VERY depressed, etc., today - :-(((
(too old to reply)
2013-01-21 18:52:09 UTC
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because I
woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a referral,
hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my stomach. I
will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him about my thoughts,
etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for my health and cannot
wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today because I am sooooo
exhausted from not sleeping well every single night since about April 2012!
Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you to worry about
me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope! Please! Thank you so


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2013-01-21 19:39:09 UTC
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because I
woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a referral,
hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my stomach. I
will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him about my
thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for my health
and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today because I
am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night since about
April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you to
worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope! Please!
Thank you so much.
Hi Diane,
Sorry you are feeling so discouraged. I can understand how you feel. I have
trouble with my stomach at times too . In fact the last few days I have had
intestinal infection which is slowly going awy. Its good you have your
doctor referrals setup especially the one for your stomach and your Pdoc. I
know what you mean about thinking about suicide, but would never do anything
about it. I think some people feel that way occasionally. Of course mention
it to your pdoc on Feb.4th which won't be long. Have you mentioned to your
regular doc and your pdoc about not being able to sleep very well since Apr.
2012. Thats a very long time. Is it because of anxiety? Have you tried anti
depressants? There is always hope Diane. Try not to worry. Can be very
difficult I know,
but try. You are doing all you can to get past your present anxieties and
problems and eventually you will get through them.
There is always hope. You will be OK. Best wishes to you to get past this
bad time.

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2013-01-21 23:31:17 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because I
woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a referral,
hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my stomach. I
will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him about my
thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for my health
and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today because I
am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night since about
April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you
to worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope!
Please! Thank you so much.
Hi Diane,
Sorry you are feeling so discouraged. I can understand how you feel. I
have trouble with my stomach at times too . In fact the last few days I
have had intestinal infection which is slowly going awy. Its good you have
your doctor referrals setup especially the one for your stomach and your
Pdoc. I know what you mean about thinking about suicide, but would never
do anything about it. I think some people feel that way occasionally. Of
course mention it to your pdoc on Feb.4th which won't be long. Have you
mentioned to your regular doc and your pdoc about not being able to sleep
very well since Apr. 2012. Thats a very long time. Is it because of
anxiety? Have you tried anti depressants? There is always hope Diane. Try
not to worry. Can be very difficult I know,
but try. You are doing all you can to get past your present anxieties and
problems and eventually you will get through them.
There is always hope. You will be OK. Best wishes to you to get past this
bad time.
Mary, thank you so much for your support and advice. I appreciate it so
much! I am so sorry you are also going through a bad time with your
stomach. :-( I have been going through the *stomach* thing since April
2012, which my other GI guy looked into by giving me a few different tests.
The last test he did was the Scope and then told us in his office that there
was nothing wrong with me! Don and I both jumped up out of our seats and
said WHAT?! What about the pain, the agonizing BM's, etc., etc. He finally
told me that I had IBS with constipation and then he gave me a script for
Dicetel. He said there was nothing else he could do for me and that was it.
Don told me that when doctors can't find the real reason, they tell you it's
IBS. I believe that too, Mary. At first, the Dicetel worked fairly well,
then really well, and all of a sudden, the past few weeks or so, I have been
having a terrible time in the bathroom and I think it's BECAUSE of the
Dicetel. :-( Don and I haven't slept well in months and months because I
wake up during the night so many times to either pee (sorry), or my
arthritis is killing me, or I have contractions in my calves, feet and legs,
or I have a nightmare, etc. Don gets up himself during the night several
times to pee because of his age and his prostate problems. But because I
get up too, neither one of us can ever get a really good night's sleep. Our
pdoc knows about most of this stuff. Yes, I am on Imipramine, an old TCA,
10 mg. 4 times a day and when I see him on the 4th I'm going to ask him if I
can increase it to 60 mg. a day. I know he will say yes. He is great!
Anyway, the reason I haven't been able to sleep well since about April is
because I had insomnia when we were in Fla. in Jan., Feb. and Mar. 2012.
Don had to *remind* me that I had it in Mar. Then I started to remember
that I did have it then. I asked him if I also had it in Jan. and Feb., but
he said he didn't think so. He just remembers me having it pretty bad in
Mar. To make a very long story short, we think some or all of my illnesses,
insomnia, etc., are because of the many, many times we both went into the
hot tubs there in Fla. I think I told you that Don had multiple bleeding
ulcers last Oct. His GI doc said yes, that the bacteria from the hot tub
could have given him a bacterial infection that caused him to have H.
pylori! The whole story is so weird, eh? But...we have several neighbors
that told us they would NEVER go in the hot tubs there because of the
bacteria. We told them we had gone in them multiple times and they warned
us never to go in again. We told them not to worry about that. We had no
intention of ever going back into one of them. :-) Also, one woman
neighbor of ours told us that after she had gone into one, she came home
with a really bad bladder infection and wouldn't ever go back into one.
See? We think this is the reason we're having so many problems. :-( Sorry
to write a novel here, but I've been doing that lately without realizing it
at times. :-) I thank you again, Mary, for your well wishes and hope! I
also hope you can get passed this bad time yourself. {{{{{Mary}}}}} Take

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2013-01-21 23:29:43 UTC




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2013-01-22 00:03:54 UTC
Thank you soooooo much! I really loved it! :-) Is that you, Rita B.?
Doesn't matter. I was just wondering and IF it is you, how are you doing
sweetie? Thank you again for the uplifting words. Take care!


Post by r***@webtv.net
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2013-01-22 02:10:39 UTC
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because I
woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a referral,
hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my stomach. I
will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him about my
thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for my health
and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today because I
am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night since about
April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you to
worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope! Please!
Thank you so much.
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was a
little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced -- not to
worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her dad set me
straight. But, what I learned was when you have these thoughts you can't
think there is something wrong with you or you are crazy. Just keep thinking
it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it one way or another. My whole
family suffers from anxiety so why not me?

As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in the
middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to give
yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's been going
on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang in there.

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2013-01-22 05:45:55 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because I
woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a referral,
hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my stomach. I
will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him about my
thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for my health
and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today because I
am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night since about
April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you
to worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope!
Please! Thank you so much.
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was a
little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced -- not
to worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her dad set
me straight. But, what I learned was when you have these thoughts you
can't think there is something wrong with you or you are crazy. Just keep
thinking it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it one way or another.
My whole family suffers from anxiety so why not me?
Sheldon, on your above paragraph you mention that your friends dad the
doctor said your brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced - not to
worry, easy fix. What was the easy fix? It seems I didn't get the amount of
anxiety I now have, when I was young. it all happened after I was in my 50's
and in my situation I am quite sure it was due to unrelenting anxiety over a
period of several years. Before that time in my middle 40's I also had a lot
of anxiety, but after a few years, my depressions were not as severe.
Actually I had more depression and not as much anxiety at that time.But now
in the last 2-3 years after another very anxious and depressing situation
that went on for 2 years, I became more anxious again. Medications don't
agree with me as I]ve tried a lot of them. I don't know the answer to
getting better. I just live and do what I can, and some days are not bad and
others are pretty bad. sometimes you just have to live with it.
Post by Sheldon
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in the
middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to give
yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's been
going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang in
Sometimes I wonder if there is any answer.

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2013-01-22 17:03:01 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because
I woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a
referral, hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my
stomach. I will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him
about my thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for
my health and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today
because I am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night
since about April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want
any of you to worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some
hope! Please! Thank you so much.
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was
a little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced -- not
to worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her dad set
me straight. But, what I learned was when you have these thoughts you
can't think there is something wrong with you or you are crazy. Just keep
thinking it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it one way or another.
My whole family suffers from anxiety so why not me?
Sheldon, on your above paragraph you mention that your friends dad the
doctor said your brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced - not to
worry, easy fix. What was the easy fix? It seems I didn't get the amount
of anxiety I now have, when I was young. it all happened after I was in my
50's and in my situation I am quite sure it was due to unrelenting anxiety
over a period of several years. Before that time in my middle 40's I also
had a lot of anxiety, but after a few years, my depressions were not as
severe. Actually I had more depression and not as much anxiety at that
time.But now in the last 2-3 years after another very anxious and
depressing situation that went on for 2 years, I became more anxious
again. Medications don't agree with me as I]ve tried a lot of them. I
don't know the answer to getting better. I just live and do what I can,
and some days are not bad and others are pretty bad. sometimes you just
have to live with it.
Post by Sheldon
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in
the middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to
give yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's
been going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang in
Sometimes I wonder if there is any answer.
After suffering for years and years, with brief periods of normal(?), a new
doctor finally put me on a cocktail of meds and I felt like I had just
climbed out of a deep pit. Yes, I want the rest of my life back, but I'll
take what I can get. I do believe there is hope for everybody, whether the
solution is from the West or the East. Feeling better may be just around the
corner. But, you have to keep turning corners.
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2013-01-22 20:51:16 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was
a little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced --
not to worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her
dad set me straight. But, what I learned was when you have these
thoughts you can't think there is something wrong with you or you are
crazy. Just keep thinking it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it
one way or another. My whole family suffers from anxiety so why not me?
Sheldon, on your above paragraph you mention that your friends dad the
doctor said your brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced - not
to worry, easy fix. What was the easy fix? It seems I didn't get the
amount of anxiety I now have, when I was young. it all happened after I
was in my 50's and in my situation I am quite sure it was due to
unrelenting anxiety over a period of several years. Before that time in
my middle 40's I also had a lot of anxiety, but after a few years, my
depressions were not as severe. Actually I had more depression and not as
much anxiety at that time.But now in the last 2-3 years after another
very anxious and depressing situation that went on for 2 years, I became
more anxious again. Medications don't agree with me as I]ve tried a lot
of them. I don't know the answer to getting better. I just live and do
what I can, and some days are not bad and others are pretty bad.
sometimes you just have to live with it.
Post by Sheldon
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in
the middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to
give yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's
been going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang
in there.
Sometimes I wonder if there is any answer.
After suffering for years and years, with brief periods of normal(?), a
new doctor finally put me on a cocktail of meds and I felt like I had just
climbed out of a deep pit. Yes, I want the rest of my life back, but I'll
take what I can get. I do believe there is hope for everybody, whether the
solution is from the West or the East. Feeling better may be just around
the corner. But, you have to keep turning corners.
Sheldon, Do you mean your cocktail of meds included anti depressants? or do
you mean benzos? or both?
I have tried various antidepressants over the years, and they either didn't
do anything for me, or side effects were too severe even at the correct
doses. Anti depressants don't work for everybody. It would be great if they
did, but there is a percentage of depressed people they don't work for and
unfortunately I am one of them. I am also allergic to several medications
for other medical issues I have. I have developed a phobia through the years
because of so many bad effects I've had with anti depressants/anti anxiety
drugs I've tried that I don't want to try any more. I sometimes take
clorazepate smallest dose for anxiety as needed and it helps a little.
Sometimes people can manage with various therapies without if anxiety or
depression drugs do not work for them. It's good that you have been able to
take the meds your doctor put you on. Yes, there are many corners to keep
turning. I am still turning. Thanks for your reply.

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2013-01-23 04:11:20 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
After suffering for years and years, with brief periods of normal(?), a
new doctor finally put me on a cocktail of meds and I felt like I had
just climbed out of a deep pit. Yes, I want the rest of my life back, but
I'll take what I can get. I do believe there is hope for everybody,
whether the solution is from the West or the East. Feeling better may be
just around the corner. But, you have to keep turning corners.
Sheldon, Do you mean your cocktail of meds included anti depressants? or
do you mean benzos? or both?
I have tried various antidepressants over the years, and they either
didn't do anything for me, or side effects were too severe even at the
correct doses. Anti depressants don't work for everybody. It would be
great if they did, but there is a percentage of depressed people they
don't work for and unfortunately I am one of them. I am also allergic to
several medications for other medical issues I have. I have developed a
phobia through the years because of so many bad effects I've had with anti
depressants/anti anxiety drugs I've tried that I don't want to try any
more. I sometimes take clorazepate smallest dose for anxiety as needed and
it helps a little. Sometimes people can manage with various therapies
without if anxiety or depression drugs do not work for them. It's good
that you have been able to take the meds your doctor put you on. Yes,
there are many corners to keep turning. I am still turning. Thanks for
your reply.
I was on benzos as needed, which helped but not much. The new doc put me on
a cocktail of Lorazapam and Lexapro, but this was after trying several
antidepressants with bad results and lots of side-effects. I know the best I
ever felt in my life was no meds, but I was working every day as a ski
instructor and taking martial arts on top of that. So, I really think there
is something to exercise. I was also into heavy meditation twice a day.

Right now I'm trying to get off the benzos and I'm slowly getting there but
it's gonna be awhile. To be honest, I thought I was going to be miserable my
entire life and then just die. I know antidepressants don't work for
everybody, but I really believe maybe there's a new one coming up, or some
therapy that will work, or at least mitigate the symptoms.
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2013-01-22 20:50:35 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because
I woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a
referral, hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my
stomach. I will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him
about my thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for
my health and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today
because I am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night
since about April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want
any of you to worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some
hope! Please! Thank you so much.
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was
a little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced -- not
to worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her dad set
me straight. But, what I learned was when you have these thoughts you
can't think there is something wrong with you or you are crazy. Just keep
thinking it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it one way or another.
My whole family suffers from anxiety so why not me?
Sheldon, on your above paragraph you mention that your friends dad the
doctor said your brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced - not to
worry, easy fix. What was the easy fix? It seems I didn't get the amount
of anxiety I now have, when I was young. it all happened after I was in my
50's and in my situation I am quite sure it was due to unrelenting anxiety
over a period of several years. Before that time in my middle 40's I also
had a lot of anxiety, but after a few years, my depressions were not as
severe. Actually I had more depression and not as much anxiety at that
time.But now in the last 2-3 years after another very anxious and
depressing situation that went on for 2 years, I became more anxious
again. Medications don't agree with me as I]ve tried a lot of them. I
don't know the answer to getting better. I just live and do what I can,
and some days are not bad and others are pretty bad. sometimes you just
have to live with it.
Post by Sheldon
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in
the middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to
give yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's
been going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang in
Sometimes I wonder if there is any answer.

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2013-01-22 21:14:02 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was
a little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced --
not to worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her
dad set me straight. But, what I learned was when you have these
thoughts you can't think there is something wrong with you or you are
crazy. Just keep thinking it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it
one way or another. My whole family suffers from anxiety so why not me?
Post by Mary
Sheldon, on your above paragraph you mention that your friends dad the
doctor said your brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced - not
to worry, easy fix. What was the easy fix? It seems I didn't get the
amount of anxiety I now have, when I was young. it all happened after I
was in my 50's and in my situation I am quite sure it was due to
unrelenting anxiety over a period of several years. Before that time in
my middle 40's I also had a lot of anxiety, but after a few years, my
depressions were not as severe. Actually I had more depression and not as
much anxiety at that time.But now in the last 2-3 years after another
very anxious and depressing situation that went on for 2 years, I became
more anxious again. Medications don't agree with me as I]ve tried a lot
of them. I don't know the answer to getting better. I just live and do
what I can, and some days are not bad and others are pretty bad.
sometimes you just have to live with it.
Post by Sheldon
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in
the middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to
give yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's
been going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang
in there.
Sometimes I wonder if there is any answer.
Thank you Diane. Glad you feel a little better today. You seem to have your
bad days like me and many other people. The degree is the only difference.
My worst part of the day is when I wake up in the morning. I feel very
depressed every day when waking up and for about an hour after that then I
don't feel as bad in the afternoon - at least on some days. Its been like
that for about 3 years at least. Before that, I would be depressed some days
but not necessarily the morning. But now its the mornings.

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2013-01-22 22:35:29 UTC
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Post by Mary
Post by Diane
Post by Mary
Post by Sheldon
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in
the middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to
give yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's
been going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang
in there.
Sometimes I wonder if there is any answer.
Thank you Diane. Glad you feel a little better today. You seem to have
your bad days like me and many other people. The degree is the only
difference. My worst part of the day is when I wake up in the morning. I
feel very depressed every day when waking up and for about an hour after
that then I don't feel as bad in the afternoon - at least on some days.
Its been like that for about 3 years at least. Before that, I would be
depressed some days but not necessarily the morning. But now its the
You are very welcome Mary and I know exactly how you feel. :-( My
depression just started not that long ago and yes, it is about 99% percent
of the time in the very early morning or just when I first wake up in the
morning. Mine goes away maybe an hour later or so. I found that I was also
getting very teary-eyed some times in the afternoon. I can't even see
pictures or talk about our cat, Whiskers, that we had to put to sleep
because of diabetes and that will be two years ago this April! I went for a
long time without thinking a lot about him or if I did, I wouldn't cry like
I do now. I found myself getting more and more sensitive about him and
about death and dying. :-( I have terrible mood swings out of the blue.
:-( I do feel better today though. Thank you Mary. Right now, I feel much
like you do, even though I am on Imipramine. You take care!


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2013-01-22 20:51:40 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something because I
woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc., and felt
suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you all to know
that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts popped into my head
three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP tomorrow for a referral,
hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI specialist about my stomach. I
will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb. 4th and will tell him about my
thoughts, etc. I have a few other tests I have to get done for my health
and cannot wait for the results! I'm in a very bad place today because I
am sooooo exhausted from not sleeping well every single night since about
April 2012! Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you
to worry about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope!
Please! Thank you so much.
Many of my problems started with my stomach and then anxiety since I was a
little kid. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I woke up feeling
depressed and suicidal. I called a friend who's dad is a doctor and she
basically said my brain was out of sorts and chemically imbalanced -- not
to worry, easy fix. Well she was pretty much on the mark, and her dad set
me straight. But, what I learned was when you have these thoughts you
can't think there is something wrong with you or you are crazy. Just keep
thinking it's a chemical thing and you'll get over it one way or another.
My whole family suffers from anxiety so why not me?
As bad a you may feel, happiness is in a pill, at the end of a run, in the
middle of a meditation or just around the corner. You just have to give
yourself a chance to get to it. And considering everything that's been
going on in your life you have a right to be depressed. Just hang in
I am so sorry to hear that, Sheldon. :-( How old were you when that first
started? What was the easy fix to your brain? No, most of the time I don't
think I'm crazy. Just some of the time. I feel much better today. Some of
my family suffers/suffered from anxiety, depression and some also a little
suicidal. Thank you so much for your support, Sheldon. I take Imipramine
and Ativan. I am going to increase the Imipramine after I see my pdoc on
Feb. 4th. I will hang in there. You too, my dear friend!


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2013-01-22 05:44:44 UTC
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something
because I woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc.,
and felt suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you
all to know that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts
popped into my head three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP
tomorrow for a referral, hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI
specialist about my stomach. I will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb.
4th and will tell him about my thoughts, etc. I have a few other
tests I have to get done for my health and cannot wait for the
results! I'm in a very bad place today because I am sooooo exhausted
from not sleeping well every single night since about April 2012!
Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you to worry
about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope! Please!
Thank you so much.
Hi Diane! Sorry you're feeling bad. I had trouble sleeping for a while,
but it passed. Have you tried OTC sleeping aids, such as doxylamine
succinate? My wife and I use that and find it helpful.

Do whatever you know how to take care of yourself; meditate, pray, some
sort of exercise, some sort of tea, whatever.

We're all here for you! I am.


Love, Dennis
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2013-01-22 20:50:21 UTC
Post by Dennis
Post by Diane
I think I just need some support, hugs, encouragement, something
because I woke up once AGAIN with pain, exhaustion, depression, etc.,
and felt suicidal for the third time in a few weeks. :-( I want you
all to know that I would NEVER commit suicide, but these thoughts
popped into my head three times already. :-( I will be seeing my GP
tomorrow for a referral, hopefully, for a second opinion from a GI
specialist about my stomach. I will also be seeing my pdoc on Feb.
4th and will tell him about my thoughts, etc. I have a few other
tests I have to get done for my health and cannot wait for the
results! I'm in a very bad place today because I am sooooo exhausted
from not sleeping well every single night since about April 2012!
Thank you for letting me vent here. I don't want any of you to worry
about me committing suicide, okay? Just give me some hope! Please!
Thank you so much.
Hi Diane! Sorry you're feeling bad. I had trouble sleeping for a while,
but it passed. Have you tried OTC sleeping aids, such as doxylamine
succinate? My wife and I use that and find it helpful.
Do whatever you know how to take care of yourself; meditate, pray, some
sort of exercise, some sort of tea, whatever.
We're all here for you! I am.
Love, Dennis
Thank you so much Dennis. :-) I am feeling better today. I am going to
see my GP about a referral to another GI doc for a second opinion about my
stomach and IBS problems. I can't take those OTC sleep aids, but I do take
2 mg. of Ativan at night and it usually helps me sleep. I get up quite a
few times every night because of pain, etc., and never get a really good
night's sleep. I pray a lot, drink decaf green tea, play music, play on the
computer, do some laundry or housework if I can, watch some TV, come here
and post :-), etc. I try to distract myself, but it's mainly during the
night or first thing in the early morning that I will wake up again and then
feel the depression and start crying again, just giving up on all hope that
my mysterious illnesses will ever get treated. :-( I am so glad that you
are here for me! You are such a good friend! How are you feeling? How are
your headaches? {{{{{Dennis}}}}}


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