders, but I believe there is a physical side of panic attacks and
anxiety disorders affecting the nervous system and other organs of the body.
Also, some of us have physicall illnesses as well. You can only do what you
are able to do within your capabilities at any given time. There is nothing
to feel guilty about at all. Actually, having anxiety and depression and
migraine headaches, and arthritis in my knee, restricting me from walking as
much as I want to, are afflictions I find more far more aggravating than
feeling guilty about. Thank you for your nice words and post Audrey. Hope to
see you here again soon.

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