Need some hugs! :-(((
(too old to reply)
2013-02-07 20:31:38 UTC

I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine from
40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy feels
funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough and feel
just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not getting
enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for sure. Sure
could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks all!


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2013-02-08 01:26:28 UTC
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine from
40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy feels
funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough and feel
just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not getting
enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for sure. Sure
could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks all!
Sorry to hear... hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. Med
changes can do all sort of odd things for a few days - including messing
with sleep. Oh the joy. :)

Seriously, hope you feel better already or soon.
"There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major
reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to
be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2013-02-08 20:33:57 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine from
40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy feels
funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough and feel
just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not getting
enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for sure.
could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks all!
Sorry to hear... hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. Med
changes can do all sort of odd things for a few days - including messing
with sleep. Oh the joy. :)
Seriously, hope you feel better already or soon.
Hi Snit and thank you so much for your support! I do feel a little bit
better today. It turned out to be just lack of sleep and pain as usual,
plus the aggravation I had yesterday dealing with my GP's recep over some
test results that she DID have, but kept saying she DIDN'T have. Long
story. :-) You take care and I hope you're starting to feel better too.


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2013-02-10 17:51:28 UTC
Post by Snit
Sorry to hear... hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. Med
changes can do all sort of odd things for a few days - including messing with
sleep. Oh the joy. :)
Seriously, hope you feel better already or soon.
Hi Snit and thank you so much for your support! I do feel a little bit better
today. It turned out to be just lack of sleep and pain as usual, plus the
aggravation I had yesterday dealing with my GP's recep over some test results
that she DID have, but kept saying she DIDN'T have. Long story. :-) You
take care and I hope you're starting to feel better too.
I had a minor issue getting test results as well - but they were resolved
within 24 hours. The place which did the tests would not release them to me
until they had confirmation my doctor had them (and she was out for the
day). I am pretty sure that is against the law, but did not fight it.

I am doing somewhat better... back on the upswing. Hopefully this continues.
Really want to be doing well when I get my testing done on the 19th.
"I have never, ever cared about really anything but the Linux desktop."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2013-02-11 00:11:33 UTC
Post by Snit
Hi Snit and thank you so much for your support! I do feel a little bit better
today. It turned out to be just lack of sleep and pain as usual, plus the
aggravation I had yesterday dealing with my GP's recep over some test results
that she DID have, but kept saying she DIDN'T have. Long story. :-)
take care and I hope you're starting to feel better too.
I had a minor issue getting test results as well - but they were resolved
within 24 hours. The place which did the tests would not release them to me
until they had confirmation my doctor had them (and she was out for the
day). I am pretty sure that is against the law, but did not fight it.
Oh I'm so glad it got resolved within 24 hours, but you should be glad that
*I* wasn't there when that happened. LOL I'm getting to be a real big
mouth lately and stand up for myself when I need to. I'm not sure if that's
legal either.
Post by Snit
I am doing somewhat better... back on the upswing. Hopefully this continues.
Really want to be doing well when I get my testing done on the 19th.
I'm so glad you're doing better, Snit. I understand completely about the
tests and everything on the 19th. I am in your corner and wishing you the
very best on that day! Thinking of you.


Post by Snit
"I have never, ever cared about really anything but the Linux desktop."
-- Linus Torvalds
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2013-02-11 00:35:08 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Hi Snit and thank you so much for your support! I do feel a little bit
better today. It turned out to be just lack of sleep and pain as usual,
plus the aggravation I had yesterday dealing with my GP's recep over some
test results that she DID have, but kept saying she DIDN'T have. Long
story. :-) You take care and I hope you're starting to feel better too.
I had a minor issue getting test results as well - but they were resolved
within 24 hours. The place which did the tests would not release them to me
until they had confirmation my doctor had them (and she was out for the day).
I am pretty sure that is against the law, but did not fight it.
Oh I'm so glad it got resolved within 24 hours, but you should be glad that
*I* wasn't there when that happened. LOL I'm getting to be a real big mouth
lately and stand up for myself when I need to. I'm not sure if that's legal
I tend to be that way as well... my wife was the one asking for the records
(they were actually for my daughter, not me)
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
I am doing somewhat better... back on the upswing. Hopefully this continues.
Really want to be doing well when I get my testing done on the 19th.
I'm so glad you're doing better, Snit. I understand completely about the
tests and everything on the 19th. I am in your corner and wishing you the
very best on that day! Thinking of you.
Thanks. Appreciate it.
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2013-02-11 18:22:48 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Oh I'm so glad it got resolved within 24 hours, but you should be glad that
*I* wasn't there when that happened. LOL I'm getting to be a real big mouth
lately and stand up for myself when I need to. I'm not sure if that's legal
I tend to be that way as well... my wife was the one asking for the records
(they were actually for my daughter, not me)
Yeah? :-) I can imagine. Oh, it was your wife asking. Well, glad it got
resolved. :-) I called my present GP a little while ago and got Karen, his
recep, of course. As soon as I said Karen, this is Diane ___, she quickly
and snippily said I sent those already. I cut her off and said No, I am
calling to see if you have the results of my thyroid tests. If not, I will
cancel tomorrow's appt.! She said wait a minute or something, came back on
the line, and very calmly said she had such and such results and I said I
also had a Barium swallow. She said yes, she had that one too. I said
thank you and see you tomorrow and she said nothing, but hung up on me! She
is a first class b*tch!!! Sorry for venting again, but she made me soooooo
mad! Her *calm* voice was actually *condescending*, not calm, if you know
what I mean. I cannot wait to get rid of that whole office and start with
my new GP, IF he accepts me with all these mystery illnesses. LOL
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
I am doing somewhat better... back on the upswing. Hopefully this continues.
Really want to be doing well when I get my testing done on the 19th.
I'm so glad you're doing better, Snit. I understand completely about the
tests and everything on the 19th. I am in your corner and wishing you the
very best on that day! Thinking of you.
Thanks. Appreciate it.
Any time Snit!!! That's what I'm here for. :-))


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2013-02-13 01:11:13 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Oh I'm so glad it got resolved within 24 hours, but you should be glad that
*I* wasn't there when that happened. LOL I'm getting to be a real big
mouth lately and stand up for myself when I need to. I'm not sure if that's
legal either.
I tend to be that way as well... my wife was the one asking for the records
(they were actually for my daughter, not me)
Yeah? :-) I can imagine. Oh, it was your wife asking. Well, glad it got
resolved. :-) I called my present GP a little while ago and got Karen, his
recep, of course. As soon as I said Karen, this is Diane ___, she quickly and
snippily said I sent those already. I cut her off and said No, I am calling
to see if you have the results of my thyroid tests. If not, I will cancel
tomorrow's appt.! She said wait a minute or something, came back on the line,
and very calmly said she had such and such results and I said I also had a
Barium swallow. She said yes, she had that one too. I said thank you and see
you tomorrow and she said nothing, but hung up on me! She is a first class
b*tch!!! Sorry for venting again, but she made me soooooo mad! Her *calm*
voice was actually *condescending*, not calm, if you know what I mean. I
cannot wait to get rid of that whole office and start with my new GP, IF he
accepts me with all these mystery illnesses. LOL
It took me years to find a decent GP... I am very lucky to have her. So many
doctor's and their offices are handled poorly, esp. in a small town.

Best of luck to you finding a good one... they are worth their weight in
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
I am doing somewhat better... back on the upswing. Hopefully this
continues. Really want to be doing well when I get my testing done on the
I'm so glad you're doing better, Snit. I understand completely about the
tests and everything on the 19th. I am in your corner and wishing you the
very best on that day! Thinking of you.
Thanks. Appreciate it.
Any time Snit!!! That's what I'm here for. :-))
"Maybe there is someone who considers it disgusting for a parrot to have sex
with a human. Or for a dolphin or tiger to have sex with a human. So what?
Others feel that all sex is disgusting." -- Richard Stallman
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2013-02-13 15:14:00 UTC
"Snit" <***@gallopinginsanity.com> wrote in message news:CD40362E.14D2B%***@gallopinginsanity.com...

Post by Snit
It took me years to find a decent GP... I am very lucky to have her. So many
doctor's and their offices are handled poorly, esp. in a small town.
Good for you! Yes, you are sooo right.
Post by Snit
Best of luck to you finding a good one... they are worth their weight in
Thank you and you are right again, Snit. :-)

Post by Snit
Post by Diane
Post by Snit
Post by Diane
I'm so glad you're doing better, Snit. I understand completely about the
tests and everything on the 19th. I am in your corner and wishing you the
very best on that day! Thinking of you.
Thanks. Appreciate it.
Any time Snit!!! That's what I'm here for. :-))
Hugs again! :-)
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2013-02-08 05:18:48 UTC
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine from
40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy feels
funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough and feel
just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not getting
enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for sure.
Sure could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks all!
I guess it is possible that the increase of the strength of the medication
may make you feel lightheaded and dizzy. Usually I can tell if an increase
in strength of pills gives me more side effects. You may want to talk to
your doctor and see what he says or go back to 40 mg per day and see if your
lightheaded and dizzy feeling goes away. I hope you feel better soon.

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2013-02-08 20:33:01 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine
from 40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy
feels funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough
and feel just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not
getting enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for
sure. Sure could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks
I guess it is possible that the increase of the strength of the medication
may make you feel lightheaded and dizzy. Usually I can tell if an increase
in strength of pills gives me more side effects. You may want to talk to
your doctor and see what he says or go back to 40 mg per day and see if
your lightheaded and dizzy feeling goes away. I hope you feel better soon.
Hi Mary and thanks for your support! No, it wasn't the increase. It was
the awful pain I have and the constant lack of sleep, plus the aggravation I
had yesterday with my GP's recep, etc. I feel a little bit better right
now. I'm going to try to answer your other post to me, but if I find it's
too long and I get tired half way through it, I'll save it in Drafts and
finish it either later or tomorrow. :-) Thanks again and I hope you're
starting to feel better today also.


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2013-02-09 01:05:59 UTC
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine from
40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy feels
funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough and feel
just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not getting
enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for sure.
Sure could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks all!

I've had problems going up or down with certain meds, with my doc trying to
find a balance between helping me and and keeping me from drug side-effects.
IMHO you can talk to your doc, and/or look up your med's side-effects to see
if they jive with what you're feeling.

I have faith this will all work out, so hang in there and get better.

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2013-02-09 15:24:04 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine
from 40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy
feels funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough
and feel just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not
getting enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for
sure. Sure could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks
I've had problems going up or down with certain meds, with my doc trying
to find a balance between helping me and and keeping me from drug
side-effects. IMHO you can talk to your doc, and/or look up your med's
side-effects to see if they jive with what you're feeling.
I have faith this will all work out, so hang in there and get better.
Thank you again Sheldon for your faith and support! I really appreciate it.
:-) It turns out it wasn't the increase after all. It was just lack of
sleep and pain, as usual, and more aggravation that I can stand some times.
It was a combo, but I felt much better yesterday afternoon and this morning
too. Been watching lots of Big Bang Theory, repeats and new shows. LOL
That show is my distraction and peace of mind. LOL I know you can identify
with that too, Sheldon. <bg> Take care!


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2013-02-10 21:02:21 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
I don't feel well this morning. :-( I have increased the Imipramine
from 40 mg. per day to 60 mg. per day, approved by my pdoc. My tummy
feels funny, I feel dizzy and light-headed, didn't sleep well or enough
and feel just *weird*. Could it be the increase? Between that and not
getting enough sleep, I *think* that's the problem, but I don't know for
sure. Sure could use some answers, if you know, and some hugs. Thanks
I've had problems going up or down with certain meds, with my doc trying
to find a balance between helping me and and keeping me from drug
side-effects. IMHO you can talk to your doc, and/or look up your med's
side-effects to see if they jive with what you're feeling.
I have faith this will all work out, so hang in there and get better.
Thank you again Sheldon for your faith and support! I really appreciate
it. :-) It turns out it wasn't the increase after all. It was just lack
of sleep and pain, as usual, and more aggravation that I can stand some
times. It was a combo, but I felt much better yesterday afternoon and this
morning too. Been watching lots of Big Bang Theory, repeats and new
shows. LOL That show is my distraction and peace of mind. LOL I know
you can identify with that too, Sheldon. <bg> Take care!
All those brains and not one of those guys is rich. :-)
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2013-02-11 00:11:12 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
Thank you again Sheldon for your faith and support! I really appreciate
it. :-) It turns out it wasn't the increase after all. It was just lack
of sleep and pain, as usual, and more aggravation that I can stand some
times. It was a combo, but I felt much better yesterday afternoon and
this morning too. Been watching lots of Big Bang Theory, repeats and new
shows. LOL That show is my distraction and peace of mind. LOL I know
you can identify with that too, Sheldon. <bg> Take care!
All those brains and not one of those guys is rich. :-)
LMAO! Very, very true Sheldon. What are your very favorite episodes, or
would you rather not say here? Hehe! I love them all, but one just popped
into my mind and made me LOL. The one where the four guys are playing some
sort of video game and who shows up at their front door but Penny, dressed
to the teeth, and three of her girlfriends dressed the same. The guys are
sooooo involved in playing the game that they never looked up and saw these
four beauties. Then right at the end Leonard says something like, thought I
heard something, oh never mind. Or something like that. Or maybe, did you
hear something, oh never mind. LOL Whatever he said just made me crack
right up. That show is one on our top 10 list of comedies. Thanks for the
chuckles Sheldon!


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2013-02-11 04:09:31 UTC
Post by Diane
LMAO! Very, very true Sheldon. What are your very favorite episodes, or
would you rather not say here? Hehe! I love them all, but one just
popped into my mind and made me LOL. The one where the four guys are
playing some sort of video game and who shows up at their front door but
Penny, dressed to the teeth, and three of her girlfriends dressed the
same. The guys are sooooo involved in playing the game that they never
looked up and saw these four beauties. Then right at the end Leonard says
something like, thought I heard something, oh never mind. Or something
like that. Or maybe, did you hear something, oh never mind. LOL
Whatever he said just made me crack right up. That show is one on our top
10 list of comedies. Thanks for the chuckles Sheldon!
Having been brought up Jewish, I like a lot of the episodes with Walowitz
(sp) mother. I like the one where his girlfriend drives the rover into a
ditch. They're all good. I think it's the number one comedy on TV right now.
Everybody I know with a TV loves the show.

I'm off tomorrow to take my girlfriend to get a dental implant. I swear,
talk about anxiety. She thinks she's going to die, and has to stop at her
lawyers on the way to make sure her will is in order.
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2013-02-11 18:21:41 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
LMAO! Very, very true Sheldon. What are your very favorite episodes, or
would you rather not say here? Hehe! I love them all, but one just
popped into my mind and made me LOL. The one where the four guys are
playing some sort of video game and who shows up at their front door but
Penny, dressed to the teeth, and three of her girlfriends dressed the
same. The guys are sooooo involved in playing the game that they never
looked up and saw these four beauties. Then right at the end Leonard
says something like, thought I heard something, oh never mind. Or
something like that. Or maybe, did you hear something, oh never mind.
LOL Whatever he said just made me crack right up. That show is one on
our top 10 list of comedies. Thanks for the chuckles Sheldon!
Having been brought up Jewish, I like a lot of the episodes with Walowitz
(sp) mother. I like the one where his girlfriend drives the rover into a
ditch. They're all good. I think it's the number one comedy on TV right
now. Everybody I know with a TV loves the show.
ROFLMAO! We absolutely LOVE Mrs. Walowitz and THAT voice of hers! LOL The
ditch one, liked it too. Yes, I agree with you. It has to be the number
one comedy on TV these days. We just love every episode. Also loved the
one where (and there could've been more; I think more) Bernadette yelled
something and sounded EXACTLY like Mrs. Walowitz! We looked at the end of
the show where they put up the credits, etc., and it is NOT Bernadette doing
the voice of her. It's another woman and I forget her name now, but we
looked her up and she's fairly young and sooo funny. Thanks Sheldon again
for the laughs. :-)
Post by Sheldon
I'm off tomorrow to take my girlfriend to get a dental implant. I swear,
talk about anxiety. She thinks she's going to die, and has to stop at her
lawyers on the way to make sure her will is in order.
Oh no! LOL Poor thing! Sorry Sheldon, but I had to laugh at the way you
said that about your girlfriend. LOL She doesn't REALLY stop at her
lawyer's, does she? I hope everything works out well for her, though,
seriously. But it was funny too. You ARE funny, like the other Sheldon.


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2013-02-14 17:32:21 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
LMAO! Very, very true Sheldon. What are your very favorite episodes,
or would you rather not say here? Hehe! I love them all, but one just
popped into my mind and made me LOL. The one where the four guys are
playing some sort of video game and who shows up at their front door but
Penny, dressed to the teeth, and three of her girlfriends dressed the
same. The guys are sooooo involved in playing the game that they never
looked up and saw these four beauties. Then right at the end Leonard
says something like, thought I heard something, oh never mind. Or
something like that. Or maybe, did you hear something, oh never mind.
LOL Whatever he said just made me crack right up. That show is one on
our top 10 list of comedies. Thanks for the chuckles Sheldon!
Having been brought up Jewish, I like a lot of the episodes with
Walowitz (sp) mother. I like the one where his girlfriend drives the
rover into a ditch. They're all good. I think it's the number one comedy
on TV right now. Everybody I know with a TV loves the show.
ROFLMAO! We absolutely LOVE Mrs. Walowitz and THAT voice of hers! LOL
The ditch one, liked it too. Yes, I agree with you. It has to be the
number one comedy on TV these days. We just love every episode. Also
loved the one where (and there could've been more; I think more)
Bernadette yelled something and sounded EXACTLY like Mrs. Walowitz! We
looked at the end of the show where they put up the credits, etc., and it
is NOT Bernadette doing the voice of her. It's another woman and I forget
her name now, but we looked her up and she's fairly young and sooo funny.
Thanks Sheldon again for the laughs. :-)
Post by Sheldon
I'm off tomorrow to take my girlfriend to get a dental implant. I swear,
talk about anxiety. She thinks she's going to die, and has to stop at her
lawyers on the way to make sure her will is in order.
Oh no! LOL Poor thing! Sorry Sheldon, but I had to laugh at the way you
said that about your girlfriend. LOL She doesn't REALLY stop at her
lawyer's, does she? I hope everything works out well for her, though,
seriously. But it was funny too. You ARE funny, like the other Sheldon.
Yes, it's very funny that my girlfriend had to stop at her lawyer's on the
way to the dentist, however I was not kidding. She really did check on her
will and to make sure her "do not resuscitate" is still current. BTW,
everything went just fine and she's feeling great. She slept in the car most
of the way home, and a half-hour after she got home she wanted to go out and
get a steak and hit the bars. Honestly, I don't get it, and unfortunately
I'm not laughing. Okay, all together now... Awwwwwwww.
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2013-02-14 20:01:06 UTC
"Sheldon" <***@XXXXXXXXsopris.net> wrote in message news:kfj71j$sc9$***@dont-email.me...

Post by Sheldon
Post by Diane
Oh no! LOL Poor thing! Sorry Sheldon, but I had to laugh at the way
you said that about your girlfriend. LOL She doesn't REALLY stop at her
lawyer's, does she? I hope everything works out well for her, though,
seriously. But it was funny too. You ARE funny, like the other Sheldon.
Yes, it's very funny that my girlfriend had to stop at her lawyer's on the
way to the dentist, however I was not kidding. She really did check on her
will and to make sure her "do not resuscitate" is still current. BTW,
everything went just fine and she's feeling great. She slept in the car
most of the way home, and a half-hour after she got home she wanted to go
out and get a steak and hit the bars. Honestly, I don't get it, and
unfortunately I'm not laughing. Okay, all together now... Awwwwwwww.
Awwwwww! I'm sorry Sheldon. :-( Glad it all worked out for her though. I
can't get over the fact that she does that. Remarkable. Well, start
laughing and tell me what your fav episodes are, will ya'? Just kidding.
You can always write me at the above addy and tell me. LOL ONLY if you
want to. Okay, Sheldon? Take care. Oh, btw, HE'S on tonight. A new one I
think. LOL Can't wait.


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