Is anybody around?
(too old to reply)
2011-07-22 21:34:13 UTC
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember at the moment?
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to 100F) every day. With our high
humidity included the "feels like" temperature for this week has been 46C
which is about 116F. We have extreme heat alerts every day. Its hot here
every summer with the same high temperatures but we usually get a break now
and then, but not this time. I don't go out much as too much heat doesn't
agree with me, so I stay in a lot.
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus fans.
For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this heat wave,
how are you doing? does the heat bother you?

Is it nice and cool where you are Simon? How about you Ron? do you go
swimming in the lake? I miss seeing messages here from all of you who used
to post here so I sometimes still check and thanks to Daniel and others, he
still posts his information regularly. Hope you are all doing OK.

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2011-07-23 18:46:23 UTC
Hi to all who might be lurking here. [...]
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus fans.
For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this heat wave,
how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon?
Hi Mary. Sorry that you and lots of north America are enduring what
I would find unbearable heat. Hot weather is not my thing at all.
We in the UK had some nice warm weather a little while ago but it is
now unseasonably cool. Luckily it should warm up next week to a
very pleasant 23c (about 70f).

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2011-07-23 21:48:19 UTC
Post by Simon
Hi to all who might be lurking here. [...]
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus fans.
For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this heat wave,
how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon?
Hi Mary. Sorry that you and lots of north America are enduring what
I would find unbearable heat. Hot weather is not my thing at all.
We in the UK had some nice warm weather a little while ago but it is
now unseasonably cool. Luckily it should warm up next week to a
very pleasant 23c (about 70f).
Hot weather is n ot my thing either. I'll gladly exchange our weather for
yours. Today its 35C (about 97F) plus with humidity the "feels like"
temperature is 115F. Its hard to think properly in this heat. My air
conditioner is working hard.

This is the third week of heat, but this week has been the worst. The
eastern part of the U.S. as well as southern Ontario and other places in
Canada is getting the same heat. They call it a hot air "dome" which is a
mass of heat like a wall, which won't move. I don't remember it ever being
this hot for such a long period of time. We have had no rain and need some
for our Ontario crops to produce good vegetables and fruits. I planted a few
cherry tomato plants in a big container on my balcony and tomatoes ripen
soon where I am, so there is a few small green tomatoes now which will turn
into red soon. they are very tasty. I usually plant more flowers but this
year I couldn't be bothered, but I have some white and red petunias and a
mini pink roses bush I planted in June. Have to water the plants every day
sometimes twice a day.

It is supposed to be 26C on Monday which is still warm but not as warm as
38C which it was yesterday.
Talk to you again Simon. Hope things are going well with you.

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2011-07-23 19:51:54 UTC
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ, Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember
at the moment?
hi mary, it's good to hear from you again. i have been meaning to post
for a while but i keep forgetting. maybe there will be some more
lurkers. =)
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to
100F) every day.
that is shocking! i really couldn't handle that type of temperature at all. we are not
used to much heat in ireland - i think it would be the end of us if it ever got that hot.
i hope your AC holds out!!!
Hope you are all doing OK.
things could be a lot better here to be honest. my mom had a stroke last week and
is in the rehab unit in the hospital for the forseeable future. my heart is broken
to see her unable to walk or talk properly and i am finding it hard to cope. she has
always been such a kind person who loves everyone but she has had so much bad luck with her
health in recent years - diabetes and a heart attack a few years back. life can seem so
unfair at times. at least my dad and sister are doing ok and we are all in it together. i could
never face the likes of this on my own. also some of the people in the stroke unit look to be
only about 40 years old which is a terrible thing to see.

anyway i hope everyone who reads this is doing ok. lot's of love to all!! hug someone you
care about today - you never know what might happen tomorrow!
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2011-07-23 22:41:25 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember
at the moment?
hi mary, it's good to hear from you again. i have been meaning to post
for a while but i keep forgetting. maybe there will be some more
lurkers. =)
Hope so too. I seem to have to revive you guys once in a while to get you
to post here again. :)
Post by _TJ_
Post by Mary
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to
100F) every day.
that is shocking! i really couldn't handle that type of temperature at all. we are not
used to much heat in ireland - i think it would be the end of us if it ever got that hot.
LOL. I feel it will be the end of me in this heat. The climate in
south-central Ontario has always been very hot from June to mid Sept. so its
quite often in the 90's at times and the high humidity we get makes the
"feels like" (humidex) temperature much higher. But most summers although we
may get 1-2 week heat waves when it can be close to 100F, the temperature is
usually not as high for such a long period of time with no break in the
high temps. Actually, its the high humidty that most people find
uncomfortable. Its supposed to be "cooler" on Monday at 28C, but they said
that before. In the meantime, I havent gone out very much for the past week.
When I go out hot weather, it makes me feel I might faint. I have to fight
the feeling. The anticipation of it being very hot and feeling faint doesn't
help either :>) Usually, I manage when actually in the situation.
Post by _TJ_
i hope your AC holds out!!!
I hope *I* hold out -LOL - plus my air conditioner of course.
Post by _TJ_
Post by Mary
Hope you are all doing OK.
things could be a lot better here to be honest. my mom had a stroke last week and
is in the rehab unit in the hospital for the forseeable future. my heart is broken
to see her unable to walk or talk properly and i am finding it hard to cope. she has
always been such a kind person who loves everyone but she has had so much bad luck with her
health in recent years - diabetes and a heart attack a few years back. life can seem so
unfair at times. at least my dad and sister are doing ok and we are all
in it together. i could
never face the likes of this on my own. also some of the people in the
stroke unit look to be
only about 40 years old which is a terrible thing to see.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I can understand how you feel. My
mother had a stroke when she was 95, and was gone a short time later. She
had good health most of her life. But your mother may be younger and may be
able to recover fairly well in a rehab unit. It may take a long time, but
you have to try to keep your hopes up for now which is not easy. Life is
definitely not fair many times to people who don't deserve it. But not much
we can do except try to cope the best you can. I have realized more and more
as I get older that having some support is so important especially at very
stressful times like you are experiencing now. It will really help that you
and your dad and sister and yourself are going through this bad time
My brother was in a nursing home for 4 years before he died last November.
He was in his 60's. His wife died 5 months before him. I had very little
support at this time, but somehow I got through it, though I don't know how.

I used to visit my brother in the nursing home and some of the people there
were around 40 and a few even younger. So sad. Sometimes you have to shut
out certain things from your mind, or its hard to function.

Many people with strokes have done well in rehab.. At least your mother is
in rehab which is a sign they hope to be able to help her with therapy to
improve her speech and maybe she will be able to walk with a walker
eventually. I wish your mother much luck and improvement in her health, and
hope things get better for her.
Post by _TJ_
anyway i hope everyone who reads this is doing ok. lot's of love to all!!
hug someone you
care about today - you never know what might happen tomorrow!
No, we never know, but we hope we will all be OK. Talk to you again TJ. Hope
you will feel a little bit less heavy hearted. It isn't easy I know. Do what
you can.

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2011-07-24 23:13:47 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by _TJ_
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember
at the moment?
hi mary, it's good to hear from you again. i have been meaning to post
for a while but i keep forgetting. maybe there will be some more
lurkers. =)
Hope so too. I seem to have to revive you guys once in a while to get you
to post here again. :)
Post by _TJ_
Post by Mary
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to
100F) every day.
that is shocking! i really couldn't handle that type of temperature at
all. we are not
used to much heat in ireland - i think it would be the end of us if it
ever got that hot.
LOL. I feel it will be the end of me in this heat. The climate in
south-central Ontario has always been very hot from June to mid Sept. so its
quite often in the 90's at times and the high humidity we get makes the
"feels like" (humidex) temperature much higher. But most summers although we
may get 1-2 week heat waves when it can be close to 100F, the temperature is
usually not as high for such a long period of time with no break in the
high temps. Actually, its the high humidty that most people find
uncomfortable. Its supposed to be "cooler" on Monday at 28C, but they said
that before. In the meantime, I havent gone out very much for the past week.
When I go out hot weather, it makes me feel I might faint. I have to fight
the feeling. The anticipation of it being very hot and feeling faint doesn't
help either :>) Usually, I manage when actually in the situation.
Post by _TJ_
i hope your AC holds out!!!
I hope *I* hold out -LOL - plus my air conditioner of course.
Post by _TJ_
Post by Mary
Hope you are all doing OK.
things could be a lot better here to be honest. my mom had a stroke last
week and
is in the rehab unit in the hospital for the forseeable future. my heart
is broken
to see her unable to walk or talk properly and i am finding it hard to
cope. she has
always been such a kind person who loves everyone but she has had so much
bad luck with her
health in recent years - diabetes and a heart attack a few years back.
life can seem so
unfair at times. at least my dad and sister are doing ok and we are all
in it together. i could
never face the likes of this on my own. also some of the people in the
stroke unit look to be
only about 40 years old which is a terrible thing to see.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I can understand how you feel. My
mother had a stroke when she was 95, and was gone a short time later. She
had good health most of her life. But your mother may be younger and may be
able to recover fairly well in a rehab unit. It may take a long time, but
you have to try to keep your hopes up for now which is not easy. Life is
definitely not fair many times to people who don't deserve it. But not much
we can do except try to cope the best you can. I have realized more and more
as I get older that having some support is so important especially at very
stressful times like you are experiencing now. It will really help that you
and your dad and sister and yourself are going through this bad time
My brother was in a nursing home for 4 years before he died last November.
He was in his 60's. His wife died 5 months before him. I had very little
support at this time, but somehow I got through it, though I don't know how.
I used to visit my brother in the nursing home and some of the people there
were around 40 and a few even younger. So sad. Sometimes you have to shut
out certain things from your mind, or its hard to function.
Many people with strokes have done well in rehab.. At least your mother is
in rehab which is a sign they hope to be able to help her with therapy to
improve her speech and maybe she will be able to walk with a walker
eventually. I wish your mother much luck and improvement in her health, and
hope things get better for her.
Post by _TJ_
anyway i hope everyone who reads this is doing ok. lot's of love to all!!
hug someone you
care about today - you never know what might happen tomorrow!
No, we never know, but we hope we will all be OK. Talk to you again TJ. Hope
you will feel a little bit less heavy hearted. It isn't easy I know. Do what
you can.
I can relate to Mary as I live in Hamilton, not to far from her.
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2011-07-26 22:34:54 UTC
Post by babs63ca
Post by Mary
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to
100F) every day.
Post by babs63ca
I can relate to Mary as I live in Hamilton, not to far from her.
Hi Babs, I had to snip a lot of my earlier quoted message out as my news
server would probably give me an error about too many quoted lines. they
only allow a certain amount.

I see you live in Hamilton, round the lake from me. I think I've only been
in Hamilton once which was many years ago when my mother wanted to go there
to see one of her cousins. Its been so long I can't remember much about it
except we did find her cousin and went to her house in Hamilton. My mother
has been gone for 14 years and it was long before that. I have passed by
Hamilton many times on way to Niagara Falls.

Have you been on this anxiety group before? It used to be very busy here,
but for quite a while now, unfortunately a lot of people don't post here any
more. But some of the old regulars like myself and some others still post.

Do you have anxiety problems Babs? or just lurking? I see you are with
shaw.ca. I thought they are only in western Canada. They used to be in
Toronto and other areas in Ontario but that was about 15 years ago. Rogers
cable and internet have been here for a long time.

I was out yesterday and it was just as hot and humid though the temp went
down a little. Very high humidity is a big problem here in summer as it
likely is where you are. Its like what many people say "its the humidity
that gets to you". It really gets to me. Supposedly its not as humid today
and temp is not as high.

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2011-07-24 23:13:58 UTC
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember at the moment?
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to 100F) every day. With our high
humidity included the "feels like" temperature for this week has been 46C
which is about 116F. We have extreme heat alerts every day. Its hot here
every summer with the same high temperatures but we usually get a break now
and then, but not this time. I don't go out much as too much heat doesn't
agree with me, so I stay in a lot.
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus fans.
For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this heat wave,
how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon? How about you Ron? do you go
swimming in the lake? I miss seeing messages here from all of you who used
to post here so I sometimes still check and thanks to Daniel and others, he
still posts his information regularly. Hope you are all doing OK.

Don't I know it, sister, I live in Hamilton
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2011-07-27 00:44:24 UTC
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember at the moment?
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to 100F) every day. With our
high humidity included the "feels like" temperature for this week has been
46C which is about 116F. We have extreme heat alerts every day. Its hot
here every summer with the same high temperatures but we usually get a
break now and then, but not this time. I don't go out much as too much
heat doesn't agree with me, so I stay in a lot.
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus
fans. For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this heat
wave, how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon? How about you Ron? do you go
swimming in the lake? I miss seeing messages here from all of you who used
to post here so I sometimes still check and thanks to Daniel and others,
he still posts his information regularly. Hope you are all doing OK.
Sheldon here. Not really sure why activity has dropped off on this board.
I guess everybody is cured. :-)

I'm up here in the mountains so we are dealing with some showers today, but
it's been above average here temp wise. Still, the humidity is very low and
while the 80's is warm for here I'm sure a lot of people would love to trade
places right now.

Hope all is well with you.
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2011-07-27 06:00:12 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember at the moment?
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to 100F) every day. With our
high humidity included the "feels like" temperature for this week has
been 46C which is about 116F. We have extreme heat alerts every day. Its
hot here every summer with the same high temperatures but we usually get
a break now and then, but not this time. I don't go out much as too much
heat doesn't agree with me, so I stay in a lot.
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus
fans. For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this
heat wave, how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon? How about you Ron? do you go
swimming in the lake? I miss seeing messages here from all of you who
used to post here so I sometimes still check and thanks to Daniel and
others, he still posts his information regularly. Hope you are all doing
Sheldon here. Not really sure why activity has dropped off on this board.
I guess everybody is cured. :-)
It would be nice if that was true, but somehow I am doubtful :)
Post by Sheldon
I'm up here in the mountains so we are dealing with some showers today,
but it's been above average here temp wise. Still, the humidity is very
low and while the 80's is warm for here I'm sure a lot of people would
love to trade places right now.
You mean people where you live would rather have high humidity and temps of
100F like we've been having for all of July? They can have it. I'll take
mountains and an ocean any time. The high humidity here in this part of
Canada causes you to feel a lot hotter than the actual temperature and very
sticky and muggy. Your clothes stick to you. We had some rain yesterday for
the first time in weeks. Our grass is brown and flowers and plants are
wilting (like me), but when we get rain, it's good for our plants and for
the local farmers who sell their vegetables and fruits at stands here. I
have tomatoes and flowers in containers on my balcony, and they are doing
Post by Sheldon
Hope all is well with you.
Not too bad. I have my days Sheldon. Hope you are well.
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2011-08-01 00:45:20 UTC
When I lived in DC, in the summer, there were many days I took two or three
showers, so I do feel your pain.
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2011-08-01 04:13:21 UTC
Post by Sheldon
When I lived in DC, in the summer, there were many days I took two or
three showers, so I do feel your pain.
I think you mean me :) Its still just as hot here as before. It was 115F a
few days last week. Very high humidity is the problem here. You don't feel a
dry heat as much as humid heat. I would rather have 90F with low humidity
than 75F with high humidity, but we don't get many summer days with dry
heat. Its usually humid most days. It must be because of the location here
and a lot of moisture from the Great Lakes. I have air conditioner in my
apt. on most of the summer, so one shower a day is ok. I stay in a lot from
June to mid September, but have to go out to do things. I usually drive and
have air cond. in my car. I don't walk outside. Too hot. Sometimes I go
swimming at our outdoor pool at my condo building though not as often as I
should :>) August is supposed to also be hot. I don't ever remember such a
hot July as this. Its always hot, but not as hot for such a long period of
time as this. Oh well, I will be glad when mid September comes when it gets
cooler and its warm but not humid heat. I love to see the trees in the Fall
with various colours of leaves. Its so scenic and picturesque.

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2011-07-28 14:52:32 UTC
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember at the moment?
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to 100F) every day. With our
high humidity included the "feels like" temperature for this week has been
46C which is about 116F. We have extreme heat alerts every day. Its hot
here every summer with the same high temperatures but we usually get a
break now and then, but not this time. I don't go out much as too much
heat doesn't agree with me, so I stay in a lot.
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus
fans. For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this heat
wave, how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon? How about you Ron? do you go
swimming in the lake? I miss seeing messages here from all of you who used
to post here so I sometimes still check and thanks to Daniel and others,
he still posts his information regularly. Hope you are all doing OK.
Hi Mary

Sorry to hear about the heat wave. Quite cold here as we're in the middle of
winter. Tomorrow is going to be a lovely sunny day with an expected top
temperature of 18C which is much better than it's been all week.

I'm doing ok. Work has been very hectic but now that a major project is over
I'm taking a few days off to relax, catch up on some reading etc.

Take care

V :)
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2011-07-28 19:19:25 UTC
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
Hi to all who might be lurking here. How is Elise, Simon, Sheldon, TJ,
Vanessa, Ron, Philip, Anna and any others I can't remember at the moment?
It's very hot here for past couple of weeks here in Toronto with
temperatures this week around 37.5C (close to 100F) every day. With our
high humidity included the "feels like" temperature for this week has
been 46C which is about 116F. We have extreme heat alerts every day. Its
hot here every summer with the same high temperatures but we usually get
a break now and then, but not this time. I don't go out much as too much
heat doesn't agree with me, so I stay in a lot.
Thank God for air conditioners. Many stores are sold out of them, plus
fans. For those here in the U.S. in States which are also having this
heat wave, how are you doing? does the heat bother you?
Is it nice and cool where you are Simon? How about you Ron? do you go
swimming in the lake? I miss seeing messages here from all of you who
used to post here so I sometimes still check and thanks to Daniel and
others, he still posts his information regularly. Hope you are all doing
Hi Mary
Sorry to hear about the heat wave. Quite cold here as we're in the middle
of winter. Tomorrow is going to be a lovely sunny day with an expected top
temperature of 18C which is much better than it's been all week.
I'm doing ok. Work has been very hectic but now that a major project is
over I'm taking a few days off to relax, catch up on some reading etc.
Take care
Nice to see you Vanessa. I would settle for the cold weather right now,
though today is rain which is a good thing because we haven't had any rain
to speak of in July and we need it for gardens, grass and farmers fields so
we can buy fresh Ontario vegetables and fruits from them. Good you are doing
well at work.

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