I went to my GP today
(too old to reply)
2011-10-07 20:49:01 UTC
My dear Family;

I went today to my GP today and he is going to help me with the med;
Roel is still out of the running.
For my restless legs I have now madopar 125mg.
I have to start with that today, because when I start with the remeron
it will be worse. I have take this med for a week and after that I will
start with the
remeron. I take now from the benze's, 30 mg librium a day and lozazepam 3
I don't take any sleeping med; anymore, and the rest of the benzo's that I
use't I don't take that anymore. So in a week I will start with the remeron,
and will stop slowly with the rest of the benzo's.
But I will let you know how things are going.

Love Diana
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2011-10-07 22:20:05 UTC
Post by diana
My dear Family;
I went today to my GP today and he is going to help me with the med;
Roel is still out of the running.
For my restless legs I have now madopar 125mg.
I have to start with that today, because when I start with the remeron
it will be worse. I have take this med for a week and after that I will
start with the
remeron. I take now from the benze's, 30 mg librium a day and lozazepam 3
I don't take any sleeping med; anymore, and the rest of the benzo's that I
use't I don't take that anymore. So in a week I will start with the
remeron, and will stop slowly with the rest of the benzo's.
But I will let you know how things are going.
Good luck Diana. Good that you don't need the sleeping med any more and the
rest of the benzos you used.

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2011-10-14 13:19:09 UTC
Hi Diana! I'm glad your GP is helping you. Good luck and tell us how it's

Love, Dennis
Post by diana
My dear Family;
I went today to my GP today and he is going to help me with the med;
Roel is still out of the running.
For my restless legs I have now madopar 125mg.
I have to start with that today, because when I start with the remeron
it will be worse. I have take this med for a week and after that I
will start with the
remeron. I take now from the benze's, 30 mg librium a day and
lozazepam 3 mg.
I don't take any sleeping med; anymore, and the rest of the benzo's
that I use't I don't take that anymore. So in a week I will start with
the remeron, and will stop slowly with the rest of the benzo's.
But I will let you know how things are going.
Love Diana
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