Friend from a long time ago....
(too old to reply)
2013-01-01 22:35:12 UTC
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers. I used to be in the group for a long time and it literally saved my life as I was going through panic disorder and recovery.

Unfortunately, after 12 years of meds and no attacks, suddenly, without warning, back came the panic attacks and anxiety. That was almost two years ago. I am now still trying to get back to where I was before all this started up again.

Same psych doctor but it hasn't been easy. My brain and body have changed and we're still trying to fine tune my meds. To say I hate where I am is strictly the truth. I want my old life back!!

Any encouragement would be so helpful...

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2013-01-02 00:01:53 UTC
Hi Rita!!!!

I am so sorry to hear that the old beast is back to haunt you!!! What med
are you on now? Just curious. I switched from Cipralex (Lexapro) to an old
TCA, Imipramine, because the migraines returned after not having them for
quite a few years. Now on the TCA, if and when I have a migraine, I can
take a Triptan to relieve it. It's so good to see you again, but so sorry
it's because your anxiety and panic disorders have returned. :-( It's a
really long story, but I will try to make it short. I have suffered on and
off since 1984 with these disorders. In Oct. 2012, Don (my husband) had to
go to the ER because he started to bleed internally. It turned out that he
had multiple bleeding ulcers and was in the hospital for about 4-1/2 days.
You will never believe what I did during this time. First off, I called 911
to get the ambulance for him. Then I grabbed all his meds and some clothes
and shoved them in a bag. Then I grabbed my meds and what I needed and
shoved THEM in another bag. I called a taxi for me and then the ambulance
took off for the ER. I waited outside for the taxi and went to the hospital
all by myself!!! This was some time between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. I stayed
at the hospital with Don until around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., I think. My memory
is pretty shot, but that's another story. Anyway, while he was in the
hospital, I kept taking taxis to and from there once again all by myself! I
walked to the grocery store and shopped all by myself. I went to the
pharmacy, etc., all by myself. Then Don came home and I still was going out
and doing things all by myself! I don't know how this bravery started and I
don't care. LOL I am just so happy that I seem to be able to do these
things alone that I was never able to do before. I actually went to my
periodontist's office for a dental cleaning (by taxi again) by myself, sat
through a cleaning, etc., without Don with me. I was not anxious or panicky
or anything and I still don't know why. :-) When I took *charge* while Don
was with the EMS, a breakthrough occurred and something weird happened in my
brain, I guess. I can't remember if I was on the Imipramine then or not
because of my horrible memory, but something clicked and that was that. I
still go to a pDoc and I take lorazepam daily, but I don't get really
anxious and panicky anymore. Now I get hyper, agitated and cry! LOL But
not all the time. Something is going on inside my body and we are trying to
figure it out. Too many mood swings for some unknown reason. That's about
all I can say. I really hope you can find the right med combo. Are you
taking any benzos? Lorazepam has been working for me for a very long time.
When I was going places by myself, I was only taking 1, maybe 2 of them
during the day and that seemed to be enough to help me cope. Please write
more about what is going on with you and you said, your body and brain. :-)
I hope you remember me because I remember you very well, Rita! :-) Please
take care of yourself and try not to be a stranger.


Diane (formerly ladydi)
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers. I used to be in
the group for a long time and it literally saved my life as I was going
through panic disorder and recovery.
Unfortunately, after 12 years of meds and no attacks, suddenly, without
warning, back came the panic attacks and anxiety. That was almost two
years ago. I am now still trying to get back to where I was before all
this started up again.
Same psych doctor but it hasn't been easy. My brain and body have changed
and we're still trying to fine tune my meds. To say I hate where I am is
strictly the truth. I want my old life back!!
Any encouragement would be so helpful...
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2013-01-04 08:32:09 UTC
Hi Rita! Sorry you're having problems again. I've gone through that kind
of thing myself.
Post by Diane
Hi Rita!!!!
I am so sorry to hear that the old beast is back to haunt you!!! What
med are you on now? Just curious. I switched from Cipralex (Lexapro)
to an old TCA, Imipramine, because the migraines returned after not
having them for quite a few years. Now on the TCA, if and when I have
a migraine, I can take a Triptan to relieve it.
Diane, I wasn't aware that you had anxiety and headaches too! I have that
problem myself. We ought to talk.

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2013-01-04 23:37:03 UTC
Post by Dennis
Hi Rita! Sorry you're having problems again. I've gone through that kind
of thing myself.
Post by Diane
Hi Rita!!!!
I am so sorry to hear that the old beast is back to haunt you!!! What
med are you on now? Just curious. I switched from Cipralex (Lexapro)
to an old TCA, Imipramine, because the migraines returned after not
having them for quite a few years. Now on the TCA, if and when I have
a migraine, I can take a Triptan to relieve it.
Diane, I wasn't aware that you had anxiety and headaches too! I have that
problem myself. We ought to talk.
Thank you Dennis. I didn't know that about you either. You can email me
privately, if you'd rather. It's totally up to you, Dennis. My email addy
is legit. If you prefer to talk here, just post and I will answer you. I
always look and read. :-) I'm so sorry you have headaches on top of the
anxiety. :-( Big, fat bummer, isn't it?!

Take care & hugs,

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2013-01-02 04:48:01 UTC
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers. I used to be in
the group for a long time and it literally saved my life as I was going
through panic disorder and recovery.
Unfortunately, after 12 years of meds and no attacks, suddenly, without
warning, back came the panic attacks and anxiety. That was almost two
years ago. I am now still trying to get back to where I was before all
this started up again.
Same psych doctor but it hasn't been easy. My brain and body have changed
and we're still trying to fine tune my meds. To say I hate where I am is
strictly the truth. I want my old life back!!
Any encouragement would be so helpful...
Welcome back. I remember months of feeling very anxious followed by months
of feeling great. Like many here I'm on meds (Lexapro and Lorazapam). I'm
trying to get off the Lorazapam but found the Lexapro to be a godsend. I
think everybody on meds worries about the day they don't work anymore. All I
can say is so far so good, for me, and sorry you are having problems. Before
the meds I found exercise and meditation helped a lot.

Do you mind if I ask your age? I know chemistry can and does change as we
get older.
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2013-01-04 13:50:15 UTC
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers.
Wow Rita it is really you!! i never thought i would read one
of your posts again somehow but it is very nice to see you
are still about even though you are currently having a
tough time. it's interesting that anxiety would return
after such a long break. have you been extra stressed lately
with things happening in your life? i started having stress
headaches a few weeks back which i never had before. it was
all the rushing about before christmas which got it started
but it's calming down now thankfully and my head feels a lot
better. what is your life situation like these days?
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2013-01-05 00:03:31 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers.
Wow Rita it is really you!! i never thought i would read one
of your posts again somehow but it is very nice to see you
are still about even though you are currently having a
tough time. it's interesting that anxiety would return
after such a long break. have you been extra stressed lately
with things happening in your life? i started having stress
headaches a few weeks back which i never had before. it was
all the rushing about before christmas which got it started
but it's calming down now thankfully and my head feels a lot
better. what is your life situation like these days?
So very sorry to hear about your headaches and stress because of the
holidays, TJ. :-( As you said, thankfully, your head feels better now that
it's all over with. I wondered the same thing about Rita too. Why after
such a long time? I think I just forgot to mention it to her in my reply.
Thanks TJ! Take care.


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Philip Peters
2013-01-04 14:35:17 UTC
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers. I used to be in the group for a long time and it literally saved my life as I was going through panic disorder and recovery.
Unfortunately, after 12 years of meds and no attacks, suddenly, without warning, back came the panic attacks and anxiety. That was almost two years ago. I am now still trying to get back to where I was before all this started up again.
Same psych doctor but it hasn't been easy. My brain and body have changed and we're still trying to fine tune my meds. To say I hate where I am is strictly the truth. I want my old life back!!
Any encouragement would be so helpful...

How lovely to see your name on my screen although sorry about the reasons.
PD is often cyclic and can return after years of remission.
Moreover after such a long time meds can stop being so effective.
What med(s) were you on?
Just as you culd go i remission earlier, you will do that again, I'm
sure, probably some experimenting with medication until the right
balance is found.

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2013-01-05 00:04:08 UTC
Post by Philip Peters
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers. I used to be
in the group for a long time and it literally saved my life as I was
going through panic disorder and recovery.
Unfortunately, after 12 years of meds and no attacks, suddenly, without
warning, back came the panic attacks and anxiety. That was almost two
years ago. I am now still trying to get back to where I was before all
this started up again.
Same psych doctor but it hasn't been easy. My brain and body have
changed and we're still trying to fine tune my meds. To say I hate where
I am is strictly the truth. I want my old life back!!
Any encouragement would be so helpful...
How lovely to see your name on my screen although sorry about the reasons.
PD is often cyclic and can return after years of remission.
Moreover after such a long time meds can stop being so effective.
What med(s) were you on?
Just as you culd go i remission earlier, you will do that again, I'm
sure, probably some experimenting with medication until the right balance
is found.
Philip, you always have such good advice to give! I wish I had said those
things to Rita. :-) You are sooooo smart! I completely forgot about how
meds can poop out suddenly.


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2013-01-05 01:40:53 UTC
Post by Diane
Post by Philip Peters
Post by oldtimer
Hi to any old friends from way back and to any newcomers. I used to be
in the group for a long time and it literally saved my life as I was
going through panic disorder and recovery.
Unfortunately, after 12 years of meds and no attacks, suddenly, without
warning, back came the panic attacks and anxiety. That was almost two
years ago. I am now still trying to get back to where I was before all
this started up again.
Same psych doctor but it hasn't been easy. My brain and body have
changed and we're still trying to fine tune my meds. To say I hate
where I am is strictly the truth. I want my old life back!!
Any encouragement would be so helpful...
How lovely to see your name on my screen although sorry about the reasons.
PD is often cyclic and can return after years of remission.
Moreover after such a long time meds can stop being so effective.
What med(s) were you on?
Just as you culd go i remission earlier, you will do that again, I'm
sure, probably some experimenting with medication until the right balance
is found.
Philip, you always have such good advice to give! I wish I had said those
things to Rita. :-) You are sooooo smart! I completely forgot about how
meds can poop out suddenly.
OR, I should say, poop out even after a long period of time. Does that
sound right? Sorry about that. :-)

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