Happy Independence Day..
(too old to reply)
2011-07-03 23:14:25 UTC
....if you are one of those that are celebrating it today :-)

I just found out that my local govt have given the money back to the
innocent person that they erroneously took my property taxes from
before and they are now going to try to take the money from my bank
account. I hope (for the other person) that they get it right this

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2011-07-04 22:07:19 UTC
Post by Simon
....if you are one of those that are celebrating it today :-)
I'm not celebrating today. That would be July 4 in the U.S. I'm in Canada
and we celebrated Canada Day July 1 which was last Friday. William and Kate
are visiting Canada right now and were in Ottawa last Friday for July 1
celebrations. The weather was good and about 300,000 turned up to see Will
and Kate. They were very friendly and shook hands with lots of people and
really took their time to see as many of the public as they could, often
breaking away from security. I like Will and Kate. They went to a shelter
for homeless youth and talked to everybody there. Yesterday they went to
Quebec City and a big crowd. Today they are in Prince Edward Island, then go
to Calgary, then the Yukon, then California in the U.S. They did not come to
Toronto. I think Will and Kate probably made up their own itinerary.
Post by Simon
I just found out that my local govt have given the money back to the
innocent person that they erroneously took my property taxes from
before and they are now going to try to take the money from my bank
account. I hope (for the other person) that they get it right this
Are you *still* dealing with the govt. about them giving money back to the
innocent person? Is it you who owes the money? I forget since it was a while
ago now. The govt. seem to have taken a long time to get the matter
corrected and the innocent person has had to wait for a long time for their
money. Talk about snails pace :<)

How ae you doing Simon? are you able to eat better now? There is even less
people here posting than before. Some people post now and then so I hope
more will post.

It's very hot here today. around 85F and very humid. I went out for a short
walk but didn't stay out long. Too hot in the sun. I came back and put my
air conditioner back on quick. I don't like hot weather and its very hot
here in summer. I'm in the wrong climate :)
I would be better off living in my old home town in Scotland.

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2011-07-07 23:32:06 UTC
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
....if you are one of those that are celebrating it today :-)
I'm not celebrating today. That would be July 4 in the U.S. I'm in Canada
and we celebrated Canada Day July 1 which was last Friday. William and Kate
are visiting Canada right now and were in Ottawa last Friday for July 1
celebrations. The weather was good and about 300,000 turned up to see Will
and Kate. They were very friendly and shook hands with lots of people and
really took their time to see as many of the public as they could, often
breaking away from security. I like Will and Kate. They went to a shelter
for homeless youth and talked to everybody there. Yesterday they went to
Quebec City and a big crowd. Today they are in Prince Edward Island, then go
to Calgary, then the Yukon, then California in the U.S. They did not come to
Toronto. I think Will and Kate probably made up their own itinerary.
Ah yes, Canada Day. In the UK each nation has its own day. But in
England it kind of passes us by without us even noticing! Some
think that we should make a bigger deal of it.
Post by Mary
Post by Simon
I just found out that my local govt have given the money back to the
innocent person that they erroneously took my property taxes from
before and they are now going to try to take the money from my bank
account. I hope (for the other person) that they get it right this
Are you *still* dealing with the govt. about them giving money back to the
innocent person? Is it you who owes the money? I forget since it was a while
ago now. The govt. seem to have taken a long time to get the matter
corrected and the innocent person has had to wait for a long time for their
money. Talk about snails pace :<)
*I* am not dealing with it, but I am keeping an eye on it. I have
done all that I need to do. *They* are still dealing with it. Yes
I do owe the tax and they have had every opportunity to have it on
time. At the moment the money is earning zero % interest at my

I only assume that they gave the money back to the other person as
they notified me that they are going to have another try at taking
the money from my bank. They have to tell me before they try in
case I want to object or correct anything. That is an important
step that they missed out last time. I would probably have noticed
the error.
Post by Mary
How ae you doing Simon? are you able to eat better now? There is even less
people here posting than before. Some people post now and then so I hope
more will post.
I am doing OK. I notice more anxiety which means that I am feeling
physically better. Is that good? I mean I feel much better but
that means a return of some anxiety.

I can eat anything that only needs crunching and swallowing but
actual chewing is not going to happen. At least not in the normal
course of events. Chewing takes too long and I would starve :-( I
do miss bread and raw beef! Only kidding about the raw beef.
Post by Mary
It's very hot here today. around 85F and very humid. I went out for a short
walk but didn't stay out long. Too hot in the sun. I came back and put my
air conditioner back on quick. I don't like hot weather and its very hot
here in summer. I'm in the wrong climate :)
I would be better off living in my old home town in Scotland.
We have has lots of hot (or what we call hot!) damp weather.
Threats of thunderstorms which I love but none have happened.

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2011-07-09 21:48:04 UTC
Post by Simon
Ah yes, Canada Day. In the UK each nation has its own day. But in
England it kind of passes us by without us even noticing! Some
think that we should make a bigger deal of it.
I don't remember a St. Andrews day when I lived there. They don't have a
St.George day or St. Andrews day in Canada, but they celebrate St. Patricks
Day in March. Not a holiday here, but some people go to a pub and drink
green beer and some people wear green ties and shirts to work and there is a
St. Patrick's Day Parade in Toronto and other cities/towns too I suppose.
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
Are you *still* dealing with the govt. about them giving money back to the
innocent person? Is it you who owes the money? I forget since it was a while
ago now. The govt. seem to have taken a long time to get the matter
corrected and the innocent person has had to wait for a long time for their
money. Talk about snails pace :<)
*I* am not dealing with it, but I am keeping an eye on it. I have
done all that I need to do. *They* are still dealing with it. Yes
I do owe the tax and they have had every opportunity to have it on
time. At the moment the money is earning zero % interest at my
Well, keep keeping your eye on it. They sure take their own sweet time.
Post by Simon
I only assume that they gave the money back to the other person as
they notified me that they are going to have another try at taking
the money from my bank. They have to tell me before they try in
case I want to object or correct anything. That is an important
step that they missed out last time. I would probably have noticed
the error.
Post by Mary
How ae you doing Simon? are you able to eat better now? There is even less
people here posting than before. Some people post now and then so I hope
more will post.
I am doing OK. I notice more anxiety which means that I am feeling
physically better. Is that good? I mean I feel much better but
that means a return of some anxiety.
You can't win can you? But I guess its better to get physically better even
with the return of some anxiety. It shows you have improved physically which
is a very good thing.
Post by Simon
I can eat anything that only needs crunching and swallowing but
actual chewing is not going to happen. At least not in the normal
course of events. Chewing takes too long and I would starve :-( I
do miss bread and raw beef! Only kidding about the raw beef.
I like bread too, so would miss it, but at least you can crunch and swallow,
so you're doing pretty well. You could always eat soft centre chocolates, or
Yorkie bars (my favourite) and you have a lot of very good chocolates in the
Post by Simon
Post by Mary
It's very hot here today. around 85F and very humid. I went out for a short
walk but didn't stay out long. Too hot in the sun. I came back and put my
air conditioner back on quick. I don't like hot weather and its very hot
here in summer. I'm in the wrong climate :)
I would be better off living in my old home town in Scotland.
We have has lots of hot (or what we call hot!) damp weather.
Threats of thunderstorms which I love but none have happened.
We had a lot of lightning and thunderstoms a couple of weeks ago with.
Iightning strikes can be dangerous here with trees falling on parked cars on
the streets, as we have a lot of old big trees. luckily most times no one in
the cars. I would be getting out of my car fast if it was me and try not to
park under any trees, but sometimes you can't help it if visiting someone.
We get a lot of these storms in July and August and this year in June, due
to high humidity building up in hot weather. This week has been nice with
hot weather but not very high humidity, which doesn't happen often, but
still need my air conditioner on in my apt. and car. I wouldn't be able to
drive a car if I had no air cond. The coolness helps if I have anxiety at
the time. Talk to you again Simon.
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