OT - To Everyone - How much snow?
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2012-12-28 20:14:26 UTC
Hi again,

I was just wondering how much snow you all have gotten in the past day or
so. We're in LaSalle (Windsor), ON, and we got about 4". We have to walk,
basically, everywhere. Today, we're taking our little cart and going to the
bank, then the grocery store and then I'm getting my hair trimmed for the
Oath ceremony. :-) Some of the sidewalks here are not shoveled and every
year that we've been here (six years), they also have not been shoveled. I
actually called the Mayor of LaSalle about a week or so ago and left a
message on his voicemail. LOL He called me back! We had a nice
conversation and he sounds like a very nice man. We talked about 5-10 mins.
or so. He said he was trying to get a by-law enforcing the removal of snow
from the sidewalk in front of the houses, the open fields, or the empty
properties, but has not been able to do so. He empathized with our
situation and said he was still going to try to get the by-law passed. He
also told me I could call him ANY TIME. I thought that was very nice. He
said he was very concerned about us and the other senior citizens in the
town because he had seen some of them fall because of the snow and ice. He
has even given some of them a ride home! Sorry to be so chatty. LOL
Anyway, because of the unshoveled parts of the sidewalk here, we will be
walking in the road some of the time as I had mentioned to the Mayor.
That's it. Just wondering and talking. :-) Please have an anxiety-free
and stress-free day, everyone.


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2012-12-29 22:33:12 UTC
Post by Diane
Hi again,
I was just wondering how much snow you all have gotten in the past day or so. We're in LaSalle (Windsor), ON, and we got about
4". We have to walk, basically, everywhere. Today, we're taking our little cart and going to the bank, then the grocery store
and then I'm getting my hair trimmed for the Oath ceremony. :-) Some of the sidewalks here are not shoveled and every year that
we've been here (six years), they also have not been shoveled. I actually called the Mayor of LaSalle about a week or so ago and
left a message on his voicemail. LOL He called me back! We had a nice conversation and he sounds like a very nice man. We
talked about 5-10 mins. or so. He said he was trying to get a by-law enforcing the removal of snow from the sidewalk in front of
the houses, the open fields, or the empty properties, but has not been able to do so. He empathized with our situation and said
he was still going to try to get the by-law passed. He also told me I could call him ANY TIME. I thought that was very nice. He
said he was very concerned about us and the other senior citizens in the town because he had seen some of them fall because of the
snow and ice. He has even given some of them a ride home! Sorry to be so chatty. LOL Anyway, because of the unshoveled parts of
the sidewalk here, we will be walking in the road some of the time as I had mentioned to the Mayor. That's it. Just wondering and
talking. :-) Please have an anxiety-free and stress-free day, everyone.
i saw the snow you are having on the news here. it is very beautiful but so disruptive and
even dangerous. please take care of yourself and don't have any mishaps!
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2012-12-30 00:00:58 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Diane
Hi again,
I was just wondering how much snow you all have gotten in the past day or
so. We're in LaSalle (Windsor), ON, and we got about
4". We have to walk, basically, everywhere. Today, we're taking our
little cart and going to the bank, then the grocery store
and then I'm getting my hair trimmed for the Oath ceremony. :-) Some of
the sidewalks here are not shoveled and every year that
we've been here (six years), they also have not been shoveled. I
actually called the Mayor of LaSalle about a week or so ago and
left a message on his voicemail. LOL He called me back! We had a nice
conversation and he sounds like a very nice man. We
talked about 5-10 mins. or so. He said he was trying to get a by-law
enforcing the removal of snow from the sidewalk in front of
the houses, the open fields, or the empty properties, but has not been
able to do so. He empathized with our situation and said
he was still going to try to get the by-law passed. He also told me I
could call him ANY TIME. I thought that was very nice. He
said he was very concerned about us and the other senior citizens in the
town because he had seen some of them fall because of the
snow and ice. He has even given some of them a ride home! Sorry to be
so chatty. LOL Anyway, because of the unshoveled parts of
the sidewalk here, we will be walking in the road some of the time as I
had mentioned to the Mayor. That's it. Just wondering and
talking. :-) Please have an anxiety-free and stress-free day, everyone.
i saw the snow you are having on the news here. it is very beautiful but so disruptive and
even dangerous. please take care of yourself and don't have any mishaps!
Thank you so much TJ. Fortunately, we didn't get as much as most areas in
Canada got. We only got around 4-5 maybe 6 inches at the most and we don't
drive. But...it can still be dangerous to walk in and I found that out a
few Winters ago when I fell in the snow/ice two separate Winters and hurt
myself. Not enough to require medical attention, but enough to hurt. Ouch!
Did you get any snow, TJ?


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2013-01-01 20:40:51 UTC
Thank you so much TJ. Fortunately, we didn't get as much as most areas in Canada got. We only got around 4-5 maybe 6 inches at
the most and we don't drive. But...it can still be dangerous to walk in and I found that out a few Winters ago when I fell in the
snow/ice two separate Winters and hurt myself. Not enough to require medical attention, but enough to hurt. Ouch! Did you get
any snow, TJ?
i'm glad to hear the winter hasn't been too hard on you! we haven't had
any snow at all which is much the same as last year. i love to see snow but
it causes so many problems for people it's probably for the best not to
get it =)
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2013-01-01 22:35:28 UTC
Post by _TJ_
Post by Diane
Thank you so much TJ. Fortunately, we didn't get as much as most areas
in Canada got. We only got around 4-5 maybe 6 inches at
the most and we don't drive. But...it can still be dangerous to walk in
and I found that out a few Winters ago when I fell in the
snow/ice two separate Winters and hurt myself. Not enough to require
medical attention, but enough to hurt. Ouch! Did you get
any snow, TJ?
i'm glad to hear the winter hasn't been too hard on you! we haven't had
any snow at all which is much the same as last year. i love to see snow but
it causes so many problems for people it's probably for the best not to
get it =)
Thank you again TJ. I'm glad you didn't get any snow. Yes, it can become a
real hazard! Unfortunately, it's been a rather cold and windy Fall and
Winter for me. I am so skinny and I wear so many layers when I go out, that
I'm not sure I am going to make it through this Winter alive! LOL The wind
was soooo bad one day that it kept pushes me from side to side walking on
the sidewalk to go shopping. We don't have a car and won't have one, so we
have to walk to the grocery store, dentist, one doctor, pharmacy, etc. And,
it has really been bone-chilling this season. When I was heavier (fatter
haha!), I could take the Winters here much easier, but now I really freeze
when we go out, and it's affecting my life a little bit because I love to
take walks in the woods, even if the snow and cold weather. Oh well! Such
is life. :-) I guess one of these days it'll warm up enough to go out
without so many layers on. LOL You take care TJ. Nice to hear from you


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2013-01-02 04:48:16 UTC
Where I live the four seasons are Fall, Winter, Spring and Next Winter.
Slipped on the steps the other day and landed right on my butt. Fortunately
I have enough "padding" that it didn't hurt too much. When you live at a ski
resort snow is a way of life but it's getting old. We'll see the ground
again sometime in April. But, for whatever reason I love driving in the
snow. Once you get used to it sliding around can be fun and a real
adventure. Hit the brakes and you never quite know where you're going to
wind up. :-)
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2013-01-02 16:35:37 UTC
Post by Sheldon
Where I live the four seasons are Fall, Winter, Spring and Next Winter.
LMAO! You sound like you live where I live, Sheldon! LOL Do you by any
chance live in Canada? <bg>
Post by Sheldon
Slipped on the steps the other day and landed right on my butt.
Oh, so sorry Sheldon!

Post by Sheldon
I have enough "padding" that it didn't hurt too much.
LOL again! I'm so glad about that!

When you live at a ski
Post by Sheldon
resort snow is a way of life but it's getting old. We'll see the ground
again sometime in April. But, for whatever reason I love driving in the
snow. Once you get used to it sliding around can be fun and a real
adventure. Hit the brakes and you never quite know where you're going to
wind up. :-)
A ski resort! How cool! LOL You must be in Colorado, eh? You don't have
to tell me, Sheldon. Be careful driving! :-)


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