(too old to reply)
2013-01-17 00:46:26 UTC
Well, I haven't been feeling too well lately, getting up in the morning not
feeling well, anxious, a little depressed and sleeping late. I'm
semiretired, self-employed and run an ad in the paper for my business.
Things have been a slow so I was a little nervous when someone called
wanting my services this morning. So, I loaded up the car and off I went.
Got to their house and as soon as I walked through the door I felt great.
Did my thing. Had a great time. Met some nice people. Got some fresh air.
Went out to lunch. Maybe the answer to my problems is a full-time job.

Anyway, I guess what I learned was sitting around thinking about "stuff" is
absolutely the worst thing you can do, unless you work for a think tank, of
course. :-)

Be well everybody.
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2013-01-17 06:10:45 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Well, I haven't been feeling too well lately, getting up in the
morning not feeling well, anxious, a little depressed and sleeping
late. I'm semiretired, self-employed and run an ad in the paper for my
business. Things have been a slow so I was a little nervous when
someone called wanting my services this morning. So, I loaded up the
car and off I went. Got to their house and as soon as I walked through
the door I felt great. Did my thing. Had a great time. Met some nice
people. Got some fresh air. Went out to lunch. Maybe the answer to my
problems is a full-time job.
Anyway, I guess what I learned was sitting around thinking about
"stuff" is absolutely the worst thing you can do, unless you work for
a think tank, of course. :-)
Be well everybody.
That's a great story, Sheldon, and the truth too! Thanks.

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The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2013-01-17 20:41:42 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Well, I haven't been feeling too well lately, getting up in the morning
not feeling well, anxious, a little depressed and sleeping late. I'm
semiretired, self-employed and run an ad in the paper for my business.
Things have been a slow so I was a little nervous when someone called
wanting my services this morning. So, I loaded up the car and off I went.
Got to their house and as soon as I walked through the door I felt great.
Did my thing. Had a great time. Met some nice people. Got some fresh air.
Went out to lunch. Maybe the answer to my problems is a full-time job.
Anyway, I guess what I learned was sitting around thinking about "stuff"
is absolutely the worst thing you can do, unless you work for a think
tank, of course. :-)
Be well everybody.
You are soooo much like me, Sheldon. :-) I wake up almost every morning
feeling the same way you do, except that I may only feel a tiny bit anxious
and maybe that's not even the right word for it. Much pain, bad dreams,
constantly waking up during the night and early morning, etc. :-( But then
I finally get up and after I eat, take my meds, get dressed, walk around a
little bit, etc., I feel much better, usually. LOL I am sooooo happy for
you that you got up and went! And then found yourself feeling much better
after that. Can you get a full-time job? Just curious. LOL @ think tank!
You be well too, Sheldon, and thanks.


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The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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Narnian Outlaw
2013-01-20 09:50:20 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Well, I haven't been feeling too well lately, getting up in the morning not
feeling well, anxious, a little depressed and sleeping late. I'm
semiretired, self-employed and run an ad in the paper for my business.
Things have been a slow so I was a little nervous when someone called
wanting my services this morning. So, I loaded up the car and off I went.
Got to their house and as soon as I walked through the door I felt great.
Did my thing. Had a great time. Met some nice people. Got some fresh air.
Went out to lunch. Maybe the answer to my problems is a full-time job.
Anyway, I guess what I learned was sitting around thinking about "stuff" is
absolutely the worst thing you can do, unless you work for a think tank, of
course. :-)
Be well everybody.
I hear you. I moved from full-time employment and management of a
workgroup of 5 people at a firm to work-from-home freelancing all by my
lonesome after the great layoffs of 2009-2010. It's definitely an
adjustment to make.

There's something to be said for just getting out there. I find myself
more energized when I'm out and about the moving world. Try scheduling
a breakfast or lunch get-together with a friend or two throughout the
week. Having a reason to get dressed and get out the door can
jump-start your day and help push away all those feelings of
restlessness and loneliness that working for yourself can bring.

I've found that Mondays & Thursdays are of the best help to schedule
morning or lunch get-togethers. It gives you something to start up with
for the week, and something to look forward to for later on.

Hope this helps. And, I'm glad you had a great day! :)

Narnian Outlaw
2013-01-20 09:55:48 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Well, I haven't been feeling too well lately, getting up in the morning not
feeling well, anxious, a little depressed and sleeping late. I'm
semiretired, self-employed and run an ad in the paper for my business.
Things have been a slow so I was a little nervous when someone called
wanting my services this morning. So, I loaded up the car and off I went.
Got to their house and as soon as I walked through the door I felt great.
Did my thing. Had a great time. Met some nice people. Got some fresh air.
Went out to lunch. Maybe the answer to my problems is a full-time job.
Anyway, I guess what I learned was sitting around thinking about "stuff" is
absolutely the worst thing you can do, unless you work for a think tank, of
course. :-)
Be well everybody.
I hear you. I moved from full-time employment and management of a
workgroup of 5 people at a firm to work-from-home freelancing all by my
lonesome after the great layoffs of 2009-2010. It's definitely an
adjustment to make.

There's something to be said for just getting out there. I find myself
more energized when I'm out and about the moving world. Try scheduling
a breakfast or lunch get-together with a friend or two throughout the
week. Having a reason to get dressed and get out the door can
jump-start your day and help push away all those feelings of
restlessness and loneliness that working for yourself can bring.

I've found that Mondays & Thursdays are of the best help to schedule
morning or lunch get-togethers. It gives you something to start up with
for the week, and something to look forward to for later on.

Hope this helps. And, I'm glad you had a great day! :)

