I'm Back
(too old to reply)
2011-08-12 02:57:59 UTC
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do see
some of you on Facebook now.

It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since then, I
have tried going back to school, but recently have had trouble with my
health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily headaches have come
back; my doctors and I are trying to find a solution.

My anxiety-related issues come and go. I currently have some family issues
as well.

This is just an initial Hello Again! I'll elaborate in subsequent posts.

How is everyone doing?


PS: Aug 12 is my birthday.
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2011-08-12 04:04:11 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do see
some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since then, I
have tried going back to school, but recently have had trouble with my
health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily headaches have come
back; my doctors and I are trying to find a solution.
My anxiety-related issues come and go. I currently have some family issues
as well.
This is just an initial Hello Again! I'll elaborate in subsequent posts.
How is everyone doing?
PS: Aug 12 is my birthday.
Hi Dennis, I think I vaguely remember you. Welcome back again. I've been
here for a few years, and lurked for a couple of years before that, but you
might have been mostly here before my time. This newsgroup is nothing like
it used to be when it was so busy up till maybe a year ago and everybody
seemed to all disappear at one time. I don't know where they went. I would
doubt they all suddenly got anxiety free. I don't go on Facebook, so I don't
know who is on it.

I know a lot about headaches, the migraine type with aura which is when your
vision is affected. I don't get much of a headache usually though I used to
when Iw as younger, but several times a week I get spells with blurry
vision, double vision, dizzy before the headache, and its about half an hour
before it goes away then I sometimes get a headache. I think I'd rather have
the headache part that the vision problems as they scare me. symtoms are
much like stroke. Migraines are not very easy to treat unless you get severe
headaches with them. If you have regular tension headaches and not
migraines, maybe you feel under a lot of stress and this causes the
headaches. Can the doctor give you suggestion what may eliminate some of
these headaches?

Hope you will post again and maybe we can draw out some of the old crowd.
Some post here now and then. Maybe some you used to know will post. Happy
birthday tomorrow. Hope you will feel well again soon.

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2011-08-12 11:41:42 UTC
Dennis happy birthday;

Love Diana
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do see
some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since then, I
have tried going back to school, but recently have had trouble with my
health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily headaches have come
back; my doctors and I are trying to find a solution.
My anxiety-related issues come and go. I currently have some family issues
as well.
This is just an initial Hello Again! I'll elaborate in subsequent posts.
How is everyone doing?
PS: Aug 12 is my birthday.
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2011-08-13 06:00:07 UTC
Post by diana
Dennis happy birthday;
Love Diana
Dank U wel, Diana!
Post by diana
"Dennis" schreef in bericht
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do
see some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since
then, I have tried going back to school, but recently have had
trouble with my health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily
headaches have come back; my doctors and I are trying to find a
My anxiety-related issues come and go. I currently have some family issues
as well.
This is just an initial Hello Again! I'll elaborate in subsequent posts.
How is everyone doing?
PS: Aug 12 is my birthday.
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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2011-08-13 09:53:24 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do see
some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since then, I
have tried going back to school, but recently have had trouble with my
health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily headaches have come
back; my doctors and I are trying to find a solution.
My anxiety-related issues come and go. I currently have some family issues
as well.
This is just an initial Hello Again! I'll elaborate in subsequent posts.
How is everyone doing?
PS: Aug 12 is my birthday.
hi dennis and a very happy birthday!!

as you can see our little group has become a shadow of it's former self.
i miss the old crowd so much! as usenet has been dying off i wish we
had somehow mass-migrated ourselves to a new venue rather than getting
all split up. alas it is probably too late for that now. it is amazing
though - the group seemed to collapse almost overnight!

my sister also has headaches most days - normally when she is stressed or tired.
her pdoc considers them part of her depressive disorder. when she takes
it easy and doesn't do too much they go away. your situation may be very
different though of course.

personally i'm not doing so well to be honest - my mother had a stroke recently
and the stress of dealing with this is playing merry hell with my anxiety. i hope
you can manage your family issues - i've noticed these tend to be the most
difficult problems of all.

good luck and please keep us all updated! =)
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2011-08-13 22:26:39 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do see
some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since then, I
have tried going back to school, but recently have had trouble with my
health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily headaches have come
back; my doctors and I are trying to find a solution.
Hi Dennis, I posted a message for you a couple of days ago, and I wondered
if you saw it. A couple of my posts to newsgroups didn't get posted lately,
so I just wondered if my message got posted here.

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The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2011-08-14 08:59:28 UTC
"Dennis" wrote in message
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do
see some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since
then, I have tried going back to school, but recently have had
trouble with my health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily
headaches have come back; my doctors and I are trying to find a
Hi Dennis, I posted a message for you a couple of days ago, and I
wondered if you saw it. A couple of my posts to newsgroups didn't get
posted lately, so I just wondered if my message got posted here.
I did see it, thank you!

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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2011-08-14 19:03:59 UTC
Post by Dennis
"Dennis" wrote in message
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do
see some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since
then, I have tried going back to school, but recently have had
trouble with my health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily
headaches have come back; my doctors and I are trying to find a
Hi Dennis, I posted a message for you a couple of days ago, and I
wondered if you saw it. A couple of my posts to newsgroups didn't get
posted lately, so I just wondered if my message got posted here.
I did see it, thank you!
Thanks for letting me know.

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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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2011-08-16 00:01:22 UTC
On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 20:57:59 CST, Dennis
Post by Dennis
Hello folks! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I do see
some of you on Facebook now.
It's been a while since I had a paying job, not since 2008. Since then, I
have tried going back to school, but recently have had trouble with my
health. Over the last 1-1/2 year, my chronic daily headaches have come
back; my doctors and I are trying to find a solution.
My anxiety-related issues come and go. I currently have some family issues
as well.
This is just an initial Hello Again! I'll elaborate in subsequent posts.
How is everyone doing?
PS: Aug 12 is my birthday.
Hi and welcome back Dennis.

I hate to say it but I have got used to not having a paying job.
Not really the way to go if you can avoid it. My health issues are
now physical as well but that is another story.

My sister asked why I don't do facebook. I wonder why she doesn't
do email :-)

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Contact the moderators at: asapm-***@stump.algebra.com
The charter is available at: http://readystump.algebra.com/~asapm
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