How is everybody?
(too old to reply)
2012-11-05 07:54:01 UTC
Just lurking here. Wondered if anyone has had any damage from hurricane
Sandy. New York and Newark really got hit hard. When y ou see the videos on
the TV of the damage done. its very bad with so many people losing their
homes and much worse than that, losing their lives. This group used to be so
busy and people were so helpful about anxiety and related issues. I don't
know where you all went. Does anybody still lurk here? Hope you are all
doing well.

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2012-11-09 22:58:40 UTC
Post by Mary
Just lurking here. Wondered if anyone has had any damage from hurricane
Sandy. New York and Newark really got hit hard. When y ou see the videos on
the TV of the damage done. its very bad with so many people losing their
homes and much worse than that, losing their lives. This group used to be so
busy and people were so helpful about anxiety and related issues. I don't
know where you all went. Does anybody still lurk here? Hope you are all
doing well.
I agree with you. Not much action here anymore, and I've been to some other
forums where there is little or no action. I guess anxiety and panic is not
longer a problem. BTW, all of my friends who live on the east coast are
fine, but they did get hit and were without electricity for awhile.
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coooooool grandma
2012-11-10 23:57:12 UTC
Long Island NY here...on the north shore. Winds...rain...and without
power from Mon @5PM til Thursday@ 5 PM. Very cold and lost a lot of
food. No real damage here...downed power lines and trees. This is the
first year (I'm in this house 57 years) I ever had some water in the
basement and I live on higher ground ...away from the Bay. PTL...Audrey
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2012-11-11 01:08:53 UTC
Post by coooooool grandma
Long Island NY here...on the north shore. Winds...rain...and without
food. No real damage here...downed power lines and trees. This is the
first year (I'm in this house 57 years) I ever had some water in the
basement and I live on higher ground ...away from the Bay. PTL...Audrey
Hi Audrey, haven't seen you here for a long time. Of course I haven't seen a
lot of people here for a long time -LOL. It's not like it used to be with
many posts. Hardly any posts here now. Everybody has disappeared except for
a few. I don't know where they all went. I liked it when it was busy here. I
lurk and post now and then.

Sounds like you are are doing OK. So many people lost their homes and some
lost their lives which is the worst thing that can happen. I'm in
Toronto,Canada and a lot of times we get tail end of hurricanes from the
east coast of the U.S. Some of them still pack a punch and can cause damage
here and power outs. We had very high winds here and rain for two days and
trees fell on parked -lucky nobody in them. Thousands of people with no
power but I my power was ok. But nothing near the damage and flooding they
got in New York and NJ coast. Tthousands still without power today. It will
take them a long time to clean up but they will get there. You've been 57
years in the same house? A long time. Glad you are doing OK. Too bad about
the loss of food. Good to be on higher ground.

It's nice to see you Audrey. Hope to see you again.

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2012-11-12 07:58:26 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Mary
Just lurking here. Wondered if anyone has had any damage from hurricane
Sandy. New York and Newark really got hit hard. When y ou see the videos on
the TV of the damage done. its very bad with so many people losing their
homes and much worse than that, losing their lives. This group used to be so
busy and people were so helpful about anxiety and related issues. I don't
know where you all went. Does anybody still lurk here? Hope you are all
doing well.
I agree with you. Not much action here anymore, and I've been to some
other forums where there is little or no action. I guess anxiety and panic
is not longer a problem. BTW, all of my friends who live on the east
coast are fine, but they did get hit and were without electricity for
Hi Sheldon, I presume you mean you have been to other forums for
anxiety/panic and there was little or no action there either?
Maybe people who used to come here just got tired of discussing panic
attacks and have no need to talk about them any more, or got tired of
talking about them and wanted to move on to other venues. It seemed that
many people in this group left the group one after the other. I don't really
know. There must be an answer but I don't know what it is. Oh well, can't do
much about it. I still check this group and go on another newsgroup that is
still quite active, so not everybody has left newsgroups. It still has some

The east coast of the U.S. such as New York city and Newark NJ and Atlantic
city really took a beating and also Staten Island.
I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty but never got there. Its not
long since it was renovated and was shut down but I think its open again.
New York City had a lot of flooding and destruction of houses in various
areas on the eastern U.S. seaboard. It's unfortunate for the people
involved. Normally hurricanes don't hit New York city with that kind of
force. It will take a while to clean up.

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