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2011-08-26 01:20:32 UTC
I am only testing
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2011-08-26 01:34:51 UTC
Post by diana
I am only testing
I am only responding.

I saw the other test as well.

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2011-08-26 06:13:05 UTC
Post by Simon
Post by diana
I am only testing
I am only responding.
I saw the other test as well.
I saw both tests and Simon's reply. How are you doing Simon?. This is the
kind of weather we got last night. Lightning and thunderstorms and high
windows bringing down power lines and creating flooding is common during
June , July and August in southern Ont. but this one last night was more
lightning than I've ever seen. Last July at the time of one of the lightning
storms, I took a picture of a lightning strike from my balcony. This time,
there was lightning continally for 2 hours, so I didn't bother this time.
Weather said it was 1000 strikes every 2 minutes and I can believe it. The
CN tower which i s the highest landmark in Canada and was the highest man
made structure till they built a higher one in Dubai a few years ago, was
hit several times by lightning, but its happened before and seems to be able
to withstand it.. Here is a video link.


It's rare in Tornado to get tornadoes, though sometimes we may get one which
causes a lot of damage of say a couple of hours, but in south west Ontario
there are quite a few small towns that may get tornadoes and some can be
very destructive. The US get a lot more damaging tornadoes..


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2011-08-26 17:35:20 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
Post by diana
I am only testing
I am only responding.
I saw the other test as well.
I saw both tests and Simon's reply. How are you doing Simon?. This is the
kind of weather we got last night. Lightning and thunderstorms and high
windows bringing down power lines and creating flooding is common during
June , July and August in southern Ont. but this one last night was more
lightning than I've ever seen. Last July at the time of one of the lightning
storms, I took a picture of a lightning strike from my balcony. This time,
there was lightning continally for 2 hours, so I didn't bother this time.
Weather said it was 1000 strikes every 2 minutes and I can believe it. The
CN tower which i s the highest landmark in Canada and was the highest man
made structure till they built a higher one in Dubai a few years ago, was
hit several times by lightning, but its happened before and seems to be able
to withstand it.. Here is a video link.
It's rare in Tornado to get tornadoes, though sometimes we may get one which
causes a lot of damage of say a couple of hours, but in south west Ontario
there are quite a few small towns that may get tornadoes and some can be
very destructive. The US get a lot more damaging tornadoes..

I just love that sort of weather so long as nobody is hurt. Thank
you for the links. For us we have just had lots of drizzle and

I hope that Irene does not cause too much harm in the next day or

My clever sister jetted off with her family last week for two weeks
of sun sea and sand in the Mediterranean (Majorca, currently 31deg C
and sunny).

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2011-08-26 21:02:42 UTC
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
It's rare in Tornado to get tornadoes, though sometimes we may get one which
causes a lot of damage of say a couple of hours, but in south west Ontario
there are quite a few small towns that may get tornadoes and some can be
very destructive. The US get a lot more damaging tornadoes..
I just love that sort of weather so long as nobody is hurt. Thank
you for the links. For us we have just had lots of drizzle and
Drizzle and cold is safer than more dangerous types of weather problems.
More boring but much safer :) I was used to rain and hardly any snow or
high temps in summer like where I now live. When I lived in Scotland though
I lived on the east coast which gets a lot less rain than the west coast
where Glasgow is. When you grow up with it, you get used to it. I would
actually prefer the climate in the UK compared to where I live now.

I seem to remember you saying you liked that kind of weather
(lightning/thundestorms, torrential rains).
it was more of a light show, but I have never known it to last several hours
as it did. A lot of people got good pictures of the lightning especially the
fork lightning. As I mentioned, the CN Tower was hit several times.
apparently it was hit 25 times.

It often causes large older trees to fall onto houses and cars and
lightning can kill people. Those kind of stroms are common here in
south/central Ontario mostly in July,Aug and into September. I don't mind it
as long as I don't get caught in it when driving. Tornadoes is another
matter and are not common in Toronto but can happen in several areas in
Ontario, mostly south western part and a few areas north of Toronto. Some
are very damaging and people can get killed or injured. Apparently, the U.S.
has the most tornadoes of any country. Many cause much destruction and
Post by Simon
I hope that Irene does not cause too much harm in the next day or
I saw on local TV today that Irene is active in North Carolina today and
heading towards New York and into the east coast of Canada. Hurricanes cause
a lot of damage in the Carribean and Florida and eastern U.S. states. They
are usually weakened by the time they get to Canada, though in 1954
Hurricane Hazel came as far as Toronto and overflowed the banks of some
rivers in the city and killed many people and wiped out an entire streeet of
houses. The street was gone and they never rebuilt there. Thankfully, so
far, none have been as bad as that. It was more of a freak that it was still
as powerful when it reached Canada. Usually it is much weaker by that time.
Post by Simon
My clever sister jetted off with her family last week for two weeks
of sun sea and sand in the Mediterranean (Majorca, currently 31deg C
and sunny).
Wonderful!. I would love to be there. Unfortunately I've never been to such
exotic locales. Too bad they didn't take you with them Simon. Hope you are
feeling well and have adjusted to things, and hope you finally got that tax
problem sorted out for once and for all :) .

Here is an interesting video below for you that I think you will like. Its a
new attraction at the top of the CN Tower. I can safely say I would never do
it. I am not afraid of heights normally, but wouldn't care to be up that
high - 1815.4 feet (553 metres).. Age can't be given as an excuse for
anybody not to go on "The Edge" as long as your health is OK. You can't go
on it if you have certain illnesses or weak heart as you can imagine. The
guy in the video is 90 years old. He said he would go on it again. He is a
WW2 Vet. He looks great for his age. He doesn't look 90 years old or act it.
If we could all be like that at 90, it wouldn't be bad as long as your
health is good. It's the most important thing of all. The Edge costs
$175.00. Pretty expensive, but you would only be doing it once in a
lifetime - probably :<)


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2011-08-27 03:55:34 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
It's rare in Tornado to get tornadoes, though sometimes we may get one which
causes a lot of damage of say a couple of hours, but in south west Ontario
there are quite a few small towns that may get tornadoes and some can be
very destructive. The US get a lot more damaging tornadoes..
I just love that sort of weather so long as nobody is hurt. Thank
you for the links. For us we have just had lots of drizzle and
Drizzle and cold is safer than more dangerous types of weather problems.
More boring but much safer :) I was used to rain and hardly any snow or
high temps in summer like where I now live. When I lived in Scotland though
I lived on the east coast which gets a lot less rain than the west coast
where Glasgow is. When you grow up with it, you get used to it. I would
actually prefer the climate in the UK compared to where I live now.
I seem to remember you saying you liked that kind of weather
(lightning/thundestorms, torrential rains).
it was more of a light show, but I have never known it to last several hours
as it did. A lot of people got good pictures of the lightning especially the
fork lightning. As I mentioned, the CN Tower was hit several times.
apparently it was hit 25 times.
Yes I would love to have experienced it in real life. There is a
change in the atmosphere which I like. So long as I feel safe I
would enjoy it.
Post by Mary
It often causes large older trees to fall onto houses and cars and
lightning can kill people. Those kind of stroms are common here in
south/central Ontario mostly in July,Aug and into September. I don't mind it
as long as I don't get caught in it when driving. Tornadoes is another
matter and are not common in Toronto but can happen in several areas in
Ontario, mostly south western part and a few areas north of Toronto. Some
are very damaging and people can get killed or injured. Apparently, the U.S.
has the most tornadoes of any country. Many cause much destruction and
Post by Simon
I hope that Irene does not cause too much harm in the next day or
I saw on local TV today that Irene is active in North Carolina today and
heading towards New York and into the east coast of Canada. Hurricanes cause
a lot of damage in the Carribean and Florida and eastern U.S. states. They
are usually weakened by the time they get to Canada, though in 1954
Hurricane Hazel came as far as Toronto and overflowed the banks of some
rivers in the city and killed many people and wiped out an entire streeet of
houses. The street was gone and they never rebuilt there. Thankfully, so
far, none have been as bad as that. It was more of a freak that it was still
as powerful when it reached Canada. Usually it is much weaker by that time.
Post by Simon
My clever sister jetted off with her family last week for two weeks
of sun sea and sand in the Mediterranean (Majorca, currently 31deg C
and sunny).
Wonderful!. I would love to be there. Unfortunately I've never been to such
exotic locales. Too bad they didn't take you with them Simon. Hope you are
feeling well and have adjusted to things, and hope you finally got that tax
problem sorted out for once and for all :) .
Majorca, exotic? It is bargain basement cheap sun and sand, helped
by the Spanish economy going even further down the pan than our own!
It is only 1000 miles away. It is also 22C/73F in the middle of the
night and probably no a/c. Now Ontario would be an exotic location
for a holiday. But then I am quite mad and once went on holiday to
Hamburg in November. It rained every day but I still enjoyed it.
Crossing the north sea in a storm was a treat. Most people would
think otherwise ;-)
Post by Mary
Here is an interesting video below for you that I think you will like. Its a
new attraction at the top of the CN Tower. I can safely say I would never do
it. I am not afraid of heights normally, but wouldn't care to be up that
high - 1815.4 feet (553 metres).. Age can't be given as an excuse for
anybody not to go on "The Edge" as long as your health is OK. You can't go
on it if you have certain illnesses or weak heart as you can imagine. The
guy in the video is 90 years old. He said he would go on it again. He is a
WW2 Vet. He looks great for his age. He doesn't look 90 years old or act it.
If we could all be like that at 90, it wouldn't be bad as long as your
health is good. It's the most important thing of all. The Edge costs
$175.00. Pretty expensive, but you would only be doing it once in a
lifetime - probably :<)
EEK!!! I prefer it when I don't know how high up I am.

As for the tax it seems to be sorted. They took the first payment
correctly anyway. The are a daft bunch. Odd to think that they not
only wanted to employ me at one time but even badgered me when I
refused to work for them, upping the salary offers.

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2011-08-28 23:53:02 UTC
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
I seem to remember you saying you liked that kind of weather
(lightning/thundestorms, torrential rains).
it was more of a light show, but I have never known it to last several hours
as it did. A lot of people got good pictures of the lightning especially the
fork lightning. As I mentioned, the CN Tower was hit several times.
apparently it was hit 25 times.
Yes I would love to have experienced it in real life. There is a
change in the atmosphere which I like. So long as I feel safe I
would enjoy it.
As long as you are in a safe place it would be OK, but lightning storms can
be very dangerous if you are outside.
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
I saw on local TV today that Irene is active in North Carolina today and
heading towards New York and into the east coast of Canada. Hurricanes cause
a lot of damage in the Carribean and Florida and eastern U.S. states. They
are usually weakened by the time they get to Canada, though in 1954
Hurricane Hazel came as far as Toronto and overflowed the banks of some
rivers in the city and killed many people and wiped out an entire streeet of
houses. The street was gone and they never rebuilt there. Thankfully, so
far, none have been as bad as that. It was more of a freak that it was still
as powerful when it reached Canada. Usually it is much weaker by that time.
Most of New York city was evacuated by the Mayor because of Hurricane Irene,
but its been and gone now but left a lot of flooding and high windows blew
trees and other stuff down. I guess it wasn't as bad as they thought it
would be, but a lot of damage was done in some states. it is on its way to
eastern Canada coastal areas tomorrow morning and though not as strong as
when it was in the U.S. states, it can still cause high winds, floods and
power outs. Its hard to predict till it gets there as to how severe or not
severe it will be.
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
My clever sister jetted off with her family last week for two weeks
of sun sea and sand in the Mediterranean (Majorca, currently 31deg C
and sunny).
Wonderful!. I would love to be there. Unfortunately I've never been to such
exotic locales. Too bad they didn't take you with them Simon. Hope you are
feeling well and have adjusted to things, and hope you finally got that tax
problem sorted out for once and for all :) .
Majorca, exotic? It is bargain basement cheap sun and sand, helped
by the Spanish economy going even further down the pan than our own!
It is only 1000 miles away. It is also 22C/73F in the middle of the
night and probably no a/c. Now Ontario would be an exotic location
for a holiday. But then I am quite mad and once went on holiday to
Hamburg in November. It rained every day but I still enjoyed it.
Crossing the north sea in a storm was a treat. Most people would
think otherwise ;-)
Majorca would be exotic to me, whether cheap or not. Anywhere where there is
sand and sea is exotic. Ontario is a huge province with many small towns and
one big city. its certainly not exotic unless you mean Toronto where there
are theatres like in Broadway, and go to the CN tower (you don't have to go
on The Edge.). The CN tower has a rotating restaurant at the top which
turns every hour andyou can see Niagara Falls area of New York, though I
don't think you'd see the actual Falls. Or you could go to Niagara Falls
Ontario and go across the border to Niagara falls New York, which is not as
nice as the Ontario side. If I was travelling in Canada, which I have done
very little of, I would go to Banff in Alberta where its in the Canadian
Rockies and see Lake Louise and beautiful scenery. To me that would be
really exotic.
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
EEK!!! I prefer it when I don't know how high up I am.
You have to admire the 90 year old guy who went on The Edge. he looks great
for his age and doesn't look 90. We would all like to look that good at his
age, but not everybody would be as daring as him and go on that Edge thing.
I certainly wouldnt. I haven't even been inside the CN Tower and used to
work about 5 minute walk from it. I was always going to go, but never went.
Post by Simon
As for the tax it seems to be sorted. They took the first payment
correctly anyway. The are a daft bunch. Odd to think that they not
only wanted to employ me at one time but even badgered me when I
refused to work for them, upping the salary offers.
Yes, it is odd. Maybe a good thing you didn't go to work for them. But
good it finally was resolved.

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2011-09-02 22:22:08 UTC
Post by Mary
<lots snipped>
Post by Mary
Majorca would be exotic to me, whether cheap or not. Anywhere where there is
sand and sea is exotic. Ontario is a huge province with many small towns and
one big city. its certainly not exotic unless you mean Toronto where there
are theatres like in Broadway, and go to the CN tower (you don't have to go
on The Edge.). The CN tower has a rotating restaurant at the top which
turns every hour andyou can see Niagara Falls area of New York, though I
don't think you'd see the actual Falls. Or you could go to Niagara Falls
Ontario and go across the border to Niagara falls New York, which is not as
nice as the Ontario side. If I was travelling in Canada, which I have done
very little of, I would go to Banff in Alberta where its in the Canadian
Rockies and see Lake Louise and beautiful scenery. To me that would be
really exotic.
I was just thinking of the city. If I could get health insurance I
would still like to make a rail trip coast to coast in North
America. I don't think that it will happen now.
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
EEK!!! I prefer it when I don't know how high up I am.
You have to admire the 90 year old guy who went on The Edge. he looks great
for his age and doesn't look 90. We would all like to look that good at his
age, but not everybody would be as daring as him and go on that Edge thing.
I certainly wouldnt. I haven't even been inside the CN Tower and used to
work about 5 minute walk from it. I was always going to go, but never went.
It is easy to ignore what is on your door step. I saw a lot of
Londons tourist attractions for the first time when I hosted
visitors from overseas.
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
As for the tax it seems to be sorted. They took the first payment
correctly anyway. The are a daft bunch. Odd to think that they not
only wanted to employ me at one time but even badgered me when I
refused to work for them, upping the salary offers.
Yes, it is odd. Maybe a good thing you didn't go to work for them. But
good it finally was resolved.
My friends who did take up the offer (the money was very attractive)
were all made redundant two years later. Happily they all went on
to better things.

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