when everything are going wel
(too old to reply)
2011-05-27 00:28:44 UTC
My dear Family;

When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.

But I will let you know how it went.

Love Diana.
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2011-05-27 04:31:19 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.
But I will let you know how it went.
Diana, it sounds like you are doing better. I hope your camping trip goes

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Philip Peters
2011-05-27 11:18:51 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
Huh? What a lovely destination. Members of my family went there to a
holiday resort about 6,5 decades ago and apparently liked it so much
that no one ever heard of them again.
Diana, Poland instead of your beloved *Ireland*? That's quite a surprise.
Post by diana
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.
You'll manage. But even in its present state Auschwitz is *not* a pretty
Post by diana
But I will let you know how it went.
Please do.

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2011-05-28 00:45:17 UTC

This trip is not instead of my homeland (Ireland) but I have to do this.
When I was a child they always sad to me, dirty jew to me.
because we are seven day adventist, and than you have the saturday as you
The first time that I met my inlaws, they say to me * so your are a jew?*
It was so bad that they want not that Albert go further with me.
And when Albert went with me to the church they want trew him out of the
So I have to do this, I need to know.

Sorry for you all.

Mijn jeugd is een hel geweest, iedere dag dat ik op school kwam, werd ik
en niet alleen door kinderen maar ook door het onderwijzend personeel.
Als ik op maandag op school kwam dan was mijn tafel en stoel weg en moest ik
de hele morgen
aan de kant tegen de muur staan. en dat alleen omdat wij niet op zaterdag
naar school gingen.
en ken je nagaan dat was in 1953. Hoelang of kort was dat na de WW2?
En als je dan ook nog zo bekeken wordt door je schoon familie.
Dat is misschien ook wel de reden dat ik mij geen Nederlander voel, ook
nooit gehad.
Als wij in Ireland zijn mogen wij ons zelf zijn, ondanks dat het een
Katholiek land is.
Als ik over mijn leven wat dit betreft een boek zou schrijven zou niemand
het willen geloven.
Daarom moet ik daar naar toe, hoeveel moeite het mij ook kost.
Ik zal genoeg pillen mee nemen, en we doen het ook niet in een dag.

Love you all
Post by Philip Peters
Post by diana
My dear Family;
When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
Huh? What a lovely destination. Members of my family went there to a
holiday resort about 6,5 decades ago and apparently liked it so much that
no one ever heard of them again.
Diana, Poland instead of your beloved *Ireland*? That's quite a surprise.
Post by diana
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.
You'll manage. But even in its present state Auschwitz is *not* a pretty
Post by diana
But I will let you know how it went.
Please do.
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2011-08-12 11:41:35 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by diana
My dear Family;
When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
Huh? What a lovely destination. Members of my family went there to a
holiday resort about 6,5 decades ago and apparently liked it so much
that no one ever heard of them again.
I've never heard it put like *that*!!!
Post by Philip Peters
Diana, Poland instead of your beloved *Ireland*? That's quite a surprise.
Post by diana
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.
You'll manage. But even in its present state Auschwitz is *not* a
pretty sight...
I'm sure it isn't.

As least some lived to tell the tale of Auschwitz. Vastly fewer lived
to tell the tale of Treblinka and Sobibor, and hardly anyone lived to
tell of Belzec.
Post by Philip Peters
Post by diana
But I will let you know how it went.
Please do.
I see you didn't go.

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2011-08-12 21:35:24 UTC

Yes whe went to poland,
and it was a hell.

Love Diana
Post by Dennis
Post by Philip Peters
Post by diana
My dear Family;
When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
Huh? What a lovely destination. Members of my family went there to a
holiday resort about 6,5 decades ago and apparently liked it so much
that no one ever heard of them again.
I've never heard it put like *that*!!!
Post by Philip Peters
Diana, Poland instead of your beloved *Ireland*? That's quite a surprise.
Post by diana
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.
You'll manage. But even in its present state Auschwitz is *not* a
pretty sight...
I'm sure it isn't.
As least some lived to tell the tale of Auschwitz. Vastly fewer lived
to tell the tale of Treblinka and Sobibor, and hardly anyone lived to
tell of Belzec.
Post by Philip Peters
Post by diana
But I will let you know how it went.
Please do.
I see you didn't go.
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2011-08-13 05:59:59 UTC
Post by diana
Yes whe went to poland,
and it was a hell.
Love Diana
I saw that; I commented later on.

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2011-05-29 20:24:30 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
When everything is going wel, we wil go next week to Poland
We are going with the camper so that will be 3 or 4 days.
It is a long way, and I can't not so long on the road.
But I will let you know how it went.
Love Diana.
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There is an excellent book that you can buy in the bookstore at
Auschwitz. It is the memoirs of Rudolph Hoess and two other SS
officers. It is not pretty but describes a lot on what happened in
that camp from the viewpoint of the commandant. Hoess was hanged by
the Polish authorities in 1947. I borrowed the book about 30 years
ago from a friend that visited the camp. I wish I had a copy for
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