Anxiety came back
(too old to reply)
2014-11-20 15:53:27 UTC
I used to post years ago. I really need to discuss my return of anxiety. I forgot there were two groups, one moderated - is this the one with long time posters? I posted around 1998-2004. I am really at my wit's end and need benzos again after 6 years of not being on them. I can't live with the constant anxiety attacks. Anyone there to help me understand this?
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2014-11-20 21:41:47 UTC
On 11/20/14, 8:53 AM, in article
Post by s***@yahoo.com
I used to post years ago. I really need to discuss my return of anxiety. I
forgot there were two groups, one moderated - is this the one with long time
posters? I posted around 1998-2004. I am really at my wit's end and need
benzos again after 6 years of not being on them. I can't live with the
constant anxiety attacks. Anyone there to help me understand this?
Not sure what I can do to help you understand your own situation, but I can
lend an ear.
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2014-11-21 06:22:45 UTC
Post by Snit
On 11/20/14, 8:53 AM, in article
Post by s***@yahoo.com
I used to post years ago. I really need to discuss my return of anxiety.
forgot there were two groups, one moderated - is this the one with long time
posters? I posted around 1998-2004. I am really at my wit's end and need
benzos again after 6 years of not being on them. I can't live with the
constant anxiety attacks. Anyone there to help me understand this?
Not sure what I can do to help you understand your own situation, but I can
lend an ear.
Hi Snit, I don't drop in much any more as usually nobody posts, so nice to
see someone posting. I remember you from before.


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2014-11-21 06:22:33 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
I used to post years ago. I really need to discuss my return of anxiety. I
forgot there were two groups, one moderated - is this the one with long
time posters? I posted around 1998-2004. I am really at my wit's end and
need benzos again after 6 years of not being on them. I can't live with the
constant anxiety attacks. Anyone there to help me understand this?
Hi Suze, This is the moderated group, and there used to be a lot of long
time posters, but the all stopped posting quite a while ago, though now and
then someone drops by and posts, but not for several months now. I check
once in a while.
and occasionaly post, but havent seen any of the old group for a while. I
didn't post here in the 1998-2004 years when you were here. I think it was a
bit later on, but I posted for a few years. The group was very helpful that
used to be here regularly and the group was very active. Maybe some changed
to Facebook or just wanted to move on. I really don't know. The group that
was not moderated doesn't seem to have any posts for quite a while. It used
to be a very active group at one time as well..

I have situational anxiety usually mainly due to events that are going on in
my life, and sometimes also general anxiety which seems to start physically
and can cause anxiety. I am not going to a pscychiatrist. I used to go to my
family doctor more rgularly and she was good to talk to, and even if you
don't have anyone professional, as long as you are able to cope with your
life, if you can find even one person who is good to talk to. I find it
helpful. I take low dose of clorazepate occasionaly which helps a little. I
try to distract myself when I have anxiety, but that doesn't always works,
but sometimes it does..

Do you go to a psychiatrist or psychologist? It's too bad you need to go
back on benzos again after 6 years but maybe you need to see a professional.
Did something set you off that required you to go back on them?


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2014-12-08 17:02:23 UTC
Thank you both for replying. I have some medical problems that have given me anxiety. I have to wait for tests and have them and it's been so stressful and hard on me. At the same time I had a bad batch of thyroid pills. So I get these hyper attacks, and also I get fear and anxiety attacks. I asked for Valium and got a few pills and took 2 mg to 4 mg, only 6 times in eleven days. Last one was Nov. 28. At these doses they barely took the edge off but I am afraid to become dependent. How could I even think of taking them after 6 years being off? Really it shocked me to have the anxiety come back. It took me 2 years to get off Xanax and it was very hard. I never looked back once I was free of that need. I did not have anxiety. But now it's back and man, I thought why am I suffering when I could just take this either as needed, and stay calm. I just want to be calm and OK about my medical appointments and tests. I even have trouble sleeping. I don't see a psychiatrist. My former psychiatrist became my friend. I stopped seeing him ten years ago as I realized it's all within me. He did not have the answers. I do want to see someone new. I want to learn how to accept and live with drastic change like I'm going through, and the fear of cancer. I am a wreck sometimes, and have the Valium, and am still not taking it In fact I wonder if those 6 times I took it have given me rebound anxiety already. So if anyone can chime in here, thank you. Sorry I forgot to look here and see if anyone replied. Again thank you so much.
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2014-12-29 19:18:58 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
I used to post years ago. I really need to discuss my return of anxiety. I forgot there were two groups, one moderated - is this the one with long time posters? I posted around 1998-2004. I am really at my wit's end and need benzos again after 6 years of not being on them. I can't live with the constant anxiety attacks. Anyone there to help me understand this?
Do you know what the name of the unmoderated group is? I was looking for that
when I came across your post. To answer your question, I feel as though we have
to always maintain our anxiety. Unless I'm wrong, there is no cure. It tends to
run in families from what I've been told. My father and my youngest brother
also have problems. One of the best ways I've found to manage anxiety is to
get on an indoor exercise bike, and ride it about 20 minutes a day, but you should
probably consult with your doctor, because I don't know your age and level of
fitness. We'll see if this post goes through. Let me know how you are doing and
anything you would like to share.
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2015-02-10 16:37:22 UTC
To all who can help. I have used Valium 9 times since November. Starting with 2 mg, which did almost nothing. Now, 5 mg. does almost nothing. It began to work in a half hour, took the edge off after 2 hours, and completely stopped after 3 hours. I now have a full anxiety attack, shaking, jumping out of my skin, fearful, can't function. Valium is supposed to have a long half life. Not this time. I just asked my psych to give me Xanax again. .50 which I can get tomorrow. I never wanted to use them again. I did not use them or need them for 7 years. But with valium not working - or working paradoxically to make me sicker in 3 hours - what then? I have to function. I have no idea why the return of the attacks. I am getting some tests this week. I saw a clinic dr. today. Man, I am suffering for no known reason, and normally I cope well. Please give me any ideas you can. My theory was the thyroid meds were not working, but I tried various batches and doses and I am worse off than ever. I am hypo now but with hyper anxiety. Everything seems to be failing to work now. I've got to get all these tests, and the anxiety is through the roof with the shaking and fear. I will have to be very sedated to get them.
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2015-02-18 18:44:43 UTC
I am sorry for how you feel. I hope this issue was resolved by the time I
am writing this.
Have you ever tried moving away from the diazepines and titrate up to an
SSRI? Many times if you take any benzo regualrly, your brain will ramp up
once it senses the lack of the benzo.
Might want to ask your doctor to provide a referral to a psychiatrist (not
psychologist). When most folks have anxiety or panic disorder it is due
to the brain having an imbalance of norepenephrim (spelling?) compared to
serotonin (spelling?). The SSRI is an inhibitor that stops the serotonin
from being uptaked by the brain, so that it balances out the norepenephrim.
Hope all is well.
Post by newtrident
To all who can help. I have used Valium 9 times since November. Starting
with 2 mg, which did almost nothing. Now, 5 mg. does almost nothing. It
began to work in a half hour, took the edge off after 2 hours, and
completely stopped after 3 hours. I now have a full anxiety attack,
shaking, jumping out of my skin, fearful, can't function. Valium is
supposed to have a long half life. Not this time. I just asked my psych
to give me Xanax again. .50 which I can get tomorrow. I never wanted to
use them again. I did not use them or need them for 7 years. But with
valium not working - or working paradoxically to make me sicker in 3
hours - what then? I have to function. I have no idea why the return of
the attacks. I am getting some tests this week. I saw a clinic dr. today.
Man, I am suffering for no known reason, and normally I cope well. Please
give me any ideas you can. My theory was the thyroid meds were not
working, but I tried various batches and doses and I am worse off than
ever. I am hypo now but with hyper
anxiety. Everything seems to be failing to work now. I've got to get all
these tests, and the anxiety is through the roof with the shaking and
fear. I will have to be very sedated to get them.
Shawn Legrand
lux lucet in tenebris
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