Question for Margrove and group
(too old to reply)
2011-09-13 23:57:05 UTC
Dear Margrove & others,

I’m taking clonazepam 1.0 mg bid. My doctor allows me to take an extra
tablet on as a prn if necessary. Prn situations are always in social
situations. In those situations I want my clonazepam to work as fast
as possible. Will clonazepam work faster if I chew it rather than
swallow it? Is there anythings else I can do? I am aware that
clonazepam is not made in sublingual form.

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2011-09-15 03:56:44 UTC
Post by alexzi
Dear Margrove & others,
I'm taking clonazepam 1.0 mg bid. My doctor allows me to take an extra
tablet on as a prn if necessary. Prn situations are always in social
situations. In those situations I want my clonazepam to work as fast
as possible. Will clonazepam work faster if I chew it rather than
swallow it? Is there anythings else I can do? I am aware that
clonazepam is not made in sublingual form.
Hi Alexzi,

I notice that no one has answered your post. It must have been quite a while
since you posted on this group or lurked here, as there are not many posts
here now. And
Margrove has not posted for eveng longer than that. A few of the "old"
regulars post once in a while, but many have moved on. They all seemed to
gradually leave in the past year and a half or more. I don't know where or
they they all left. Maybe just wanted to move on to other things. I still
check here most days and post occasionally and a few other people do too.

I have never taken clonazapam (klonopin), so I really don't know if it work
quicker or not if you chewed it rather than swallow it.
You would have to try it to find out. Depends how bad it tastes if you chew
it. Philip who used to post here can maybe tell you if he drops by here. He
used to post sometimes, but haven't seen him here for a while. He used to
take klonopin or maybe still does and in general knows a lot about benzos. I
take clorazepate occasionally which is also a benzo but not on a regular
basis. It's a capsule. I prefer tablets rather than capsules as you can cut
tablets in half easier. Sorry I can't be of more help. Maybe someone will
post a reply to you.

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2011-09-30 02:07:14 UTC
Post by alexzi
Dear Margrove & others,
I'm taking clonazepam 1.0 mg bid. My doctor allows me to take an extra
tablet on as a prn if necessary. Prn situations are always in social
situations. In those situations I want my clonazepam to work as fast
as possible. Will clonazepam work faster if I chew it rather than
swallow it? Is there anythings else I can do? I am aware that
clonazepam is not made in sublingual form.
Hi Alexzi

I take clonazepam and as a rule its not designed to work fast but does stay
in the system longer. I've heard some people say it may work faster if you
place the tablet under your toungue and dissolve it but i've never noticed a
difference. You may be better off getting your doc to prescribe something
like xanax for those prn situation. Or better still, if you can get into
cognitive behavioural therapy to equip you with tools to manage anticipatory
anxiety. Not for everyone but if it works it will make you less dependant on
medication and improve your confidence to deal with anxiety provoking social
situations. Easier said than done but patience and persistance helped me.

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